[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-1.x/public_html/fckeditor/editor/dialog fck_about.html, 1.5, 1.6 fck_anchor.html, 1.5, 1.6 fck_button.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_checkbox.html, 1.4, 1.5 fck_colorselector.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_docprops.html, 1.4, 1.5 fck_flash.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_form.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_hiddenfield.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_image.html, 1.6, 1.7 fck_link.html, 1.5, 1.6 fck_listprop.html, 1.4, 1.5 fck_paste.html, 1.4, 1.5 fck_radiobutton.html, 1.4, 1.5 fck_replace.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_select.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_smiley.html, 1.4, 1.5 fck_source.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_specialchar.html, 1.5, 1.6 fck_spellerpages.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_table.html, 1.5, 1.6 fck_tablecell.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_template.html, 1.5, 1.6 fck_textarea.html, 1.3, 1.4 fck_textfield.html, 1.3, 1.4

Blaine Lang blaine at qs1489.pair.com
Sat Feb 9 07:54:01 EST 2008

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/public_html/fckeditor/editor/dialog
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv26402/editor/dialog

Added Files:
	fck_about.html fck_anchor.html fck_button.html 
	fck_checkbox.html fck_colorselector.html fck_docprops.html 
	fck_flash.html fck_form.html fck_hiddenfield.html 
	fck_image.html fck_link.html fck_listprop.html fck_paste.html 
	fck_radiobutton.html fck_replace.html fck_select.html 
	fck_smiley.html fck_source.html fck_specialchar.html 
	fck_spellerpages.html fck_table.html fck_tablecell.html 
	fck_template.html fck_textarea.html fck_textfield.html 
Log Message:
Upgrade to v2.5.1 of FCKeditor

--- NEW FILE: fck_table.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Table dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<title>Table Properties</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

// Gets the table if there is one selected.
var table ;
var e = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

if ( ( !e && document.location.search.substr(1) == 'Parent' ) || ( e && e.tagName != 'TABLE' ) )
	e = oEditor.FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'TABLE' ) ;

if ( e && e.tagName == "TABLE" )
	table = e ;

// Fired when the window loading process is finished. It sets the fields with the
// actual values if a table is selected in the editor.
window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if (table)
		document.getElementById('txtRows').value    = table.rows.length ;
		document.getElementById('txtColumns').value = table.rows[0].cells.length ;

		// Gets the value from the Width or the Style attribute
		var iWidth  = (table.style.width  ? table.style.width  : table.width ) ;
		var iHeight = (table.style.height ? table.style.height : table.height ) ;

		if (iWidth.indexOf('%') >= 0)			// Percentual = %
			iWidth = parseInt( iWidth.substr(0,iWidth.length - 1), 10 ) ;
			document.getElementById('selWidthType').value = "percent" ;
		else if (iWidth.indexOf('px') >= 0)		// Style Pixel = px
		{																										  //
			iWidth = iWidth.substr(0,iWidth.length - 2);
			document.getElementById('selWidthType').value = "pixels" ;

		if (iHeight && iHeight.indexOf('px') >= 0)		// Style Pixel = px
			iHeight = iHeight.substr(0,iHeight.length - 2);

		document.getElementById('txtWidth').value		= iWidth || '' ;
		document.getElementById('txtHeight').value		= iHeight || '' ;
		document.getElementById('txtBorder').value		= GetAttribute( table, 'border', '' ) ;
		document.getElementById('selAlignment').value	= GetAttribute( table, 'align', '' ) ;
		document.getElementById('txtCellPadding').value	= GetAttribute( table, 'cellPadding', '' ) ;
		document.getElementById('txtCellSpacing').value	= GetAttribute( table, 'cellSpacing', '' ) ;
		document.getElementById('txtSummary').value     = GetAttribute( table, 'summary', '' ) ;
//		document.getElementById('cmbFontStyle').value	= table.className ;

		var eCaption = oEditor.FCKDomTools.GetFirstChild( table, 'CAPTION' ) ;
		if ( eCaption ) document.getElementById('txtCaption').value = eCaption.innerHTML ;

		document.getElementById('txtRows').disabled    = true ;
		document.getElementById('txtColumns').disabled = true ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

// Fired when the user press the OK button
function Ok()
	var bExists = ( table != null ) ;

	if ( ! bExists )
		table = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( "TABLE" ) ;

	// Removes the Width and Height styles
	if ( bExists && table.style.width )		table.style.width = null ; //.removeAttribute("width") ;
	if ( bExists && table.style.height )	table.style.height = null ; //.removeAttribute("height") ;

	var sWidth = GetE('txtWidth').value ;
	if ( sWidth.length > 0 && GetE('selWidthType').value == 'percent' )
		sWidth += '%' ;

	SetAttribute( table, 'width'		, sWidth ) ;
	SetAttribute( table, 'height'		, GetE('txtHeight').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( table, 'border'		, GetE('txtBorder').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( table, 'align'		, GetE('selAlignment').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( table, 'cellPadding'	, GetE('txtCellPadding').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( table, 'cellSpacing'	, GetE('txtCellSpacing').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( table, 'summary'		, GetE('txtSummary').value ) ;

	var eCaption = oEditor.FCKDomTools.GetFirstChild( table, 'CAPTION' ) ;

	if ( document.getElementById('txtCaption').value != '')
		if ( !eCaption )
			eCaption = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'CAPTION' ) ;
			table.insertBefore( eCaption, table.firstChild ) ;

		eCaption.innerHTML = document.getElementById('txtCaption').value ;
	else if ( bExists && eCaption )
		// TODO: It causes an IE internal error if using removeChild or
		// table.deleteCaption() (see #505).
		if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
			eCaption.innerHTML = '' ;
			eCaption.parentNode.removeChild( eCaption ) ;

	if (! bExists)
		var iRows = document.getElementById('txtRows').value ;
		var iCols = document.getElementById('txtColumns').value ;

		for ( var r = 0 ; r < iRows ; r++ )
			var oRow = table.insertRow(-1) ;
			for ( var c = 0 ; c < iCols ; c++ )
				var oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
				if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsGeckoLike )
					oEditor.FCKTools.AppendBogusBr( oCell ) ;

		oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

		oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( table ) ;

	return true ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table id="otable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" style="height: 100%">
				<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%" border="0">
						<td valign="top">
							<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
										<span fcklang="DlgTableRows">Rows</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtRows" type="text" maxlength="3" size="2" value="3" name="txtRows"
											onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
										<span fcklang="DlgTableColumns">Columns</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtColumns" type="text" maxlength="2" size="2" value="2" name="txtColumns"
											onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
										<span fcklang="DlgTableBorder">Border size</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtBorder" type="text" maxlength="2" size="2" value="1" name="txtBorder"
											onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
										<span fcklang="DlgTableAlign">Alignment</span>:</td>
										 <select id="selAlignment" name="selAlignment">
											<option fcklang="DlgTableAlignNotSet" value="" selected="selected"><Not set></option>
											<option fcklang="DlgTableAlignLeft" value="left">Left</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgTableAlignCenter" value="center">Center</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgTableAlignRight" value="right">Right</option>
						<td align="right" valign="top">
							<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
										<span fcklang="DlgTableWidth">Width</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtWidth" type="text" maxlength="4" size="3" value="200" name="txtWidth"
											onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
										 <select id="selWidthType" name="selWidthType">
											<option fcklang="DlgTableWidthPx" value="pixels" selected="selected">pixels</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgTableWidthPc" value="percent">percent</option>
										<span fcklang="DlgTableHeight">Height</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtHeight" type="text" maxlength="4" size="3" name="txtHeight" onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
										 <span fcklang="DlgTableWidthPx">pixels</span></td>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgTableCellSpace">Cell spacing</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtCellSpacing" type="text" maxlength="2" size="2" value="1" name="txtCellSpacing"
											onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgTableCellPad">Cell padding</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtCellPadding" type="text" maxlength="2" size="2" value="1" name="txtCellPadding"
											onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /></td>
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
						<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<span fcklang="DlgTableCaption">Caption</span>: </td>
						<td width="100%" nowrap="nowrap">
							<input id="txtCaption" type="text" style="width: 100%" /></td>
						<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<span fcklang="DlgTableSummary">Summary</span>: </td>
						<td width="100%" nowrap="nowrap">
							<input id="txtSummary" type="text" style="width: 100%" /></td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_template.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Template selection dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<style type="text/css">
				border: #dcdcdc 2px solid;
				background-color: #ffffff;
				overflow: auto;
				width: 90%;

				margin: 5px;
				padding: 7px;
				border: #eeeeee 1px solid;

			.TplItem TABLE
				display: inline;

				font-weight: bold;
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor		= window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK			= oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKLang		= oEditor.FCKLang ;
var FCKConfig	= oEditor.FCKConfig ;

window.onload = function()
	// Set the right box height (browser dependent).
	GetE('eList').style.height = document.all ? '100%' : '295px' ;

	// Translate the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	GetE('xChkReplaceAll').checked = ( FCKConfig.TemplateReplaceAll !== false ) ;

	if ( FCKConfig.TemplateReplaceCheckbox !== false )
		GetE('xReplaceBlock').style.display = '' ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

	LoadTemplatesXml() ;

function LoadTemplatesXml()
	var oTemplate ;

	if ( !FCK._Templates )
		GetE('eLoading').style.display = '' ;

		// Create the Templates array.
		FCK._Templates = new Array() ;

		// Load the XML file.
		var oXml = new oEditor.FCKXml() ;
		oXml.LoadUrl( FCKConfig.TemplatesXmlPath ) ;

		// Get the Images Base Path.
		var oAtt = oXml.SelectSingleNode( 'Templates/@imagesBasePath' ) ;
		var sImagesBasePath = oAtt ? oAtt.value : '' ;

		// Get the "Template" nodes defined in the XML file.
		var aTplNodes = oXml.SelectNodes( 'Templates/Template' ) ;

		for ( var i = 0 ; i < aTplNodes.length ; i++ )
			var oNode = aTplNodes[i] ;

			oTemplate = new Object() ;

			var oPart ;

			// Get the Template Title.
			if ( (oPart = oNode.attributes.getNamedItem('title')) )
				oTemplate.Title = oPart.value ;
				oTemplate.Title = 'Template ' + ( i + 1 ) ;

			// Get the Template Description.
			if ( (oPart = oXml.SelectSingleNode( 'Description', oNode )) )
				oTemplate.Description = oPart.text ? oPart.text : oPart.textContent ;

			// Get the Template Image.
			if ( (oPart = oNode.attributes.getNamedItem('image')) )
				oTemplate.Image = sImagesBasePath + oPart.value ;

			// Get the Template HTML.
			if ( (oPart = oXml.SelectSingleNode( 'Html', oNode )) )
				oTemplate.Html = oPart.text ? oPart.text : oPart.textContent ;
				alert( 'No HTML defined for template index ' + i + '. Please review the "' + FCKConfig.TemplatesXmlPath + '" file.' ) ;
				continue ;

			FCK._Templates[ FCK._Templates.length ] = oTemplate ;

		GetE('eLoading').style.display = 'none' ;

	if ( FCK._Templates.length == 0 )
		GetE('eEmpty').style.display = '' ;
		for ( var j = 0 ; j < FCK._Templates.length ; j++ )
			oTemplate = FCK._Templates[j] ;

			var oItemDiv = GetE('eList').appendChild( document.createElement( 'DIV' ) ) ;
			oItemDiv.TplIndex = j ;
			oItemDiv.className = 'TplItem' ;

			// Build the inner HTML of our new item DIV.
			var sInner = '<table><tr>' ;

			if ( oTemplate.Image )
				sInner += '<td valign="top"><img src="' + oTemplate.Image + '"><\/td>' ;

			sInner += '<td valign="top"><div class="TplTitle">' + oTemplate.Title + '<\/div>' ;

			if ( oTemplate.Description )
				sInner += '<div>' + oTemplate.Description + '<\/div>' ;

			sInner += '<\/td><\/tr><\/table>' ;

			oItemDiv.innerHTML = sInner ;

			oItemDiv.onmouseover = ItemDiv_OnMouseOver ;
			oItemDiv.onmouseout = ItemDiv_OnMouseOut ;
			oItemDiv.onclick = ItemDiv_OnClick ;

function ItemDiv_OnMouseOver()
	this.className += ' PopupSelectionBox' ;

function ItemDiv_OnMouseOut()
	this.className = this.className.replace( /\s*PopupSelectionBox\s*/, '' ) ;

function ItemDiv_OnClick()
	SelectTemplate( this.TplIndex ) ;

function SelectTemplate( index )
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

	if ( GetE('xChkReplaceAll').checked )
		FCK.SetData( FCK._Templates[index].Html ) ;
		FCK.InsertHtml( FCK._Templates[index].Html ) ;

	window.parent.Cancel( true ) ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table width="100%" style="height: 100%">
			<td align="center">
				<span fcklang="DlgTemplatesSelMsg">Please select the template to open in the editor<br />
					(the actual contents will be lost):</span>
			<td height="100%" align="center">
				<div id="eList" align="left" class="TplList">
					<div id="eLoading" align="center" style="display: none">
						<br />
						<span fcklang="DlgTemplatesLoading">Loading templates list. Please wait...</span>
					<div id="eEmpty" align="center" style="display: none">
						<br />
						<span fcklang="DlgTemplatesNoTpl">(No templates defined)</span>
		<tr id="xReplaceBlock" style="display: none">
				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
							<input id="xChkReplaceAll" type="checkbox" /></td>
							<label for="xChkReplaceAll" fcklang="DlgTemplatesReplace">
								Replace actual contents</label></td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_radiobutton.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Radio Button dialog window.
		<title>Radio Button Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl && oActiveEl.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT' && oActiveEl.type == 'radio' )
		GetE('txtName').value		= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtValue').value		= oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ? oActiveEl.value : GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value' ) ;
		GetE('txtSelected').checked	= oActiveEl.checked ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
		oActiveEl.type = 'radio' ;
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( oActiveEl ) ;

	if ( GetE('txtName').value.length > 0 )
		oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;

