[geeklog-translations] I found an incomplete folder with the Argentianian "Castellan" dialect on it.

Fernando Bernardini f.bernardini at mchsi.com
Mon Mar 17 05:59:46 EST 2003

I just found out there's a folder called incomplete with a spanish_argentina.php file. 

What do you know about this file? Wich is the existence of the incomplete lenguage folder?  people work a little bit, i mean don't finish, and post unfinished files?  Well, that's better than nothing.

I will open both and make comparison, and i will finish it. 

keep you updated!!!! 



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Fernando Bernardini 
  To: geeklog-translations at lists.geeklog.net 
  Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 2:42 AM
  Subject: [geeklog-translations] Fwd: Bad spanish translation! (better later than never) Please, Tell me if ramiro update spanish.php, if not i will do it.

  I just see this  post in the mailing list webpage, and as nobody answer to it in the last two weeks, I feel like doing it.

  Ramiro Téllez Sanz  is right.  I'm native spanish lenguage, and i have to say there are some mistakes in the spanish.php file.

  I'm running geeklog-1.3.7sr1 , i installed yesterday.  I'm going to fix all these mistakes in the spanish.php file and send it back to ??? Who am i suppose to send it??

  I don't agree with Ramiro in some situations, because he speak "Real Academy Spain" and i speak "Castellano" (wich is a Spanish dialect). 
    per example "enviar a un amigo" (send to a friend) is fine the way it is, you don't need to change it to "enviar a alguien".   (Ramiro's suggestion in this case is not wrong but unnecessary for "Castellano dialect)

  Also, i found more mistakes that ramiro didn't mention, I will fix all the ones he's mention and all the ones he skip too.

  Ramiro said: 
  * "Next" is not "próximo" in your case, but "Siguiente".    (I think that "próximo" work fine in some situations to replace next, but in some other situations "Siguiente" will work better)   (it seems that for "Real academy Spain" it sound wrong all the time).

  * "Previous" should be "Anterior"   ( i totally agree with this, but i did search for Previous in Spanish.php file and i couldn't find anything that match that word)  Ramiro, Where did you see this word?.

  * "Limite por comentario" should be "Límite por comentario" (note the 
  accented í). Then, "El valor por defecto es 100" should be "El valor                   (i totally agree with this, Limite goes allways with accent in i in every dialect)
  por misión es 100". Finally, "Grabar la información" is as simple as 
  "Guardar" ;-)                    

  etc. etc. etc. 

  Well, I hope somebody tell me if Ramiro update the file, so i won't lose time doing what somebody did.

  If he didn't do it, i will make it and i will make a report of every change  specifying the "line number" of the change in spanish.php 

  Thanks for making Geeklog, the minum thing i can do is contribute to make it better.

  bye the way, Spanish is number 3 speaking lenguage in the world, so as you can imagine there are plenty of diferent dialect. 
  As an example of dialect, the word "catch " in english is the same as "cojer" in Spain, but in my country (Argentina) the word "cojer" means "having sex".   So, even speaking the same lenguage, the use of words are sometimes very different in different countries.

  Argentina (south America) and many other south American countries speak a dialect called "Castellano", wich is very very very simillar to "Real academy spanish" (the one that is talked in spain), but different at the same time.  Spain people use synonyms that we don't use. 

  That's why i sometimes disagree with Ramiro. Some synonyms that "Spain" people is used to listen and read every days, don't sound good for "Castellanos" people.   In fact "Castilla" is a state in Spain where most of South American countries inherit their dialect.

  So instead of modifying spanish.php I'm thinking of creating a new one called  Castellano.php   that will match to a bunch of countries and regions that speak this dialect. 

  What do you think?? 

  I'm waiting for orders!!! 

  It's like British english and American english, and Canadian english, and Australian english, etc. etc.  They understand each other, but they use different synonyms for different situations.  Sometimes Even in the same country, I live in California right now, and pepole from here speak very different than people from New York, etc. etc.

  So, would you mind if I create a new one called Castellano?



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dirk
    Subject: Bad spanish translation!

    Can any native speaker comment on these please and/or provide an updated
    Spanish language file?

    bye, Dirk

    ---------------- Anfang Weiterleitung ----------------
    Betreff: [geeklog-devel] FW: Bad spanish translation!
    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2003 10:02 Uhr
    Von: Rob Griffiths <robg at macosxhints.com>
    An: geeklog-devel at lists.geeklog.net

    A reader sent in some proposed changes to the Spanish language
    translation for Geeklog. I'm not sure who's in charge of the Spanish
    translation, but I thought these might be relevant.  I (fairly
    obviously) have no idea if what he states is correct or not...


    -----Original Message-----
    From: urcindalo
    Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:42 AM
    To: webteam2 at macosxhints.com
    Subject: Bad spanish translation!

    Dear Sir,

    First of all, thanks for the site. Perhaps, the best OS X site on the 
    net!! I'm registered as urcindalo.

    Second, as a spaniard, may I suggest you a correction for some of the 
    translated text?

    * "Next" is not "próximo" in your case, but "Siguiente".

    * "Previous" should be "Anterior"

    * When it says "N comentarios Envío más reciente" it should read "N 
    comentarios El último es del..."

    * "Preferencias de Noticias" should be "Preferencias de comentarios", 
    as shown when you click on the link. Then, "Modo de visualización" 
    should be "modo de presentación". The translated options are 
    "Seguidos",  "Seguidos con jerarquía", "No se muestran", "Sólo el 

    * On the same link, "¿Primero los más viejos o los más nuevos?" should 
    be "¿Primero los más antiguos o los más recientes?" (viejo and nuevo 
    are only for material things). Translated options are "Más recientes" 
    and "Más antiguos".

    * "Limite por comentario" should be "Límite por comentario" (note the 
    accented í). Then, "El valor por defecto es 100" should be "El valor 
    por misión es 100". Finally, "Grabar la información" is as simple as 
    "Guardar" ;-)

    * When you click on the corrected "Guardar", it now reads: "Sus 
    preferencias para Comentarios han sido grabadas con éxito". But, 
    instead it should read: "Sus preferencias para los comentarios se han 
    guardado correctamente".

    * "Enviar a un amigo" should be "Enviar a alguien".

    * There a lot to be translated, yet. If you want, I can help you.

    Again, thanks for a magnificient site,

    Ramiro Téllez Sanz
    Dpto. Química Física
    Edificio de Químicas
    Universidad de Almería
    04130 - La Cañada (Almería)

    geeklog-devel mailing list
    geeklog-devel at lists.geeklog.net

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