[geeklog-translations] How to set the Geeklog language from English to anything else globally?

geeklog-translations-admin at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-translations-admin at lists.geeklog.net
Fri Jan 2 16:52:28 EST 2004


>  de-at, de, de-li, de-lu, de-ch...
>  fr-be, fr-ca, fr, fr-lu, fr-mc, fr-ch

As I tried to explain in my previous post, those define (language,
country) pairs. So "de-at" is the German (de) dialect spoken in Austria
(at), "fr-be" is the French (fr) dialect spoken in Belgium (be), etc.

I've always seen the locale for the language as spoken in the originating
country denoted as, e.g. "de_DE", i.e. with an underscore and the country
code in upper case. But I have to admit that I never tried if "de-de" or
"de" would have been accepted, too.

The above applies to Unix-like operating systems, only. Windows is a
different beast altogether.

Some experimenting may help. May I also refer you to the PHP manual for
further details? <http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php>

bye, Dirk


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