	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		oActiveEl.value = GetE('txtValue').value ;
		SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value', GetE('txtValue').value ) ;

	var bIsChecked = GetE('txtSelected').checked ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'checked', bIsChecked ? 'checked' : null ) ;	// For Firefox
	oActiveEl.checked = bIsChecked ;

	return true ;

	<body style="OVERFLOW: hidden" scroll="no">
		<table height="100%" width="100%">
				<td align="center">
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
								<span fckLang="DlgCheckboxName">Name</span><br>
								<input type="text" size="20" id="txtName" style="WIDTH: 100%">
								<span fckLang="DlgCheckboxValue">Value</span><br>
								<input type="text" size="20" id="txtValue" style="WIDTH: 100%">
							<td><input type="checkbox" id="txtSelected"><label for="txtSelected" fckLang="DlgCheckboxSelected">Checked</label></td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_hiddenfield.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Hidden Field dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<title>Hidden Field Properties</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK = oEditor.FCK ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = FCK.EditorDocument ;

// Get the selected flash embed (if available).
var oFakeImage = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ;
var oActiveEl ;

if ( oFakeImage )
	if ( oFakeImage.tagName == 'IMG' && oFakeImage.getAttribute('_fckinputhidden') )
		oActiveEl = FCK.GetRealElement( oFakeImage ) ;
		oFakeImage = null ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl )
		GetE('txtName').value		= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtValue').value		= oActiveEl.value ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
		oActiveEl.type = 'hidden' ;

		oFakeImage = null ;

	oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value', GetE('txtValue').value ) ;

	if ( !oFakeImage )
		oFakeImage	= oEditor.FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__InputHidden', oActiveEl ) ;
		oFakeImage.setAttribute( '_fckinputhidden', 'true', 0 ) ;
		oFakeImage	= FCK.InsertElement( oFakeImage ) ;
		oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

	oEditor.FCKFlashProcessor.RefreshView( oFakeImage, oActiveEl ) ;

	return true ;

<body style="overflow: hidden" scroll="no">
	<table height="100%" width="100%">
			<td align="center">
				<table border="0" class="inhoud" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
							<span fcklang="DlgHiddenName">Name</span><br />
							<input type="text" size="20" id="txtName" style="width: 100%" />
							<span fcklang="DlgHiddenValue">Value</span><br />
							<input type="text" size="30" id="txtValue" style="width: 100%" />

--- NEW FILE: fck_link.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Link dialog window.
		<title>Link Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script src="fck_link/fck_link.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<body scroll="no" style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
		<div id="divInfo" style="DISPLAY: none">
			<span fckLang="DlgLnkType">Link Type</span><br />
			<select id="cmbLinkType" onchange="SetLinkType(this.value);">
				<option value="url" fckLang="DlgLnkTypeURL" selected="selected">URL</option>
				<option value="anchor" fckLang="DlgLnkTypeAnchor">Anchor in this page</option>
				<option value="email" fckLang="DlgLnkTypeEMail">E-Mail</option>
			<br />
			<br />
			<div id="divLinkTypeUrl">
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" dir="ltr">
						<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<span fckLang="DlgLnkProto">Protocol</span><br />
							<select id="cmbLinkProtocol">
								<option value="http://" selected="selected">http://</option>
								<option value="https://">https://</option>
								<option value="ftp://">ftp://</option>
								<option value="news://">news://</option>
								<option value="" fckLang="DlgLnkProtoOther"><other></option>
						<td nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
						<td nowrap="nowrap" width="100%">
							<span fckLang="DlgLnkURL">URL</span><br />
							<input id="txtUrl" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" onkeyup="OnUrlChange();" onchange="OnUrlChange();" />
				<br />
				<div id="divBrowseServer">
				<input type="button" value="Browse Server" fckLang="DlgBtnBrowseServer" onclick="BrowseServer();" />
			<div id="divLinkTypeAnchor" style="DISPLAY: none" align="center">
				<div id="divSelAnchor" style="DISPLAY: none">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="70%">
							<td colspan="3">
								<span fckLang="DlgLnkAnchorSel">Select an Anchor</span>
							<td width="50%">
								<span fckLang="DlgLnkAnchorByName">By Anchor Name</span><br />
								<select id="cmbAnchorName" onchange="GetE('cmbAnchorId').value='';" style="WIDTH: 100%">
									<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
							<td>   </td>
							<td width="50%">
								<span fckLang="DlgLnkAnchorById">By Element Id</span><br />
								<select id="cmbAnchorId" onchange="GetE('cmbAnchorName').value='';" style="WIDTH: 100%">
									<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
				<div id="divNoAnchor" style="DISPLAY: none">
					<span fckLang="DlgLnkNoAnchors"><No anchors available in the document></span>
			<div id="divLinkTypeEMail" style="DISPLAY: none">
				<span fckLang="DlgLnkEMail">E-Mail Address</span><br />
				<input id="txtEMailAddress" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" /><br />
				<span fckLang="DlgLnkEMailSubject">Message Subject</span><br />
				<input id="txtEMailSubject" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" /><br />
				<span fckLang="DlgLnkEMailBody">Message Body</span><br />
				<textarea id="txtEMailBody" style="WIDTH: 100%" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea>
		<div id="divUpload" style="DISPLAY: none">
			<form id="frmUpload" method="post" target="UploadWindow" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" onsubmit="return CheckUpload();">
				<span fckLang="DlgLnkUpload">Upload</span><br />
				<input id="txtUploadFile" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="file" size="40" name="NewFile" /><br />
				<br />
				<input id="btnUpload" type="submit" value="Send it to the Server" fckLang="DlgLnkBtnUpload" />
				<iframe name="UploadWindow" style="DISPLAY: none" src="javascript:void(0)"></iframe>
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			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
					<td nowrap="nowrap">
						<span fckLang="DlgLnkTarget">Target</span><br />
						<select id="cmbTarget" onchange="SetTarget(this.value);">
							<option value="" fckLang="DlgGenNotSet" selected="selected"><not set></option>
							<option value="frame" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetFrame"><frame></option>
							<option value="popup" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetPopup"><popup window></option>
							<option value="_blank" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetBlank">New Window (_blank)</option>
							<option value="_top" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetTop">Topmost Window (_top)</option>
							<option value="_self" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetSelf">Same Window (_self)</option>
							<option value="_parent" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetParent">Parent Window (_parent)</option>
					<td> </td>
					<td id="tdTargetFrame" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%">
						<span fckLang="DlgLnkTargetFrameName">Target Frame Name</span><br />
						<input id="txtTargetFrame" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" onkeyup="OnTargetNameChange();"
							onchange="OnTargetNameChange();" />
					<td id="tdPopupName" style="DISPLAY: none" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%">
						<span fckLang="DlgLnkPopWinName">Popup Window Name</span><br />
						<input id="txtPopupName" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
			<br />
			<table id="tablePopupFeatures" style="DISPLAY: none" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"
						<span fckLang="DlgLnkPopWinFeat">Popup Window Features</span><br />
						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
								<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" width="50%">
									<input id="chkPopupResizable" name="chkFeature" value="resizable" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupResizable" fckLang="DlgLnkPopResize">Resizable</label><br />
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										Bar</label><br />
									<input id="chkPopupManuBar" name="chkFeature" value="menubar" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupManuBar" fckLang="DlgLnkPopMenu">Menu
										Bar</label><br />
									<input id="chkPopupScrollBars" name="chkFeature" value="scrollbars" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupScrollBars" fckLang="DlgLnkPopScroll">Scroll
								<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" width="50%">
									<input id="chkPopupStatusBar" name="chkFeature" value="status" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupStatusBar" fckLang="DlgLnkPopStatus">Status
										Bar</label><br />
									<input id="chkPopupToolbar" name="chkFeature" value="toolbar" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupToolbar" fckLang="DlgLnkPopToolbar">Toolbar</label><br />
									<input id="chkPopupFullScreen" name="chkFeature" value="fullscreen" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupFullScreen" fckLang="DlgLnkPopFullScrn">Full
										Screen (IE)</label><br />
									<input id="chkPopupDependent" name="chkFeature" value="dependent" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkPopupDependent" fckLang="DlgLnkPopDependent">Dependent
								<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" width="50%"> </td>
								<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" width="50%"></td>
								<td valign="top">
									<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
											<td nowrap="nowrap"><span fckLang="DlgLnkPopWidth">Width</span></td>
											<td> <input id="txtPopupWidth" type="text" maxlength="4" size="4" /></td>
											<td nowrap="nowrap"><span fckLang="DlgLnkPopHeight">Height</span></td>
											<td> <input id="txtPopupHeight" type="text" maxlength="4" size="4" /></td>
								<td>  </td>
								<td valign="top">
									<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
											<td nowrap="nowrap"><span fckLang="DlgLnkPopLeft">Left Position</span></td>
											<td> <input id="txtPopupLeft" type="text" maxlength="4" size="4" /></td>
											<td nowrap="nowrap"><span fckLang="DlgLnkPopTop">Top Position</span></td>
											<td> <input id="txtPopupTop" type="text" maxlength="4" size="4" /></td>
		<div id="divAttribs" style="DISPLAY: none">
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
					<td valign="top" width="50%">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenId">Id</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttId" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
					<td width="1"></td>
					<td valign="top">
						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
								<td width="60%">
									<span fckLang="DlgGenLangDir">Language Direction</span><br />
									<select id="cmbAttLangDir" style="WIDTH: 100%">
										<option value="" fckLang="DlgGenNotSet" selected><not set></option>
										<option value="ltr" fckLang="DlgGenLangDirLtr">Left to Right (LTR)</option>
										<option value="rtl" fckLang="DlgGenLangDirRtl">Right to Left (RTL)</option>
								<td width="1%">   </td>
								<td nowrap="nowrap"><span fckLang="DlgGenAccessKey">Access Key</span><br />
									<input id="txtAttAccessKey" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" maxlength="1" size="1" />
					<td valign="top" width="50%">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenName">Name</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttName" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
					<td width="1"></td>
					<td valign="top">
						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
								<td width="60%">
									<span fckLang="DlgGenLangCode">Language Code</span><br />
									<input id="txtAttLangCode" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
								<td width="1%">   </td>
								<td nowrap="nowrap">
									<span fckLang="DlgGenTabIndex">Tab Index</span><br />
									<input id="txtAttTabIndex" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" maxlength="5" size="5" />
					<td valign="top" width="50%"> </td>
					<td width="1"></td>
					<td valign="top"></td>
					<td valign="top" width="50%">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenTitle">Advisory Title</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttTitle" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
					<td width="1">   </td>
					<td valign="top">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenContType">Advisory Content Type</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttContentType" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
					<td valign="top">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenClass">Stylesheet Classes</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttClasses" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
					<td valign="top">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenLinkCharset">Linked Resource Charset</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttCharSet" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
						<span fckLang="DlgGenStyle">Style</span><br />
						<input id="txtAttStyle" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" />

--- NEW FILE: fck_button.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Button dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<title>Button Properties</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl && oActiveEl.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT" && ( oActiveEl.type == "button" || oActiveEl.type == "submit" || oActiveEl.type == "reset" ) )
		GetE('txtName').value	= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtValue').value	= oActiveEl.value ;
		GetE('txtType').value	= oActiveEl.type ;

		GetE('txtType').disabled = true ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
		oActiveEl.type = GetE('txtType').value ;
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( oActiveEl ) ;

	oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value', GetE('txtValue').value ) ;

	return true ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table width="100%" style="height: 100%">
			<td align="center">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
						<td colspan="">
							<span fcklang="DlgCheckboxName">Name</span><br />
							<input type="text" size="20" id="txtName" style="width: 100%" />
							<span fcklang="DlgButtonText">Text (Value)</span><br />
							<input type="text" id="txtValue" style="width: 100%" />
							<span fcklang="DlgButtonType">Type</span><br />
							<select id="txtType">
								<option fcklang="DlgButtonTypeBtn" value="button" selected="selected">Button</option>
								<option fcklang="DlgButtonTypeSbm" value="submit">Submit</option>
								<option fcklang="DlgButtonTypeRst" value="reset">Reset</option>

--- NEW FILE: fck_listprop.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Bulleted List dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;
var sListType = ( location.search == '?OL' ? 'OL' : 'UL' ) ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( sListType ) ;
var oActiveSel ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( sListType == 'UL' )
		oActiveSel = GetE('selBulleted') ;
		if ( oActiveEl )
			oActiveSel = GetE('selNumbered') ;
			GetE('eStart').style.display = '' ;
			GetE('txtStartPosition').value	= GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'start' ) ;

	oActiveSel.style.display = '' ;

	if ( oActiveEl )
		if ( oActiveEl.getAttribute('type') )
			oActiveSel.value = oActiveEl.getAttribute('type') ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	if ( oActiveEl ){
		SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'type'	, oActiveSel.value ) ;
		if(oActiveEl.tagName == 'OL')
			SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'start', GetE('txtStartPosition').value ) ;

	return true ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table width="100%" style="height: 100%">
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						<td id="eStart" style="display: none; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px">
							<span fcklang="DlgLstStart">Start</span><br />
							<input type="text" id="txtStartPosition" size="5" />
						<td style="padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px">
							<span fcklang="DlgLstType">List Type</span><br />
							<select id="selBulleted" style="display: none">
								<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
								<option value="circle" fcklang="DlgLstTypeCircle">Circle</option>
								<option value="disc" fcklang="DlgLstTypeDisc">Disc</option>
								<option value="square" fcklang="DlgLstTypeSquare">Square</option>
							<select id="selNumbered" style="display: none">
								<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
								<option value="1" fcklang="DlgLstTypeNumbers">Numbers (1, 2, 3)</option>
								<option value="a" fcklang="DlgLstTypeLCase">Lowercase Letters (a, b, c)</option>
								<option value="A" fcklang="DlgLstTypeUCase">Uppercase Letters (A, B, C)</option>
								<option value="i" fcklang="DlgLstTypeSRoman">Small Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii)</option>
								<option value="I" fcklang="DlgLstTypeLRoman">Large Roman Numerals (I, II, III)</option>

