[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-1.x/plugins/polls/language dutch_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 french_canada_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 russian_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 spanish.php, NONE, 1.1

Dirk Haun dhaun at qs1489.pair.com
Sat Apr 26 16:42:40 EDT 2008

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/plugins/polls/language
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv26856

Added Files:
	dutch_utf-8.php french_canada_utf-8.php russian_utf-8.php 
Log Message:
Converted missing language files to/from UTF-8

--- NEW FILE: spanish.php ---

# spanish.php
# This is the spanish language page for the Geeklog Polls Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2007 José R. Valverde
# jrvalverde at cnb.uam.es
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2005 Trinity Bays
# trinity93 at gmail.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_POLLS = array(
    'polls'             => 'Encuestas',
    'results'           => 'Resultados',
    'pollresults'       => 'Resultados de la encuesta',
    'votes'             => 'votos',
    'vote'              => 'Voto',
    'pastpolls'         => 'Encuestas anteriores',
    'savedvotetitle'    => 'Voto guardado',
    'savedvotemsg'      => 'Se ha guardado tu voto para la encuesta',
    'pollstitle'        => 'Encuestas disponibles',
    'pollquestions'     => 'Ver otras preguntas encuestadas',
    'stats_top10'       => '10 encuestas principales',
    'stats_questions'   => 'Pregunta de la encuesta',
    'stats_votes'       => 'Votos',
    'stats_none'        => 'Parece no haber encuestas o que nadie ha votado.',
    'stats_summary'     => 'Encuestas (Respuestas) en el sistema',
    'open_poll'         => 'Abierto para votar'

# admin/plugins/polls/index.php

$LANG25 = array(
    1 => 'Modo',
    2 => 'Por favor, introduce una pregunta y al menos una respuesta.',
    3 => 'Encuesta creada',
    4 => "Encuesta %s guardada",
    5 => 'Modificar encuesta',
    6 => 'ID de la encuesta',
    7 => '(no usar espacios)',
    8 => 'Aparece en la Página Principal',
    9 => 'Pregunta',
    10 => 'Respuesta / Votos / Aclaración',
    11 => "Ha habido un error intentando obtener los resultados de la encuesta %s",
    12 => "Hubo un error intentando consultar los resultados de la encuesta %s",
    13 => 'Crear encuesta',
    14 => 'guardar',
    15 => 'cancelar',
    16 => 'borrar',
    17 => 'Por favor, introduzca una ID para la encuesta',
    18 => 'Lista de encuestas',
    19 => 'Para modificar o borrar una encuesta, pulse en el botón de edición. Para crear una encuesta nueva, pulse en "Crear nueva".',
    20 => 'Votantes',
    21 => 'Acceso denegado',
    22 => "Está intentando acceder a una encuesta a la que no tiene derecho. Este intento ha sido guardado. Por favor <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/poll.php\">regrese a la pantalla de gestión de encuestas</a>.",
    23 => 'Nueva encuesta',
    24 => 'Administración',
    25 => 'Si',
    26 => 'No',
    27 => 'Editar',
    28 => 'Enviar',
    29 => 'Buscar',
    30 => 'Limitar Resultados',

$PLG_polls_MESSAGE19 = 'Tu encuesta se guardó satisfactoriamente.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE20 = 'Tu encuesta se ha borrado satisfactoriamente.';

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: french_canada_utf-8.php ---

# french_canada_utf-8.php
# This is the Canadian French language file for the Geeklog Polls plugin
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2005 Trinity Bays
# trinity93 at gmail.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_POLLS = array(
    'polls'             => 'sondages',
    'results'           => 'Résultats',
    'pollresults'       => 'Résultat des sondages',
    'votes'             => 'votes',
    'vote'              => 'Vote',
    'pastpolls'         => 'Sondages anciens',
    'savedvotetitle'    => 'Vote sauvegardé',
    'savedvotemsg'      => 'Votre vote à été enregistré',
    'pollstitle'        => 'Sondages dans le système',
    'pollquestions'     => 'Voyez les autres questions sondées',
    'stats_top10'       => 'Top-10 des sondages',
    'stats_questions'   => 'Questions des sondages',
    'stats_votes'       => 'Votes',
    'stats_none'        => 'Il appert qu\'il n\'y a aucun sondage actif en ce moment, ou que personne n\'ait voté à ce jour.',
    'stats_summary'     => 'Sondages (réponses) dans le système',
    'open_poll'         => 'Ouvert au vote'

# admin/plugins/polls/index.php

$LANG25 = array(
    1 => 'Mode',
    2 => 'Merci d\'inscrire une question et au moins une réponse.',
    3 => 'Sondage créé',
    4 => "%s sondage(s) sauvegardé(s)",
    5 => 'Éditez le sondage',
    6 => 'