[geeklog-translations] Re: [geeklog-translations]?internationalizing?a?geeklog?site

Euan McKay euan at euans.net
Fri Mar 12 03:19:58 EST 2004

Hi Matt,

I'm doing a similar thing at warrecords.net - English and Japanese. Have a
look and see if that is what you're looking for. The way I did it:

1) create a function in lib-custom.php to build the menu block using the
user's language as switch
2) use a language switcher from ? sorry forgot his name, but I have it
somewhere, modified to suit (I can send you my version)
3) create topics English and Spanish only, and write all English language
articles to that topic and same for Spanish (you lose the ability to have
topics within a language)
4) create a phpblock for the menu calling your function
5) create separate static pages for each language
6) I also made a small modification to index.php to prevent "all topics"
being shown - I made it default to Japanese, you could make it default to
English if you like.

Email me for code.



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