--- NEW FILE: fck_about.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * "About" dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCKLang	= oEditor.FCKLang ;

window.parent.AddTab( 'About', FCKLang.DlgAboutAboutTab ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'License', FCKLang.DlgAboutLicenseTab ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'BrowserInfo', FCKLang.DlgAboutBrowserInfoTab ) ;

// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
	ShowE('divAbout', ( tabCode == 'About' ) ) ;
	ShowE('divLicense', ( tabCode == 'License' ) ) ;
	ShowE('divInfo'	, ( tabCode == 'BrowserInfo' ) ) ;

function SendEMail()
	var eMail = 'mailto:' ;
	eMail += 'fredck' ;
	eMail += '@' ;
	eMail += 'fckeditor' ;
	eMail += '.' ;
	eMail += 'net' ;

	window.location = eMail ;

window.onload = function()
	// Translate the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<div id="divAbout">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" style="height: 100%">
					<img alt="" src="fck_about/logo_fckeditor.gif" width="236" height="41" align="left" />
					<table width="80" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#ffffff" align="right">
							<td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="border-right: #000000 1px solid; border-top: #000000 1px solid;
								border-left: #000000 1px solid; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid">
								<span fcklang="DlgAboutVersion">version</span>
								<br />
								<b>2.5.1</b><br />
								Build 17566</td>
			<tr style="height: 100%">
				<td align="center">
					 <br />
					<span style="font-size: 14px" dir="ltr">
						<br />
						<b><a href="http://www.fckeditor.net/?about" target="_blank" title="Visit the FCKeditor web site">
							Support <b>Open Source</b> Software</a></b> </span>
					<br />
					<br />
					<br />
					<span fcklang="DlgAboutInfo">For further information go to</span> <a href="http://www.fckeditor.net/?About"
					<br />
					Copyright © 2003-2007 <a href="#" onclick="SendEMail();">Frederico Caldeira Knabben</a>
				<td align="center">
					<img alt="" src="fck_about/logo_fredck.gif" width="87" height="36" />
	<div id="divLicense" style="display: none">
				Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
				<li style="margin-bottom:15px">
					<b>GNU General Public License</b> Version 2 or later (the "GPL")<br />
					<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" target="_blank">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html</a>
				<li style="margin-bottom:15px">
					<b>GNU Lesser General Public License</b> Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")<br />
					<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html" target="_blank">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</a>
					<b>Mozilla Public License</b> Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")<br />
					<a href="http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html" target="_blank">http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html</a>
	<div id="divInfo" style="display: none" dir="ltr">
		<table align="center" width="80%" border="0">
					<script type="text/javascript">
document.write( '<b>User Agent<\/b><br />' + window.navigator.userAgent + '<br /><br />' ) ;
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document.write( '<b>Platform<\/b><br />' + window.navigator.platform + '<br /><br />' ) ;

var sUserLang = '?' ;

if ( window.navigator.language )
	sUserLang = window.navigator.language.toLowerCase() ;
else if ( window.navigator.userLanguage )
	sUserLang = window.navigator.userLanguage.toLowerCase() ;

document.write( '<b>User Language<\/b><br />' + sUserLang ) ;

--- NEW FILE: fck_image.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Image Properties dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<title>Image Properties</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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	<link href="common/fck_dialog_common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<body scroll="no" style="overflow: hidden">
	<div id="divInfo">
		<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
							<td width="100%">
								<span fcklang="DlgImgURL">URL</span>
							<td id="tdBrowse" style="display: none" nowrap="nowrap" rowspan="2">
								<input id="btnBrowse" onclick="BrowseServer();" type="button" value="Browse Server"
									fcklang="DlgBtnBrowseServer" />
							<td valign="top">
								<input id="txtUrl" style="width: 100%" type="text" onblur="UpdatePreview();" />
					<span fcklang="DlgImgAlt">Short Description</span><br />
					<input id="txtAlt" style="width: 100%" type="text" /><br />
			<tr height="100%">
				<td valign="top">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" height="100%">
							<td valign="top">
								<br />
								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
										<td nowrap="nowrap">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgWidth">Width</span> </td>
											<input type="text" size="3" id="txtWidth" onkeyup="OnSizeChanged('Width',this.value);" /></td>
										<td rowspan="2">
											<div id="btnLockSizes" class="BtnLocked" onmouseover="this.className = (bLockRatio ? 'BtnLocked' : 'BtnUnlocked' ) + ' BtnOver';"
												onmouseout="this.className = (bLockRatio ? 'BtnLocked' : 'BtnUnlocked' );" title="Lock Sizes"
										<td rowspan="2">
											<div id="btnResetSize" class="BtnReset" onmouseover="this.className='BtnReset BtnOver';"
												onmouseout="this.className='BtnReset';" title="Reset Size" onclick="ResetSizes();">
										<td nowrap="nowrap">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgHeight">Height</span> </td>
											<input type="text" size="3" id="txtHeight" onkeyup="OnSizeChanged('Height',this.value);" /></td>
								<br />
								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
										<td nowrap="nowrap">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgBorder">Border</span> </td>
											<input type="text" size="2" value="" id="txtBorder" onkeyup="UpdatePreview();" /></td>
										<td nowrap="nowrap">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgHSpace">HSpace</span> </td>
											<input type="text" size="2" id="txtHSpace" onkeyup="UpdatePreview();" /></td>
										<td nowrap="nowrap">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgVSpace">VSpace</span> </td>
											<input type="text" size="2" id="txtVSpace" onkeyup="UpdatePreview();" /></td>
										<td nowrap="nowrap">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgAlign">Align</span> </td>
											<select id="cmbAlign" onchange="UpdatePreview();">
												<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignLeft" value="left">Left</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignAbsBottom" value="absBottom">Abs Bottom</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle" value="absMiddle">Abs Middle</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignBaseline" value="baseline">Baseline</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignBottom" value="bottom">Bottom</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignMiddle" value="middle">Middle</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignRight" value="right">Right</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignTextTop" value="textTop">Text Top</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgImgAlignTop" value="top">Top</option>
							<td width="100%" valign="top">
								<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="table-layout: fixed">
											<span fcklang="DlgImgPreview">Preview</span></td>
										<td valign="top">
											<iframe class="ImagePreviewArea" src="fck_image/fck_image_preview.html" frameborder="0"
												marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>
	<div id="divUpload" style="display: none">
		<form id="frmUpload" method="post" target="UploadWindow" enctype="multipart/form-data"
			action="" onsubmit="return CheckUpload();">
			<span fcklang="DlgLnkUpload">Upload</span><br />
			<input id="txtUploadFile" style="width: 100%" type="file" size="40" name="NewFile" /><br />
			<br />
			<input id="btnUpload" type="submit" value="Send it to the Server" fcklang="DlgLnkBtnUpload" />
			<iframe name="UploadWindow" style="display: none" src="javascript:void(0)"></iframe>
	<div id="divLink" style="display: none">
		<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%">
						<span fcklang="DlgLnkURL">URL</span><br />
						<input id="txtLnkUrl" style="width: 100%" type="text" onblur="UpdatePreview();" />
					<div id="divLnkBrowseServer" align="right">
						<input type="button" value="Browse Server" fcklang="DlgBtnBrowseServer" onclick="LnkBrowseServer();" />
						<span fcklang="DlgLnkTarget">Target</span><br />
						<select id="cmbLnkTarget">
							<option value="" fcklang="DlgGenNotSet" selected="selected"><not set></option>
							<option value="_blank" fcklang="DlgLnkTargetBlank">New Window (_blank)</option>
							<option value="_top" fcklang="DlgLnkTargetTop">Topmost Window (_top)</option>
							<option value="_self" fcklang="DlgLnkTargetSelf">Same Window (_self)</option>
							<option value="_parent" fcklang="DlgLnkTargetParent">Parent Window (_parent)</option>
	<div id="divAdvanced" style="display: none">
		<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
				<td valign="top" width="50%">
					<span fcklang="DlgGenId">Id</span><br />
					<input id="txtAttId" style="width: 100%" type="text" />
				<td width="1">
				<td valign="top">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
							<td width="60%">
								<span fcklang="DlgGenLangDir">Language Direction</span><br />
								<select id="cmbAttLangDir" style="width: 100%">
									<option value="" fcklang="DlgGenNotSet" selected="selected"><not set></option>
									<option value="ltr" fcklang="DlgGenLangDirLtr">Left to Right (LTR)</option>
									<option value="rtl" fcklang="DlgGenLangDirRtl">Right to Left (RTL)</option>
							<td width="1%">
							<td nowrap="nowrap">
								<span fcklang="DlgGenLangCode">Language Code</span><br />
								<input id="txtAttLangCode" style="width: 100%" type="text" /> 
				<td colspan="3">
				<td colspan="3">
					<span fcklang="DlgGenLongDescr">Long Description URL</span><br />
					<input id="txtLongDesc" style="width: 100%" type="text" />
				<td colspan="3">
				<td valign="top">
					<span fcklang="DlgGenClass">Stylesheet Classes</span><br />
					<input id="txtAttClasses" style="width: 100%" type="text" />
				<td valign="top">
					 <span fcklang="DlgGenTitle">Advisory Title</span><br />
					<input id="txtAttTitle" style="width: 100%" type="text" />
		<span fcklang="DlgGenStyle">Style</span><br />
		<input id="txtAttStyle" style="width: 100%" type="text" />

--- NEW FILE: fck_smiley.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Smileys (emoticons) dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<style type="text/css">
			cursor: pointer;
			cursor: hand;
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

window.onload = function ()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function InsertSmiley( url )
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	var oImg = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'img' ) ;
	oImg.src = url ;
	oImg.setAttribute( '_fcksavedurl', url ) ;

	// For long smileys list, it seams that IE continues loading the images in
	// the background when you quickly select one image. so, let's clear
	// everything before closing.
	document.body.innerHTML = '' ;

	window.parent.Cancel() ;

function over(td)
	td.className = 'LightBackground Hand' ;

function out(td)
	td.className = 'DarkBackground Hand' ;
<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center" border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
		<script type="text/javascript">

var FCKConfig = oEditor.FCKConfig ;

var sBasePath	= FCKConfig.SmileyPath ;
var aImages		= FCKConfig.SmileyImages ;
var iCols		= FCKConfig.SmileyColumns ;
var iColWidth	= parseInt( 100 / iCols, 10 ) ;

var i = 0 ;
while (i < aImages.length)
	document.write( '<tr>' ) ;
	for(var j = 0 ; j < iCols ; j++)
		if (aImages[i])
			var sUrl = sBasePath + aImages[i] ;
			document.write( '<td width="' + iColWidth + '%" align="center" class="DarkBackground Hand" onclick="InsertSmiley(\'' + sUrl.replace(/'/g, "\\'" ) + '\')" onmouseover="over(this)" onmouseout="out(this)">' ) ;
			document.write( '<img src="' + sUrl + '" border="0" />' ) ;
			document.write( '<td width="' + iColWidth + '%" class="DarkBackground"> ' ) ;
		document.write( '<\/td>' ) ;
		i++ ;
	document.write('<\/tr>') ;


--- NEW FILE: fck_checkbox.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Checkbox dialog window.
		<title>Checkbox Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl && oActiveEl.tagName == 'INPUT' && oActiveEl.type == 'checkbox' )
		GetE('txtName').value		= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtValue').value		= oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ? oActiveEl.value : GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value' ) ;
		GetE('txtSelected').checked	= oActiveEl.checked ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
		oActiveEl.type = 'checkbox' ;
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( oActiveEl ) ;

	if ( GetE('txtName').value.length > 0 )
		oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;

	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		oActiveEl.value = GetE('txtValue').value ;
		SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value', GetE('txtValue').value ) ;

	var bIsChecked = GetE('txtSelected').checked ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'checked', bIsChecked ? 'checked' : null ) ;	// For Firefox
	oActiveEl.checked = bIsChecked ;

	return true ;

	<body style="OVERFLOW: hidden" scroll="no">
		<table height="100%" width="100%">
				<td align="center">
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
								<span fckLang="DlgCheckboxName">Name</span><br>
								<input type="text" size="20" id="txtName" style="WIDTH: 100%">
								<span fckLang="DlgCheckboxValue">Value</span><br>
								<input type="text" size="20" id="txtValue" style="WIDTH: 100%">
							<td><input type="checkbox" id="txtSelected"><label for="txtSelected" fckLang="DlgCheckboxSelected">Checked</label></td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_tablecell.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Cell properties dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<title>Table Cell Properties</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

// Array of selected Cells
var aCells = oEditor.FCKTableHandler.GetSelectedCells() ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage( document ) ;

	SetStartupValue() ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function SetStartupValue()
	if ( aCells.length > 0 )
		var oCell = aCells[0] ;
		var iWidth = GetAttribute( oCell, 'width' ) ;

		if ( iWidth.indexOf && iWidth.indexOf( '%' ) >= 0 )
			iWidth = iWidth.substr( 0, iWidth.length - 1 ) ;
			GetE('selWidthType').value = 'percent' ;

		if ( oCell.attributes['noWrap'] != null && oCell.attributes['noWrap'].specified )
			GetE('selWordWrap').value = !oCell.noWrap ;

