[geeklog-devel] Geeklog 1.9.0 or Geeklog 2.0.0?

Joe Mucchiello jmucchiello at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 15 00:02:31 EDT 2012

>From: Vincent Furia <vfuria at gmail.com>
>To: Joe Mucchiello <jmucchiello at yahoo.com>; Geeklog Development <geeklog-devel at lists.geeklog.net> 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:26 PM
>Subject: Re: [geeklog-devel] Geeklog 1.9.0 or Geeklog 2.0.0?
>As of now, it would take a pretty serious redesign of how pages are built. That isn't out of the question, and may end up being part of a GSoC project (if we're selected, and depending on the details of student projects).
>Pages call these functions to generate the page template: COM_siteHeader, COM_siteFooter. COM_siteHeader can be passed with an option to disable left blocks. COM_siteFooter can be passed with an option to disable right blocks.
>There is currently no consistency as to when (or where) these function are called for all the pages.

I don't know if it's a big redesign, but the real question is how much effort is it to change Geeklog core to pass this information to COM_siteHeader. Plugins will already be broken so don't worry about that. It is only the non-plugin pages that need to be considered. 

Regexes are fun: 173 out of 178 calls to COM_siteFooter in he core use the function defaults and "true" is used in the other 5 calls. In other words, inside Geeklog core and the shipped plugins, there are only 5 places where it is not known ahead of time if the blocks will display, based on the $_CONF stuff. This really isn't that big a project. In most cases, it is assumed they will not display unless forced by the $_CONF settings. This means if a parameter were added to COM_siteHeader to store this data for use in a new COM_siteFooter, only the 5 places where true is sent to COM_siteFooter would need updating to pass this info to COM_siteHeader:

public_html\lib-common.php (called twice in here)

How the information is carried to COM_siteFooter from COM_siteHeader? Probably overriding the $_CONF setting that already exists. :-)

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