[geeklog-translations] I found an incomplete folder with the Argentianian "Castellan" dialect on it.

Dirk Haun dirk at haun-online.de
Mon Mar 17 09:36:30 EST 2003

Fernando Bernardini <f.bernardini at mchsi.com> wrote:

>What do you know about this file? Wich is the existence of the incomplete
>lenguage folder?  people work a little bit, i mean don't finish, and post
>unfinished files?

No, those are files that are outdated. From time to time, we have to add
new texts to Geeklog and when the original translators don't update the
files then you can't use them with Geeklog any more (until someone
translates the missing pieces).

This list has been set up to keep people updated about new texts in
Geeklog so that you can update your translations prior to the release of
new versions of Geeklog.

bye, Dirk


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