		GetE('txtWidth').value			= iWidth ;
		GetE('txtHeight').value			= GetAttribute( oCell, 'height' ) ;
		GetE('selHAlign').value			= GetAttribute( oCell, 'align' ) ;
		GetE('selVAlign').value			= GetAttribute( oCell, 'vAlign' ) ;
		GetE('txtRowSpan').value		= GetAttribute( oCell, 'rowSpan' ) ;
		GetE('txtCollSpan').value		= GetAttribute( oCell, 'colSpan' ) ;
		GetE('txtBackColor').value		= GetAttribute( oCell, 'bgColor' ) ;
		GetE('txtBorderColor').value	= GetAttribute( oCell, 'borderColor' ) ;
//		GetE('cmbFontStyle').value		= oCell.className ;

// Fired when the user press the OK button
function Ok()
	for( i = 0 ; i < aCells.length ; i++ )
		if ( GetE('txtWidth').value.length > 0 )
			aCells[i].width	= GetE('txtWidth').value + ( GetE('selWidthType').value == 'percent' ? '%' : '') ;
			aCells[i].removeAttribute( 'width', 0 ) ;

		if ( GetE('selWordWrap').value == 'false' )
			SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'noWrap', 'nowrap' ) ;  
			aCells[i].removeAttribute( 'noWrap' ) ;

		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'height'		, GetE('txtHeight').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'align'		, GetE('selHAlign').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'vAlign'		, GetE('selVAlign').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'rowSpan'		, GetE('txtRowSpan').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'colSpan'		, GetE('txtCollSpan').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'bgColor'		, GetE('txtBackColor').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'borderColor'	, GetE('txtBorderColor').value ) ;
//		SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'className'	, GetE('cmbFontStyle').value ) ;

	return true ;

function SelectBackColor( color )
	if ( color && color.length > 0 )
		GetE('txtBackColor').value = color ;

function SelectBorderColor( color )
	if ( color && color.length > 0 )
		GetE('txtBorderColor').value = color ;

function SelectColor( wich )
	oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, wich == 'Back' ? SelectBackColor : SelectBorderColor, window ) ;

<body scroll="no" style="overflow: hidden">
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" height="100%">
				<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%" border="0">
							<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellWidth">Width</span>:</td>
										 <input onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" id="txtWidth" type="text" maxlength="4"
											size="3" name="txtWidth" /> <select id="selWidthType" name="selWidthType">
												<option fcklang="DlgCellWidthPx" value="pixels" selected="selected">pixels</option>
												<option fcklang="DlgCellWidthPc" value="percent">percent</option>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellHeight">Height</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtHeight" type="text" maxlength="4" size="3" name="txtHeight" onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" /> <span
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellWordWrap">Word Wrap</span>:</td>
										 <select id="selWordWrap" name="selAlignment">
											<option fcklang="DlgCellWordWrapYes" value="true" selected="selected">Yes</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellWordWrapNo" value="false">No</option>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellHorAlign">Horizontal Alignment</span>:</td>
										 <select id="selHAlign" name="selAlignment">
											<option fcklang="DlgCellHorAlignNotSet" value="" selected><Not set></option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellHorAlignLeft" value="left">Left</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellHorAlignCenter" value="center">Center</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellHorAlignRight" value="right">Right</option>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellVerAlign">Vertical Alignment</span>:</td>
										 <select id="selVAlign" name="selAlignment">
											<option fcklang="DlgCellVerAlignNotSet" value="" selected><Not set></option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellVerAlignTop" value="top">Top</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellVerAlignMiddle" value="middle">Middle</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellVerAlignBottom" value="bottom">Bottom</option>
											<option fcklang="DlgCellVerAlignBaseline" value="baseline">Baseline</option>
						<td align="right">
							<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellRowSpan">Rows Span</span>:</td>
										<input onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" id="txtRowSpan" type="text" maxlength="3" size="2"
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellCollSpan">Columns Span</span>:</td>
										<input onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" id="txtCollSpan" type="text" maxlength="2"
											size="2" name="txtColumns"></td>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellBackColor">Background Color</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtBackColor" type="text" size="8" name="txtCellSpacing"></td>
										<input type="button" fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor( 'Back' )"></td>
									<td nowrap="nowrap">
										<span fcklang="DlgCellBorderColor">Border Color</span>:</td>
										 <input id="txtBorderColor" type="text" size="8" name="txtCellPadding" /></td>
										<input type="button" fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor( 'Border' )" /></td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_replace.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * "Find" and "Replace" dialog box window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ;

window.parent.AddTab( 'Find', FCKLang.DlgFindTitle ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'Replace', FCKLang.DlgReplaceTitle ) ;
var idMap = {} ;

function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
	ShowE( 'divFind', ( tabCode == 'Find' ) ) ;
	ShowE( 'divReplace', ( tabCode == 'Replace' ) ) ;
	idMap['FindText'] = 'txtFind' + tabCode ;
	idMap['CheckCase'] = 'chkCase' + tabCode ;
	idMap['CheckWord'] = 'chkWord' + tabCode ;

	if ( tabCode == 'Replace' )
		window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function OnLoad()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage( document ) ;

	// Place the cursor at the start of document.
	// This will be the starting point of our search.
	var range = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
	range.SetStart( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body, 1 ) ;
	range.SetEnd( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body, 1 ) ;
	range.Collapse( true ) ;
	range.Select() ;

	// Show the appropriate tab at startup.
	if ( window.parent.name.search( 'Replace' ) == -1 )
		window.parent.SetSelectedTab( 'Find' ) ;
		window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;
		window.parent.SetSelectedTab( 'Replace' ) ;


function btnStat(frm)
	document.getElementById('btnReplace').disabled =
		document.getElementById('btnReplaceAll').disabled =
			document.getElementById('btnFind').disabled =
				( document.getElementById(idMap["FindText"]).value.length == 0 ) ;

function GetSelection()
	var range = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
	range.MoveToSelection() ;
	return range.CreateBookmark2() ;

function GetSearchString()
	return document.getElementById(idMap['FindText']).value ;

function GetReplaceString()
	return document.getElementById("txtReplace").value ;

function GetCheckCase()
	return !! ( document.getElementById(idMap['CheckCase']).checked ) ;

function GetMatchWord()
	return !! ( document.getElementById(idMap['CheckWord']).checked ) ;

// Get the data pointed to by a bookmark.
function GetData( bookmark )
	var cursor = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.documentElement ;
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < bookmark.length ; i++ )
		var target = bookmark[i] ;
		var currentIndex = -1 ;
		if ( cursor.nodeType != 3 )
			for (var j = 0 ; j < cursor.childNodes.length ; j++ )
				var candidate = cursor.childNodes[j] ;
				if ( candidate.nodeType == 3 &&
						candidate.previousSibling &&
						candidate.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 )
					continue ;
				currentIndex++ ;
				if ( currentIndex == target )
					cursor = candidate ;
					break ;
			if ( currentIndex < target )
				return null ;
			if ( i != bookmark.length - 1 )
				return null ;
			while ( target >= cursor.length && cursor.nextSibling && cursor.nextSibling.nodeType == 3 )
				target -= cursor.length ;
				cursor = cursor.nextSibling ;
			cursor = cursor.nodeValue.charAt( target ) ;
			if ( cursor == "" )
				cursor = null ;
	return cursor ;

// With this function, we can treat the bookmark as an iterator for DFS.
function NextPosition( bookmark )
	// See if there's anything further down the tree.
	var next = bookmark.concat( [0] ) ;
	if ( GetData( next ) != null )
		return next ;

	// Nothing down there? See if there's anything next to me.
	var next = bookmark.slice( 0, bookmark.length - 1 ).concat( [ bookmark[ bookmark.length - 1 ] + 1 ] ) ;
	if ( GetData( next ) != null )
		return next ;

	// Nothing even next to me? See if there's anything next to my ancestors.
	for ( var i = bookmark.length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
		var next = bookmark.slice( 0, i - 1 ).concat( [ bookmark[ i - 1 ] + 1 ] ) ;
		if ( GetData( next ) != null )
			return next ;

	// There's absolutely nothing left to walk, return null.
	return null ;

// Is this character a unicode whitespace?
// Reference: http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/PropList.txt
function CheckIsWhitespace( c )
	var code = c.charCodeAt( 0 );
	if ( code >= 9 && code <= 0xd )
		return true;
	if ( code >= 0x2000 && code <= 0x200a )
		return true;
	switch ( code )
		case 0x20:
		case 0x85:
		case 0xa0:
		case 0x1680:
		case 0x180e:
		case 0x2028:
		case 0x2029:
		case 0x202f:
		case 0x205f:
		case 0x3000:
			return true;
			return false;

// Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for stream input
function KmpMatch( pattern, ignoreCase )
	var overlap = [ -1 ] ;
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < pattern.length ; i++ )
		overlap.push( overlap[i] + 1 ) ;
		while ( overlap[ i + 1 ] > 0 && pattern.charAt( i ) != pattern.charAt( overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ) )
			overlap[ i + 1 ] = overlap[ overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ] + 1 ;
	this._Overlap = overlap ;
	this._State = 0 ;
	this._IgnoreCase = ( ignoreCase === true ) ;
	if ( ignoreCase )
		this.Pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
		this.Pattern = pattern ;
KmpMatch.prototype = {
	"FeedCharacter" : function( c )
		if ( this._IgnoreCase )
			c = c.toLowerCase();

		while ( true )
			if ( c == this.Pattern.charAt( this._State ) )
				this._State++ ;
				if ( this._State == this.Pattern.length )
					// found a match, start over, don't care about partial matches involving the current match
					this._State = 0;
					return KMP_MATCHED;
				return KMP_ADVANCED;
			else if ( this._State == 0 )
				return KMP_NOMATCH;
				this._State = this._Overlap[ this._State ];

		return null ;
	"Reset" : function()
		this._State = 0 ;

function _Find()
	// Start from the end of the current selection.
	var matcher = new KmpMatch( GetSearchString(), ! GetCheckCase() ) ;
	var cursor = GetSelection().End ;
	var matchState = KMP_NOMATCH ;
	var matchBookmark = null ;

	// Match finding.
	while ( true )
		// Perform KMP stream matching.
		//	- Reset KMP matcher if we encountered a block element.
		var data = GetData( cursor ) ;
		if ( data )
			if ( data.tagName )
				if ( oEditor.FCKListsLib.BlockElements[ data.tagName.toLowerCase() ] )
					matchBookmark = null ;
			else if ( data.charAt != undefined )
				matchState = matcher.FeedCharacter(data) ;

				if ( matchState == KMP_NOMATCH )
					matchBookmark = null ;
				else if ( matchState == KMP_ADVANCED && matchBookmark == null )
					matchBookmark = { Start : cursor.concat( [] ) } ;
				else if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED )
					if ( matchBookmark == null )
						matchBookmark = { Start : cursor.concat( [] ) } ;
					matchBookmark.End = cursor.concat( [] ) ;
					matchBookmark.End[ matchBookmark.End.length - 1 ]++;

					// Wait, do we have to match a whole word?
					if ( GetMatchWord() )
						var startOk = false ;
						var endOk = false ;
						var start = matchBookmark.Start ;
						var end = matchBookmark.End ;
						if ( start[ start.length - 1 ] == 0 )
							startOk = true ;
							var cursorBeforeStart = start.slice( 0, start.length - 1 ) ;
							cursorBeforeStart.push( start[ start.length - 1 ] - 1 ) ;
							var dataBeforeStart = GetData( cursorBeforeStart ) ;
							if ( dataBeforeStart == null || dataBeforeStart.charAt == undefined )
								startOk = true ;
							else if ( CheckIsWhitespace( dataBeforeStart ) )
								startOk = true ;

						// this is already one character beyond the last char, no need to move
						var cursorAfterEnd = end ;
						var dataAfterEnd = GetData( cursorAfterEnd );
						if ( dataAfterEnd == null || dataAfterEnd.charAt == undefined )
							endOk = true ;
						else if ( CheckIsWhitespace( dataAfterEnd ) )
							endOk = true ;

						if ( startOk && endOk )
							break ;
							matcher.Reset() ;
						break ;

		// Perform DFS across the document, until we've reached the end.
		cursor = NextPosition( cursor ) ;
		if ( cursor == null )

	// If we've found a match, select the match.
	if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED )
		var range = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
		range.MoveToBookmark2( matchBookmark ) ;
		range.Select() ;
		var focus = range._Range.endContainer ;
		while ( focus && focus.nodeType != 1 )
			focus = focus.parentNode ;

		if ( focus )
			if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
				oEditor.FCKDomTools.ScrollIntoView( focus, false ) ;
				focus.scrollIntoView( false ) ;

		return true;
		return false;

function Find()
	var range = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
	range.MoveToSelection() ;
	range.Collapse( false ) ;
	range.Select() ;

	if ( ! _Find() )
		alert( FCKLang.DlgFindNotFoundMsg ) ;

function Replace()
	var selection = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
	selection.MoveToSelection() ;

	if ( selection.CheckIsCollapsed() )
		if (! _Find() )
			alert( FCKLang.DlgFindNotFoundMsg ) ;
		oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
		selection.DeleteContents() ;
		selection.InsertNode( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createTextNode( GetReplaceString() ) ) ;
		selection.Collapse( false ) ;
		selection.Select() ;

function ReplaceAll()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	var range = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;

	var replaceCount = 0 ;

	while ( _Find() )
		range.MoveToSelection() ;
		range.DeleteContents() ;
		range.InsertNode( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createTextNode( GetReplaceString() ) ) ;
		range.Collapse( false ) ;
		range.Select() ;
		replaceCount++ ;
	if ( replaceCount == 0 )
		alert( FCKLang.DlgFindNotFoundMsg ) ;
	window.parent.Cancel() ;
<body onload="OnLoad()" style="overflow: hidden">
	<div id="divFind" style="display: none">
		<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="0">
				<td nowrap="nowrap">
					<label for="txtFindFind" fcklang="DlgReplaceFindLbl">
						Find what:</label>
				<td width="100%">
					<input id="txtFindFind" onkeyup="btnStat(this.form)" style="width: 100%" tabindex="1"
						type="text" />
					<input id="btnFind" style="width: 80px" disabled="disabled" onclick="Find();"
						type="button" value="Find" fcklang="DlgFindFindBtn" />
				<td valign="bottom" colspan="3">
					 <input id="chkCaseFind" tabindex="3" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkCaseFind" fcklang="DlgReplaceCaseChk">Match
					<br />
					 <input id="chkWordFind" tabindex="4" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkWordFind" fcklang="DlgReplaceWordChk">Match
						whole word</label>
	<div id="divReplace" style="display:none">
		<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="0">
				<td nowrap="nowrap">
					<label for="txtFindReplace" fcklang="DlgReplaceFindLbl">
						Find what:</label>
				<td width="100%">
					<input id="txtFindReplace" onkeyup="btnStat(this.form)" style="width: 100%" tabindex="1"
						type="text" />
					<input id="btnReplace" style="width: 80px" disabled="disabled" onclick="Replace();"
						type="button" value="Replace" fcklang="DlgReplaceReplaceBtn" />
				<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
					<label for="txtReplace" fcklang="DlgReplaceReplaceLbl">
						Replace with:</label>
				<td valign="top">
					<input id="txtReplace" style="width: 100%" tabindex="2" type="text" />
					<input id="btnReplaceAll" style="width: 80px" disabled="disabled" onclick="ReplaceAll()" type="button"
						value="Replace All" fcklang="DlgReplaceReplAllBtn" />
				<td valign="bottom" colspan="3">
					 <input id="chkCaseReplace" tabindex="3" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkCaseReplace" fcklang="DlgReplaceCaseChk">Match
					<br />
					 <input id="chkWordReplace" tabindex="4" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkWordReplace" fcklang="DlgReplaceWordChk">Match
						whole word</label>

--- NEW FILE: fck_colorselector.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Color Selection dialog window.
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
		<style TYPE="text/css">
			#ColorTable		{ cursor: pointer ; cursor: hand ; }
			#hicolor		{ height: 74px ; width: 74px ; border-width: 1px ; border-style: solid ; }
			#hicolortext	{ width: 75px ; text-align: right ; margin-bottom: 7px ; }
			#selhicolor		{ height: 20px ; width: 74px ; border-width: 1px ; border-style: solid ; }
			#selcolor		{ width: 75px ; height: 20px ; margin-top: 0px ; margin-bottom: 7px ; }
			#btnClear		{ width: 75px ; height: 22px ; margin-bottom: 6px ; }
			.ColorCell		{ height: 15px ; width: 15px ; }
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

function OnLoad()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	CreateColorTable() ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function CreateColorTable()
	// Get the target table.
	var oTable = document.getElementById('ColorTable') ;

	// Create the base colors array.
	var aColors = ['00','33','66','99','cc','ff'] ;

	// This function combines two ranges of three values from the color array into a row.
	function AppendColorRow( rangeA, rangeB )
		for ( var i = rangeA ; i < rangeA + 3 ; i++ )
			var oRow = oTable.insertRow(-1) ;

			for ( var j = rangeB ; j < rangeB + 3 ; j++ )
				for ( var n = 0 ; n < 6 ; n++ )
					AppendColorCell( oRow, '#' + aColors[j] + aColors[n] + aColors[i] ) ;

	// This function create a single color cell in the color table.
	function AppendColorCell( targetRow, color )
		var oCell = targetRow.insertCell(-1) ;
		oCell.className = 'ColorCell' ;
		oCell.bgColor = color ;

		oCell.onmouseover = function()
			document.getElementById('hicolor').style.backgroundColor = this.bgColor ;
			document.getElementById('hicolortext').innerHTML = this.bgColor ;

		oCell.onclick = function()
			document.getElementById('selhicolor').style.backgroundColor = this.bgColor ;
			document.getElementById('selcolor').value = this.bgColor ;

	AppendColorRow( 0, 0 ) ;
	AppendColorRow( 3, 0 ) ;
	AppendColorRow( 0, 3 ) ;
	AppendColorRow( 3, 3 ) ;

	// Create the last row.
	var oRow = oTable.insertRow(-1) ;

	// Create the gray scale colors cells.
	for ( var n = 0 ; n < 6 ; n++ )
		AppendColorCell( oRow, '#' + aColors[n] + aColors[n] + aColors[n] ) ;

	// Fill the row with black cells.
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
		AppendColorCell( oRow, '#000000' ) ;

function Clear()
	document.getElementById('selhicolor').style.backgroundColor = '' ;
	document.getElementById('selcolor').value = '' ;

function ClearActual()
	document.getElementById('hicolor').style.backgroundColor = '' ;
	document.getElementById('hicolortext').innerHTML = ' ' ;

function UpdateColor()
	try		  { document.getElementById('selhicolor').style.backgroundColor = document.getElementById('selcolor').value ; }
	catch (e) { Clear() ; }

function Ok()
	if ( typeof(window.parent.dialogArguments.CustomValue) == 'function' )
		window.parent.dialogArguments.CustomValue( document.getElementById('selcolor').value ) ;

	return true ;
	<body onload="OnLoad()" scroll="no" style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
				<td align="center" valign="middle">
					<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
							<td valign="top" align="center" nowrap width="100%">
								<table id="ColorTable" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="270" onmouseout="ClearActual();">
							<td valign="top" align="left" nowrap>
								<span fckLang="DlgColorHighlight">Highlight</span>
								<div id="hicolor"></div>
								<div id="hicolortext"> </div>
								<span fckLang="DlgColorSelected">Selected</span>
								<div id="selhicolor"></div>
								<input id="selcolor" type="text" maxlength="20" onchange="UpdateColor();">
								<input id="btnClear" type="button" fckLang="DlgColorBtnClear" value="Clear" onclick="Clear();" />

--- NEW FILE: fck_textfield.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Text field dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl && oActiveEl.tagName == 'INPUT' && ( oActiveEl.type == 'text' || oActiveEl.type == 'password' ) )
		GetE('txtName').value	= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtValue').value	= oActiveEl.value ;
		GetE('txtSize').value	= GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'size' ) ;
		GetE('txtMax').value	= GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'maxLength' ) ;
		GetE('txtType').value	= oActiveEl.type ;

		GetE('txtType').disabled = true ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	if ( isNaN( GetE('txtMax').value ) || GetE('txtMax').value < 0 )
		alert( "Maximum characters must be a positive number." ) ;
		GetE('txtMax').focus() ;
		return false ;
	else if( isNaN( GetE('txtSize').value ) || GetE('txtSize').value < 0 )
		alert( "Width must be a positive number." ) ;
		GetE('txtSize').focus() ;
		return false ;

	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
		oActiveEl.type = GetE('txtType').value ;
		oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( oActiveEl ) ;

	oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'value'	, GetE('txtValue').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'size'		, GetE('txtSize').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'maxlength', GetE('txtMax').value ) ;

	return true ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table width="100%" style="height: 100%">
			<td align="center">
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
							<span fcklang="DlgTextName">Name</span><br />
							<input id="txtName" type="text" size="20" />
							<span fcklang="DlgTextValue">Value</span><br />
							<input id="txtValue" type="text" size="25" />
							<span fcklang="DlgTextCharWidth">Character Width</span><br />
							<input id="txtSize" type="text" size="5" />
							<span fcklang="DlgTextMaxChars">Maximum Characters</span><br />
							<input id="txtMax" type="text" size="5" />
							<span fcklang="DlgTextType">Type</span><br />
							<select id="txtType">
								<option value="text" selected="selected" fcklang="DlgTextTypeText">Text</option>
								<option value="password" fcklang="DlgTextTypePass">Password</option>

--- NEW FILE: fck_spellerpages.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Spell Check dialog window.
		<title>Spell Check</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/spellChecker.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ;

window.onload = function()
	document.getElementById('txtHtml').value = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body.innerHTML ;

	var oSpeller = new spellChecker( document.getElementById('txtHtml') ) ;
	oSpeller.spellCheckScript = oEditor.FCKConfig.SpellerPagesServerScript || 'server-scripts/spellchecker.php' ;
	oSpeller.OnFinished = oSpeller_OnFinished ;
	oSpeller.openChecker() ;

function OnSpellerControlsLoad( controlsWindow )
	// Translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage( controlsWindow.document ) ;

function oSpeller_OnFinished( numberOCorrections )
	if ( numberOCorrections > 0 )
		oEditor.FCK.SetData( document.getElementById('txtHtml').value ) ;
	window.parent.Cancel() ;

	<body style="OVERFLOW: hidden" scroll="no" style="padding:0px;">
		<input type="hidden" id="txtHtml" value="">
		<iframe id="frmSpell" src="javascript:void(0)" name="spellchecker" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>

--- NEW FILE: fck_docprops.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Link dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor		= window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK			= oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKLang		= oEditor.FCKLang ;
var FCKConfig	= oEditor.FCKConfig ;

//#### Dialog Tabs

// Set the dialog tabs.
window.parent.AddTab( 'General'		, FCKLang.DlgDocGeneralTab ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'Background'	, FCKLang.DlgDocBackTab ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'Colors'		, FCKLang.DlgDocColorsTab ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'Meta'		, FCKLang.DlgDocMetaTab ) ;

// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
	ShowE( 'divGeneral'		, ( tabCode == 'General' ) ) ;
	ShowE( 'divBackground'	, ( tabCode == 'Background' ) ) ;
	ShowE( 'divColors'		, ( tabCode == 'Colors' ) ) ;
	ShowE( 'divMeta'		, ( tabCode == 'Meta' ) ) ;

	ShowE( 'ePreview'		, ( tabCode == 'Background' || tabCode == 'Colors' ) ) ;

//#### Get Base elements from the document: BEGIN

// The HTML element of the document.
var oHTML = FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] ;

// The HEAD element of the document.
var oHead = oHTML.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ;

var oBody = FCK.EditorDocument.body ;

// This object contains all META tags defined in the document.
var oMetaTags = new Object() ;

// Get all META tags defined in the document.
AppendMetaCollection( oMetaTags, oHead.getElementsByTagName('meta') ) ;
AppendMetaCollection( oMetaTags, oHead.getElementsByTagName('fck:meta') ) ;

function AppendMetaCollection( targetObject, metaCollection )
	// Loop throw all METAs and put it in the HashTable.
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < metaCollection.length ; i++ )
		// Try to get the "name" attribute.
		var sName = GetAttribute( metaCollection[i], 'name', GetAttribute( metaCollection[i], '___fcktoreplace:name', '' ) ) ;

		// If no "name", try with the "http-equiv" attribute.
		if ( sName.length == 0 )
			if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
				// Get the http-equiv value from the outerHTML.
				var oHttpEquivMatch = metaCollection[i].outerHTML.match( oEditor.FCKRegexLib.MetaHttpEquiv ) ;
				if ( oHttpEquivMatch )
					sName = oHttpEquivMatch[1] ;
				sName = GetAttribute( metaCollection[i], 'http-equiv', '' ) ;

		if ( sName.length > 0 )
			targetObject[ sName.toLowerCase() ] = metaCollection[i] ;

//#### END

// Set a META tag in the document.
function SetMetadata( name, content, isHttp )
	if ( content.length == 0 )
		RemoveMetadata( name ) ;
		return ;

	var oMeta = oMetaTags[ name.toLowerCase() ] ;

	if ( !oMeta )
		oMeta = oHead.appendChild( FCK.EditorDocument.createElement('META') ) ;

		if ( isHttp )
			SetAttribute( oMeta, 'http-equiv', name ) ;
			// On IE, it is not possible to set the "name" attribute of the META tag.
			// So a temporary attribute is used and it is replaced when getting the
			// editor's HTML/XHTML value. This is sad, I know :(
			if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
				SetAttribute( oMeta, '___fcktoreplace:name', name ) ;
				SetAttribute( oMeta, 'name', name ) ;

		oMetaTags[ name.toLowerCase() ] = oMeta ;

	SetAttribute( oMeta, 'content', content ) ;
//	oMeta.content = content ;

function RemoveMetadata( name )
	var oMeta = oMetaTags[ name.toLowerCase() ] ;

	if ( oMeta && oMeta != null )
		oMeta.parentNode.removeChild( oMeta ) ;
		oMetaTags[ name.toLowerCase() ] = null ;

function GetMetadata( name )
	var oMeta = oMetaTags[ name.toLowerCase() ] ;

	if ( oMeta && oMeta != null )
		return oMeta.getAttribute( 'content', 2 ) ;
		return '' ;

window.onload = function ()
	// Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button.
	GetE('tdBrowse').style.display = oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowser ? "" : "none";

	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage( document ) ;

	FillFields() ;

	UpdatePreview() ;

	// Show the "Ok" button.
	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function FillFields()
	// ### General Info
	GetE('txtPageTitle').value = FCK.EditorDocument.title ;

	GetE('selDirection').value	= GetAttribute( oHTML, 'dir', '' ) ;
	GetE('txtLang').value		= GetAttribute( oHTML, 'xml:lang', GetAttribute( oHTML, 'lang', '' ) ) ;	// "xml:lang" takes precedence to "lang".

	// Character Set Encoding.
//	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
//		var sCharSet = FCK.EditorDocument.charset ;
//	else
		var sCharSet = GetMetadata( 'Content-Type' ) ;

	if ( sCharSet != null && sCharSet.length > 0 )
//		if ( !oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
			sCharSet = sCharSet.match( /[^=]*$/ ) ;

		GetE('selCharSet').value = sCharSet ;

		if ( GetE('selCharSet').selectedIndex == -1 )
			GetE('selCharSet').value = '...' ;
			GetE('txtCustomCharSet').value = sCharSet ;

			CheckOther( GetE('selCharSet'), 'txtCustomCharSet' ) ;

	// Document Type.
	if ( FCK.DocTypeDeclaration && FCK.DocTypeDeclaration.length > 0 )
		GetE('selDocType').value = FCK.DocTypeDeclaration ;

		if ( GetE('selDocType').selectedIndex == -1 )
			GetE('selDocType').value = '...' ;
			GetE('txtDocType').value = FCK.DocTypeDeclaration ;

			CheckOther( GetE('selDocType'), 'txtDocType' ) ;

	// Document Type.
	GetE('chkIncXHTMLDecl').checked = ( FCK.XmlDeclaration && FCK.XmlDeclaration.length > 0 ) ;

	// ### Background
	GetE('txtBackColor').value = GetAttribute( oBody, 'bgColor'		, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtBackImage').value = GetAttribute( oBody, 'background'	, '' ) ;
	GetE('chkBackNoScroll').checked = ( GetAttribute( oBody, 'bgProperties', '' ).toLowerCase() == 'fixed' ) ;

	// ### Colors
	GetE('txtColorText').value		= GetAttribute( oBody, 'text'	, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtColorLink').value		= GetAttribute( oBody, 'link'	, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtColorVisited').value	= GetAttribute( oBody, 'vLink'	, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtColorActive').value	= GetAttribute( oBody, 'aLink'	, '' ) ;

	// ### Margins
	GetE('txtMarginTop').value		= GetAttribute( oBody, 'topMargin'		, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtMarginLeft').value		= GetAttribute( oBody, 'leftMargin'		, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtMarginRight').value	= GetAttribute( oBody, 'rightMargin'	, '' ) ;
	GetE('txtMarginBottom').value	= GetAttribute( oBody, 'bottomMargin'	, '' ) ;

	// ### Meta Data
	GetE('txtMetaKeywords').value		= GetMetadata( 'keywords' ) ;
	GetE('txtMetaDescription').value	= GetMetadata( 'description' ) ;
	GetE('txtMetaAuthor').value			= GetMetadata( 'author' ) ;
	GetE('txtMetaCopyright').value		= GetMetadata( 'copyright' ) ;

// Called when the "Ok" button is clicked.
function Ok()
	// ### General Info
	FCK.EditorDocument.title = GetE('txtPageTitle').value ;

	var oHTML = FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] ;

	SetAttribute( oHTML, 'dir'		, GetE('selDirection').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oHTML, 'lang'		, GetE('txtLang').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oHTML, 'xml:lang'	, GetE('txtLang').value ) ;

	// Character Set Enconding.
	var sCharSet = GetE('selCharSet').value ;
	if ( sCharSet == '...' )
		sCharSet = GetE('txtCustomCharSet').value ;

	if ( sCharSet.length > 0 )
			sCharSet = 'text/html; charset=' + sCharSet ;

//	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
//		FCK.EditorDocument.charset = sCharSet ;
//	else
		SetMetadata( 'Content-Type', sCharSet, true ) ;

	// Document Type
	var sDocType = GetE('selDocType').value ;
	if ( sDocType == '...' )
		sDocType = GetE('txtDocType').value ;

	FCK.DocTypeDeclaration = sDocType ;

	// XHTML Declarations.
	if ( GetE('chkIncXHTMLDecl').checked )
		if ( sCharSet.length == 0 )
			sCharSet = 'utf-8' ;

		FCK.XmlDeclaration = '<' + '?xml version="1.0" encoding="' + sCharSet + '"?>' ;

		SetAttribute( oHTML, 'xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' ) ;
		FCK.XmlDeclaration = null ;
		oHTML.removeAttribute( 'xmlns', 0 ) ;

	// ### Background
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'bgcolor'		, GetE('txtBackColor').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'background'	, GetE('txtBackImage').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'bgproperties'	, GetE('chkBackNoScroll').checked ? 'fixed' : '' ) ;

	// ### Colors
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'text'	, GetE('txtColorText').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'link'	, GetE('txtColorLink').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'vlink', GetE('txtColorVisited').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'alink', GetE('txtColorActive').value ) ;

	// ### Margins
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'topmargin'	, GetE('txtMarginTop').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'leftmargin'	, GetE('txtMarginLeft').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'rightmargin'	, GetE('txtMarginRight').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oBody, 'bottommargin'	, GetE('txtMarginBottom').value ) ;

	// ### Meta data
	SetMetadata( 'keywords'		, GetE('txtMetaKeywords').value ) ;
	SetMetadata( 'description'	, GetE('txtMetaDescription').value ) ;
	SetMetadata( 'author'		, GetE('txtMetaAuthor').value ) ;
	SetMetadata( 'copyright'	, GetE('txtMetaCopyright').value ) ;

	return true ;

var bPreviewIsLoaded = false ;
var oPreviewWindow ;
var oPreviewBody ;

// Called by the Preview page when loaded.
function OnPreviewLoad( previewWindow, previewBody )
	oPreviewWindow	= previewWindow ;
	oPreviewBody	= previewBody ;

	bPreviewIsLoaded = true ;
	UpdatePreview() ;

function UpdatePreview()
	if ( !bPreviewIsLoaded )
		return ;

	// ### Background
	SetAttribute( oPreviewBody, 'bgcolor'		, GetE('txtBackColor').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oPreviewBody, 'background'	, GetE('txtBackImage').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oPreviewBody, 'bgproperties'	, GetE('chkBackNoScroll').checked ? 'fixed' : '' ) ;

	// ### Colors
	SetAttribute( oPreviewBody, 'text', GetE('txtColorText').value ) ;

	oPreviewWindow.SetLinkColor( GetE('txtColorLink').value ) ;
	oPreviewWindow.SetVisitedColor( GetE('txtColorVisited').value ) ;
	oPreviewWindow.SetActiveColor( GetE('txtColorActive').value ) ;

function CheckOther( combo, txtField )
	var bNotOther = ( combo.value != '...' ) ;

	GetE(txtField).style.backgroundColor = ( bNotOther ? '#cccccc' : '' ) ;
	GetE(txtField).disabled = bNotOther ;

function SetColor( inputId, color )
	GetE( inputId ).value = color + '' ;
	UpdatePreview() ;

function SelectBackColor( color )		{ SetColor('txtBackColor', color ) ; }
function SelectColorText( color )		{ SetColor('txtColorText', color ) ; }
function SelectColorLink( color )		{ SetColor('txtColorLink', color ) ; }
function SelectColorVisited( color )	{ SetColor('txtColorVisited', color ) ; }
function SelectColorActive( color )		{ SetColor('txtColorActive', color ) ; }

function SelectColor( wich )
	switch ( wich )
		case 'Back'			: oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectBackColor, window ) ; return ;
		case 'ColorText'	: oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectColorText, window ) ; return ;
		case 'ColorLink'	: oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectColorLink, window ) ; return ;
		case 'ColorVisited'	: oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectColorVisited, window ) ; return ;
		case 'ColorActive'	: oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectColorActive, window ) ; return ;

function BrowseServerBack()
	OpenFileBrowser( FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL, FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth, FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ) ;

function SetUrl( url )
	GetE('txtBackImage').value = url ;
	UpdatePreview() ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
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					<span fcklang="DlgDocPageTitle">Page Title</span><br />
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocLangDir">Language Direction</span><br />
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocLangCode">Language Code</span><br />
								<input id="txtLang" type="text" />
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocCharSet">Character Set Encoding</span><br />
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									<option value="us-ascii">ASCII</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetCE" value="iso-8859-2">Central European</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetCT" value="big5">Chinese Traditional (Big5)</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetCR" value="iso-8859-5">Cyrillic</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetGR" value="iso-8859-7">Greek</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetJP" value="iso-2022-jp">Japanese</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetKR" value="iso-2022-kr">Korean</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetTR" value="iso-8859-9">Turkish</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetUN" value="utf-8">Unicode (UTF-8)</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgDocCharSetWE" value="iso-8859-1">Western European</option>
									<option fcklang="DlgOpOther" value="..."><Other></option>
							<td width="100%">
								<span fcklang="DlgDocCharSetOther">Other Character Set Encoding</span><br />
								<input id="txtCustomCharSet" style="width: 100%; background-color: #cccccc" disabled="disabled"
									type="text" />
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									<option value='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">'>HTML
										4.01 Transitional</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">'>
										HTML 4.01 Strict</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">'>
										HTML 4.01 Frameset</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'>
										XHTML 1.0 Transitional</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'>
										XHTML 1.0 Strict</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">'>
										XHTML 1.0 Frameset</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">'>
										XHTML 1.1</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">'>HTML 3.2</option>
									<option value='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">'>HTML 2.0</option>
									<option value="..." fcklang="DlgOpOther"><Other></option>
							<td width="100%">
								<span fcklang="DlgDocDocTypeOther">Other Document Type Heading</span><br />
								<input id="txtDocType" style="width: 100%; background-color: #cccccc" disabled="disabled"
									type="text" />
					<br />
					<input id="chkIncXHTMLDecl" type="checkbox" />
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						Include XHTML Declarations</label>
				<div id="divBackground" style="display: none">
					<span fcklang="DlgDocBgColor">Background Color</span><br />
					<input id="txtBackColor" type="text" onchange="UpdatePreview();" onkeyup="UpdatePreview();" /> <input
						id="btnSelBackColor" onclick="SelectColor( 'Back' )" type="button" value="Select..."
						fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" /><br />
					<br />
					<span fcklang="DlgDocBgImage">Background Image URL</span><br />
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
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								<input id="txtBackImage" style="width: 100%" type="text" onchange="UpdatePreview();"
									onkeyup="UpdatePreview();" /></td>
							<td id="tdBrowse" nowrap="nowrap">
								 <input id="btnBrowse" onclick="BrowseServerBack();" type="button" fcklang="DlgBtnBrowseServer"
									value="Browse Server" /></td>
					<input id="chkBackNoScroll" type="checkbox" onclick="UpdatePreview();" />
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						Nonscrolling Background</label>
				<div id="divColors" style="display: none">
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocCText">Text</span><br />
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									onclick="SelectColor( 'ColorText' )" type="button" value="Select..." fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" />
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocCLink">Link</span><br />
								<input id="txtColorLink" type="text" onchange="UpdatePreview();" onkeyup="UpdatePreview();" /><input
									onclick="SelectColor( 'ColorLink' )" type="button" value="Select..." fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" />
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocCVisited">Visited Link</span><br />
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									onclick="SelectColor( 'ColorVisited' )" type="button" value="Select..." fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" />
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								<span fcklang="DlgDocCActive">Active Link</span><br />
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									onclick="SelectColor( 'ColorActive' )" type="button" value="Select..." fcklang="DlgCellBtnSelect" />
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											<span fcklang="DlgDocMargins">Page Margins</span></td>
										<td style="border: #000000 1px solid; padding: 5px">
											<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" dir="ltr">
													<td align="center" colspan="3">
														<span fcklang="DlgDocMaTop">Top</span><br />
														<input id="txtMarginTop" type="text" size="3" />
													<td align="left">
														<span fcklang="DlgDocMaLeft">Left</span><br />
														<input id="txtMarginLeft" type="text" size="3" />
													<td align="right">
														<span fcklang="DlgDocMaRight">Right</span><br />
														<input id="txtMarginRight" type="text" size="3" />
													<td align="center" colspan="3">
														<span fcklang="DlgDocMaBottom">Bottom</span><br />
														<input id="txtMarginBottom" type="text" size="3" />
				<div id="divMeta" style="display: none">
					<span fcklang="DlgDocMeIndex">Document Indexing Keywords (comma separated)</span><br />
					<textarea id="txtMetaKeywords" style="width: 100%" rows="2" cols="20"></textarea>
					<br />
					<span fcklang="DlgDocMeDescr">Document Description</span><br />
					<textarea id="txtMetaDescription" style="width: 100%" rows="4" cols="20"></textarea>
					<br />
					<span fcklang="DlgDocMeAuthor">Author</span><br />
					<input id="txtMetaAuthor" style="width: 100%" type="text" /><br />
					<br />
					<span fcklang="DlgDocMeCopy">Copyright</span><br />
					<input id="txtMetaCopyright" type="text" style="width: 100%" />
		<tr id="ePreview" style="display: none">
				<span fcklang="DlgDocPreview">Preview</span><br />
				<iframe id="frmPreview" src="fck_docprops/fck_document_preview.html" width="100%"

--- NEW FILE: fck_specialchar.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Special Chars Selector dialog window.
		<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<style type="text/css">
					cursor: pointer ;
					cursor: hand ;
				.Sample { font-size: 24px; }
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

var oSample ;

function insertChar(charValue)
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	oEditor.FCK.InsertHtml( charValue || "" ) ;
	window.parent.Cancel() ;

function over(td)
	if ( ! oSample )
		return ;
	oSample.innerHTML = td.innerHTML ;
	td.className = 'LightBackground SpecialCharsOver Hand' ;

function out(td)
	if ( ! oSample )
		return ;
	oSample.innerHTML = " " ;
	td.className = 'DarkBackground SpecialCharsOut Hand' ;

function setDefaults()
	// Gets the sample placeholder.
	oSample = document.getElementById("SampleTD") ;

	// First of all, translates the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

	<body onload="setDefaults()" style="overflow: hidden">
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						<script type="text/javascript">
var aChars = ["!",""","#","$","%","&","\\'","(",")","*","+","-",".","/","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",":",";","<","=",">","?","@","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","[","]","^","_","`","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","{","|","}","~","€","‘","’","’","“","”","–","—","¡","¢","£","¤","¥","¦","§","¨","©","ª","«","¬","®","¯","°","±","&sup2;","&sup3;","´","µ","¶","·","¸","&sup1;","º","»","&frac14;","&frac12;","&frac34;","¿","À","Á","Â","Ã","Ä","Å","Æ","Ç","È","É","Ê","Ë","Ì","Í","Î","Ï","Ð","Ñ","Ò","Ó","Ô","&Otilde
 ;","Ö","×","Ø","Ù","Ú","Û","Ü","Ý","Þ","ß","à","á","â","ã","ä","å","æ","ç","è","é","ê","ë","ì","í","î","ï","ð","ñ","ò","ó","ô","õ","ö","÷","ø","ù","ú","û","ü","ü","ý","þ","ÿ","Œ","œ","‚","‛","„","…","™","►","•","→","⇒","⇔","♦","≈"] ;

var cols = 20 ;

var i = 0 ;
while (i < aChars.length)
	document.write("<TR>") ;
	for(var j = 0 ; j < cols ; j++)
		if (aChars[i])
			document.write('<TD width="1%" class="DarkBackground SpecialCharsOut Hand" align="center" onclick="insertChar(\'' + aChars[i].replace(/&/g, "&") + '\')" onmouseover="over(this)" onmouseout="out(this)">') ;
			document.write(aChars[i]) ;
			document.write("<TD class='DarkBackground SpecialCharsOut'> ") ;
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	document.write("<\/TR>") ;
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					<table width="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
							<td id="SampleTD" width="40" height="40" align="center" class="DarkBackground SpecialCharsOut Sample"> </td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_form.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Form dialog window.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'FORM' ) ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl )
		GetE('txtName').value	= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtAction').value	= oActiveEl.getAttribute( 'action', 2 ) ;
		GetE('txtMethod').value	= oActiveEl.method ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'form' ) ;

		if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsGeckoLike )
			oEditor.FCKTools.AppendBogusBr( oActiveEl ) ;

	oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'action', GetE('txtAction').value ) ;
	oActiveEl.method = GetE('txtMethod').value ;

	return true ;

<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table width="100%" style="height: 100%">
			<td align="center">
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="80%" border="0">
							<span fcklang="DlgFormName">Name</span><br />
							<input style="width: 100%" type="text" id="txtName" />
							<span fcklang="DlgFormAction">Action</span><br />
							<input style="width: 100%" type="text" id="txtAction" />
							<span fcklang="DlgFormMethod">Method</span><br />
							<select id="txtMethod">
								<option value="get" selected="selected">GET</option>
								<option value="post">POST</option>

--- NEW FILE: fck_select.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Select dialog window.
		<title>Select Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="fck_select/fck_select.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

var oListText ;
var oListValue ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	oListText	= document.getElementById( 'cmbText' ) ;
	oListValue	= document.getElementById( 'cmbValue' ) ;

	if ( oActiveEl && oActiveEl.tagName == 'SELECT' )
		GetE('txtName').value		= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtSelValue').value	= oActiveEl.value ;
		GetE('txtLines').value		= GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'size' ) ;
		GetE('chkMultiple').checked	= oActiveEl.multiple ;

		// Load the actual options
		for ( var i = 0 ; i < oActiveEl.options.length ; i++ )
			var sText	= HTMLDecode( oActiveEl.options[i].innerHTML ) ;
			var sValue	= oActiveEl.options[i].value ;

			AddComboOption( oListText, sText, sText ) ;
			AddComboOption( oListValue, sValue, sValue ) ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	var sSize = GetE('txtLines').value ;
	if ( sSize == null || isNaN( sSize ) || sSize <= 1 )
		sSize = '' ;

	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'select' ) ;

	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'name'	, GetE('txtName').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'size'	, sSize ) ;
	oActiveEl.multiple = ( sSize.length > 0 && GetE('chkMultiple').checked ) ;

	// Remove all options.
	while ( oActiveEl.options.length > 0 )
		oActiveEl.remove(0) ;

	// Add all available options.
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < oListText.options.length ; i++ )
		var sText	= oListText.options[i].value ;
		var sValue	= oListValue.options[i].value ;
		if ( sValue.length == 0 ) sValue = sText ;

		var oOption = AddComboOption( oActiveEl, sText, sValue, oDOM ) ;

		if ( sValue == GetE('txtSelValue').value )
			SetAttribute( oOption, 'selected', 'selected' ) ;
			oOption.selected = true ;

	return true ;

	<body style="overflow: hidden">
		<table width="100%" height="100%">
					<table width="100%">
							<td nowrap><span fckLang="DlgSelectName">Name</span> </td>
							<td width="100%" colSpan="2"><input id="txtName" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text"></td>
							<td nowrap><span fckLang="DlgSelectValue">Value</span> </td>
							<td width="100%" colSpan="2"><input id="txtSelValue" style="WIDTH: 100%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: buttonface" type="text" readonly></td>
							<td nowrap><span fckLang="DlgSelectSize">Size</span> </td>
							<td nowrap><input id="txtLines" type="text" size="2" value=""> <span fckLang="DlgSelectLines">lines</span></td>
							<td nowrap align="right"><input id="chkMultiple" name="chkMultiple" type="checkbox"><label for="chkMultiple" fckLang="DlgSelectChkMulti">Allow
									multiple selections</label></td>
					<hr style="POSITION: absolute">
					<span style="LEFT: 10px; POSITION: relative; TOP: -7px" class="BackColor"> <span fckLang="DlgSelectOpAvail">Available
							Options</span> </span>
					<table width="100%">
							<td width="50%"><span fckLang="DlgSelectOpText">Text</span><br>
								<input id="txtText" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" name="txtText">
							<td width="50%"><span fckLang="DlgSelectOpValue">Value</span><br>
								<input id="txtValue" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" name="txtValue">
							<td vAlign="bottom"><input onclick="Add();" type="button" fckLang="DlgSelectBtnAdd" value="Add"></td>
							<td vAlign="bottom"><input onclick="Modify();" type="button" fckLang="DlgSelectBtnModify" value="Modify"></td>
							<td rowSpan="2"><select id="cmbText" style="WIDTH: 100%" onchange="GetE('cmbValue').selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex;Select(this);"
									size="5" name="cmbText"></select>
							<td rowSpan="2"><select id="cmbValue" style="WIDTH: 100%" onchange="GetE('cmbText').selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex;Select(this);"
									size="5" name="cmbValue"></select>
							<td vAlign="top" colSpan="2">
							<td vAlign="bottom" colSpan="2"><input style="WIDTH: 100%" onclick="Move(-1);" type="button" fckLang="DlgSelectBtnUp" value="Up">
								<input style="WIDTH: 100%" onclick="Move(1);" type="button" fckLang="DlgSelectBtnDown"
							<TD vAlign="bottom" colSpan="4"><INPUT onclick="SetSelectedValue();" type="button" fckLang="DlgSelectBtnSetValue" value="Set as selected value">  
								<input onclick="Delete();" type="button" fckLang="DlgSelectBtnDelete" value="Delete"></TD>

--- NEW FILE: fck_textarea.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Text Area dialog window.
		<title>Text Area Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oActiveEl = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oActiveEl && oActiveEl.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' )
		GetE('txtName').value		= oActiveEl.name ;
		GetE('txtCols').value		= GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'cols' ) ;
		GetE('txtRows').value		= GetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'rows' ) ;
		oActiveEl = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	if ( !oActiveEl )
		oActiveEl = oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'textarea' ) ;

	oActiveEl.name = GetE('txtName').value ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'cols', GetE('txtCols').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oActiveEl, 'rows', GetE('txtRows').value ) ;

	return true ;

	<body style="overflow: hidden">
		<table height="100%" width="100%">
				<td align="center">
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
								<span fckLang="DlgTextareaName">Name</span><br>
								<input type="text" id="txtName" style="WIDTH: 100%">
								<span fckLang="DlgTextareaCols">Collumns</span><br>
								<input id="txtCols" type="text" size="5">
								<span fckLang="DlgTextareaRows">Rows</span><br>
								<input id="txtRows" type="text" size="5">

--- NEW FILE: fck_flash.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Flash Properties dialog window.
		<title>Flash Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script src="fck_flash/fck_flash.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<link href="common/fck_dialog_common.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
	<body scroll="no" style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
		<div id="divInfo">
			<table cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="0">
						<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
								<td width="100%"><span fckLang="DlgImgURL">URL</span>
								<td id="tdBrowse" style="DISPLAY: none" noWrap rowSpan="2">  <input id="btnBrowse" onclick="BrowseServer();" type="button" value="Browse Server" fckLang="DlgBtnBrowseServer">
								<td vAlign="top"><input id="txtUrl" onblur="UpdatePreview();" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
						<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0">
								<TD nowrap>
									<span fckLang="DlgImgWidth">Width</span><br>
									<input id="txtWidth" onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" type="text" size="3">
								<TD> </TD>
									<span fckLang="DlgImgHeight">Height</span><br>
									<input id="txtHeight" onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" type="text" size="3">
					<td vAlign="top">
						<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
								<td valign="top" width="100%">
									<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%">
											<td><span fckLang="DlgImgPreview">Preview</span></td>
											<td id="ePreviewCell" valign="top" class="FlashPreviewArea"><iframe src="fck_flash/fck_flash_preview.html" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe></td>
		<div id="divUpload" style="DISPLAY: none">
			<form id="frmUpload" method="post" target="UploadWindow" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" onsubmit="return CheckUpload();">
				<span fckLang="DlgLnkUpload">Upload</span><br />
				<input id="txtUploadFile" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="file" size="40" name="NewFile" /><br />
				<br />
				<input id="btnUpload" type="submit" value="Send it to the Server" fckLang="DlgLnkBtnUpload" />
				<iframe name="UploadWindow" style="DISPLAY: none" src="javascript:void(0)"></iframe>
		<div id="divAdvanced" style="DISPLAY: none">
			<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0">
					<TD nowrap>
						<span fckLang="DlgFlashScale">Scale</span><BR>
						<select id="cmbScale">
							<option value="" selected></option>
							<option value="showall" fckLang="DlgFlashScaleAll">Show all</option>
							<option value="noborder" fckLang="DlgFlashScaleNoBorder">No Border</option>
							<option value="exactfit" fckLang="DlgFlashScaleFit">Exact Fit</option>
					<td valign="bottom">
								<td><input id="chkAutoPlay" type="checkbox" checked></td>
								<td><label for="chkAutoPlay" nowrap fckLang="DlgFlashChkPlay">Auto Play</label>  </td>
								<td><input id="chkLoop" type="checkbox" checked></td>
								<td><label for="chkLoop" nowrap fckLang="DlgFlashChkLoop">Loop</label>  </td>
								<td><input id="chkMenu" type="checkbox" checked></td>
								<td><label for="chkMenu" nowrap fckLang="DlgFlashChkMenu">Enable Flash Menu</label></td>
			<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
					<td vAlign="top" width="50%"><span fckLang="DlgGenId">Id</span><br>
						<input id="txtAttId" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
					<td>  </td>
					<td vAlign="top" nowrap><span fckLang="DlgGenClass">Stylesheet Classes</span><br>
						<input id="txtAttClasses" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
					<td>  </td>
					<td vAlign="top" nowrap width="50%"> <span fckLang="DlgGenTitle">Advisory Title</span><br>
						<input id="txtAttTitle" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
			<span fckLang="DlgGenStyle">Style</span><br>
			<input id="txtAttStyle" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">

--- NEW FILE: fck_source.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Source editor dialog window.
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
		<link href="common/fck_dialog_common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<script language="javascript">

var oEditor		= window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK			= oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKConfig	= oEditor.FCKConfig ;

window.onload = function()
	// EnableXHTML and EnableSourceXHTML has been deprecated
//	document.getElementById('txtSource').value = ( FCKConfig.EnableXHTML && FCKConfig.EnableSourceXHTML ? FCK.GetXHTML( FCKConfig.FormatSource ) : FCK.GetHTML( FCKConfig.FormatSource ) ) ;
	document.getElementById('txtSource').value = FCK.GetXHTML( FCKConfig.FormatSource ) ;

	// Activate the "OK" button.
	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;

//#### The OK button was hit.
function Ok()
	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

	FCK.SetData( document.getElementById('txtSource').value, false ) ;

	return true ;
	<body scroll="no" style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
		<table width="100%" height="100%">
				<td height="100%"><textarea id="txtSource" dir="ltr" style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 14px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; WIDTH: 100%; PADDING-TOP: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: Monospace; HEIGHT: 100%">Loading. Please wait...</textarea></td>

--- NEW FILE: fck_paste.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * This dialog is shown when, for some reason (usually security settings),
 * the user is not able to paste data from the clipboard to the editor using
 * the toolbar buttons or the context menu.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

	<script type="text/javascript">
var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK = oEditor.FCK;
var FCKTools	= oEditor.FCKTools ;
var FCKConfig	= oEditor.FCKConfig ;

window.onload = function ()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	var sPastingType = window.parent.dialogArguments.CustomValue ;

	if ( sPastingType == 'Word' || sPastingType == 'Security' )
		if ( sPastingType == 'Security' )
			document.getElementById( 'xSecurityMsg' ).style.display = '' ;

		var oFrame = document.getElementById('frmData') ;
		oFrame.style.display = '' ;

		// Avoid errors if the pasted content has any script that fails: #389
		var oDoc = oFrame.contentWindow.document ;
		oDoc.open() ;
		oDoc.write('<html><head><script>window.onerror = function() { return true ; };<\/script><\/head><body><\/body><\/html>') ;
		oDoc.close() ;
		if ( oFrame.contentDocument )
			oFrame.contentDocument.designMode = 'on' ;
			oFrame.contentWindow.document.body.contentEditable = true ;

		// Set the focus on the pasting area
		document.getElementById('txtData').style.display = '' ;

	if ( sPastingType != 'Word' )
		document.getElementById('oWordCommands').style.display = 'none' ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	// Before doing anything, save undo snapshot.
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

	var sHtml ;

	var sPastingType = window.parent.dialogArguments.CustomValue ;

	if ( sPastingType == 'Word' || sPastingType == 'Security' )
		var oFrame = document.getElementById('frmData') ;
		var oBody ;

		if ( oFrame.contentDocument )
			oBody = oFrame.contentDocument.body ;
			oBody = oFrame.contentWindow.document.body ;

		if ( sPastingType == 'Word' )
			// If a plugin creates a FCK.CustomCleanWord function it will be called instead of the default one
			if ( typeof( FCK.CustomCleanWord ) == 'function' )
				sHtml = FCK.CustomCleanWord( oBody, document.getElementById('chkRemoveFont').checked, document.getElementById('chkRemoveStyles').checked ) ;
				sHtml = CleanWord( oBody, document.getElementById('chkRemoveFont').checked, document.getElementById('chkRemoveStyles').checked ) ;
			sHtml = oBody.innerHTML ;

		// Fix relative anchor URLs (IE automatically adds the current page URL).
		var re = new RegExp( window.location + "#", "g" ) ;
		sHtml = sHtml.replace( re, '#') ;
		sHtml = oEditor.FCKTools.HTMLEncode( document.getElementById('txtData').value )  ;
		sHtml = FCKTools.ProcessLineBreaks( oEditor, FCKConfig, sHtml ) ;

		// FCK.InsertHtml() does not work for us, since document fragments cannot contain node fragments. :(
		// Use the marker method instead. It's primitive, but it works.
		var range = new oEditor.FCKDomRange( oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
		var oDoc = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;
		range.MoveToSelection() ;
		range.DeleteContents() ;
		var marker = [] ;
		for ( var i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
			marker.push( parseInt(Math.random() * 100000, 10 ) ) ;
		marker = marker.join( "" ) ;
		range.InsertNode ( oDoc.createTextNode( marker ) ) ;
		var bookmark = range.CreateBookmark() ;

		// Now we've got a marker indicating the paste position in the editor document.
		// Find its position in the HTML code.
		var htmlString = oDoc.body.innerHTML ;
		var index = htmlString.indexOf( marker ) ;

		// Split it the HTML code up, add the code we generated, and put them back together.
		var htmlList = [] ;
		htmlList.push( htmlString.substr( 0, index ) ) ;
		htmlList.push( sHtml ) ;
		htmlList.push( htmlString.substr( index + marker.length ) ) ;
		htmlString = htmlList.join( "" ) ;

		if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
			oEditor.FCK.SetInnerHtml( htmlString ) ;
			oDoc.body.innerHTML = htmlString ;

		range.MoveToBookmark( bookmark ) ;
		range.Collapse( false ) ;
		range.Select() ;
		range.Release() ;
		return true ;

	oEditor.FCK.InsertHtml( sHtml ) ;

	return true ;

function CleanUpBox()
	var oFrame = document.getElementById('frmData') ;

	if ( oFrame.contentDocument )
		oFrame.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = '' ;
		oFrame.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = '' ;

// This function will be called from the PasteFromWord dialog (fck_paste.html)
// Input: oNode a DOM node that contains the raw paste from the clipboard
// bIgnoreFont, bRemoveStyles booleans according to the values set in the dialog
// Output: the cleaned string
function CleanWord( oNode, bIgnoreFont, bRemoveStyles )
	var html = oNode.innerHTML ;

	html = html.replace(/<o:p>\s*<\/o:p>/g, '') ;
	html = html.replace(/<o:p>.*?<\/o:p>/g, ' ') ;

	// Remove mso-xxx styles.
	html = html.replace( /\s*mso-[^:]+:[^;"]+;?/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove margin styles.
	html = html.replace( /\s*MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt\s*;/gi, '' ) ;
	html = html.replace( /\s*MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt\s*"/gi, "\"" ) ;

	html = html.replace( /\s*TEXT-INDENT: 0cm\s*;/gi, '' ) ;
	html = html.replace( /\s*TEXT-INDENT: 0cm\s*"/gi, "\"" ) ;

	html = html.replace( /\s*TEXT-ALIGN: [^\s;]+;?"/gi, "\"" ) ;

	html = html.replace( /\s*PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE: [^\s;]+;?"/gi, "\"" ) ;

	html = html.replace( /\s*FONT-VARIANT: [^\s;]+;?"/gi, "\"" ) ;

	html = html.replace( /\s*tab-stops:[^;"]*;?/gi, '' ) ;
	html = html.replace( /\s*tab-stops:[^"]*/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove FONT face attributes.
	if ( bIgnoreFont )
		html = html.replace( /\s*face="[^"]*"/gi, '' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /\s*face=[^ >]*/gi, '' ) ;

		html = html.replace( /\s*FONT-FAMILY:[^;"]*;?/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove Class attributes
	html = html.replace(/<(\w[^>]*) class=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;

	// Remove styles.
	if ( bRemoveStyles )
		html = html.replace( /<(\w[^>]*) style="([^\"]*)"([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3" ) ;

	// Remove empty styles.
	html =  html.replace( /\s*style="\s*"/gi, '' ) ;

	html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*[^>]*>\s* \s*<\/SPAN>/gi, ' ' ) ;

	html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*[^>]*><\/SPAN>/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove Lang attributes
	html = html.replace(/<(\w[^>]*) lang=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;

	html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*>(.*?)<\/SPAN>/gi, '$1' ) ;

	html = html.replace( /<FONT\s*>(.*?)<\/FONT>/gi, '$1' ) ;

	// Remove XML elements and declarations
	html = html.replace(/<\\?\?xml[^>]*>/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove Tags with XML namespace declarations: <o:p><\/o:p>
	html = html.replace(/<\/?\w+:[^>]*>/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove comments [SF BUG-1481861].
	html = html.replace(/<\!--.*?-->/g, '' ) ;

	html = html.replace( /<(U|I|STRIKE)> <\/\1>/g, ' ' ) ;

	html = html.replace( /<H\d>\s*<\/H\d>/gi, '' ) ;

	// Remove "display:none" tags.
	html = html.replace( /<(\w+)[^>]*\sstyle="[^"]*DISPLAY\s?:\s?none(.*?)<\/\1>/ig, '' ) ;

	// Remove language tags
	html = html.replace( /<(\w[^>]*) language=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;

	// Remove onmouseover and onmouseout events (from MS Word comments effect)
	html = html.replace( /<(\w[^>]*) onmouseover="([^\"]*)"([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
	html = html.replace( /<(\w[^>]*) onmouseout="([^\"]*)"([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;

	if ( FCKConfig.CleanWordKeepsStructure )
		// The original <Hn> tag send from Word is something like this: <Hn style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px">
		html = html.replace( /<H(\d)([^>]*)>/gi, '<h$1>' ) ;

		// Word likes to insert extra <font> tags, when using MSIE. (Wierd).
		html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><FONT[^>]*>(.*?)<\/FONT><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
		html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><EM>(.*?)<\/EM><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
		html = html.replace( /<H1([^>]*)>/gi, '<div$1><b><font size="6">' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<H2([^>]*)>/gi, '<div$1><b><font size="5">' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<H3([^>]*)>/gi, '<div$1><b><font size="4">' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<H4([^>]*)>/gi, '<div$1><b><font size="3">' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<H5([^>]*)>/gi, '<div$1><b><font size="2">' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<H6([^>]*)>/gi, '<div$1><b><font size="1">' ) ;

		html = html.replace( /<\/H\d>/gi, '<\/font><\/b><\/div>' ) ;

		// Transform <P> to <DIV>
		var re = new RegExp( '(<P)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/P>)', 'gi' ) ;	// Different because of a IE 5.0 error
		html = html.replace( re, '<div$2<\/div>' ) ;

		// Remove empty tags (three times, just to be sure).
		// This also removes any empty anchor
		html = html.replace( /<([^\s>]+)(\s[^>]*)?>\s*<\/\1>/g, '' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<([^\s>]+)(\s[^>]*)?>\s*<\/\1>/g, '' ) ;
		html = html.replace( /<([^\s>]+)(\s[^>]*)?>\s*<\/\1>/g, '' ) ;

	return html ;


<body style="overflow: hidden">
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" style="height: 98%">
				<div id="xSecurityMsg" style="display: none">
					<span fcklang="DlgPasteSec">Because of your browser security settings,
						the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required
						to paste it again in this window.</span><br />
					<span fcklang="DlgPasteMsg2">Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard
						(<strong>Ctrl+V</strong>) and hit <strong>OK</strong>.</span><br />
			<td valign="top" height="100%" style="border-right: #000000 1px solid; border-top: #000000 1px solid;
				border-left: #000000 1px solid; border-bottom: #000000 1px solid">
				<textarea id="txtData" cols="80" rows="5" style="border: #000000 1px; display: none;
					width: 99%; height: 98%"></textarea>
				<iframe id="frmData" src="javascript:void(0)" height="98%" width="99%" frameborder="0"
					style="border-right: #000000 1px; border-top: #000000 1px; display: none; border-left: #000000 1px;
					border-bottom: #000000 1px; background-color: #ffffff"></iframe>
		<tr id="oWordCommands">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
						<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<input id="chkRemoveFont" type="checkbox" checked="checked" />
							<label for="chkRemoveFont" fcklang="DlgPasteIgnoreFont">
								Ignore Font Face definitions</label>
							<br />
							<input id="chkRemoveStyles" type="checkbox" />
							<label for="chkRemoveStyles" fcklang="DlgPasteRemoveStyles">
								Remove Styles definitions</label>
						<td align="right" valign="top">
							<input type="button" fcklang="DlgPasteCleanBox" value="Clean Up Box" onclick="CleanUpBox()" />

--- NEW FILE: fck_anchor.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Anchor dialog window.
		<title>Anchor Properties</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor	= window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK		= oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKBrowserInfo = oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo ;
var FCKTools = oEditor.FCKTools ;
var FCKRegexLib = oEditor.FCKRegexLib ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oFakeImage = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ;
var oAnchor ;

if ( oFakeImage )
	if ( oFakeImage.tagName == 'IMG' && oFakeImage.getAttribute('_fckanchor') )
		oAnchor = FCK.GetRealElement( oFakeImage ) ;
		oFakeImage = null ;

//Search for a real anchor
if ( !oFakeImage )
	oAnchor = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ;
	if ( oAnchor )
		FCK.Selection.SelectNode( oAnchor ) ;

window.onload = function()
	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	if ( oAnchor )
		GetE('txtName').value = oAnchor.name ;
		oAnchor = null ;

	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
	var sNewName = GetE('txtName').value ;

	// Remove any illegal character in a name attribute:
	// A name should start with a letter, but the validator passes anyway.
	sNewName = sNewName.replace( /[^\w-_\.:]/g, '_' ) ;

	if ( sNewName.length == 0 )
		// Remove the anchor if the user leaves the name blank
		if ( oAnchor )
			// Removes the current anchor from the document using the new command
			FCK.Commands.GetCommand( 'AnchorDelete' ).Execute() ;
			return true ;

		alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgAnchorErrorName ) ;
		return false ;

	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

	if ( oAnchor )	// Modifying an existent anchor.
		ReadjustLinksToAnchor( oAnchor.name, sNewName );

		// Buggy explorer, bad bad browser. http://alt-tag.com/blog/archives/2006/02/ie-dom-bugs/
		// Instead of just replacing the .name for the existing anchor (in order to preserve the content), we must remove the .name
		// and assign .name, although it won't appear until it's specially processed in fckxhtml.js

		// We remove the previous name
		oAnchor.removeAttribute( 'name' ) ;
		// Now we set it, but later we must process it specially
		oAnchor.name = sNewName ;

		return true ;

	// Create a new anchor preserving the current selection
	var aNewAnchors = oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( '#' ) ;

	if ( aNewAnchors.length == 0 )
		// Nothing was selected, so now just create a normal A
		aNewAnchors.push( oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'a' ) ) ;
		// Remove the fake href
		for ( var i = 0 ; i < aNewAnchors.length ; i++ )
			aNewAnchors[i].removeAttribute( 'href' ) ;

	// More than one anchors may have been created, so interact through all of them (see #220).
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < aNewAnchors.length ; i++ )
		oAnchor = aNewAnchors[i] ;

		// Set the name
		oAnchor.name = sNewName ;

		// IE does require special processing to show the Anchor's image
		// Opera doesn't allow to select empty anchors
		if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE || FCKBrowserInfo.IsOpera )
			if ( oAnchor.innerHTML != '' )
				if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
					oAnchor.className += ' FCK__AnchorC' ;
				// Create a fake image for both IE and Opera
				var oImg = oEditor.FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__Anchor', oAnchor.cloneNode(true) ) ;
				oImg.setAttribute( '_fckanchor', 'true', 0 ) ;

				oAnchor.parentNode.insertBefore( oImg, oAnchor ) ;
				oAnchor.parentNode.removeChild( oAnchor ) ;


	return true ;

// Checks all the links in the current page pointing to the current name and changes them to the new name
function ReadjustLinksToAnchor( sCurrent, sNew )
	var oDoc = FCK.EditorDocument ;

	var aLinks = oDoc.getElementsByTagName( 'A' ) ;

	var sReference = '#' + sCurrent ;
	// The url of the document, so we check absolute and partial references.
	var sFullReference = oDoc.location.href.replace( /(#.*$)/, '') ;
	sFullReference += sReference ;

	var oLink ;
	var i = aLinks.length - 1 ;
	while ( i >= 0 && ( oLink = aLinks[i--] ) )
		var sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
		if ( sHRef == null )
			sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( 'href' , 2 ) || '' ;

		if ( sHRef == sReference || sHRef == sFullReference )
			oLink.href = '#' + sNew ;
			SetAttribute( oLink, '_fcksavedurl', '#' + sNew ) ;

	<body style="overflow: hidden">
		<table height="100%" width="100%">
				<td align="center">
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
								<span fckLang="DlgAnchorName">Anchor Name</span><BR>
								<input id="txtName" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">

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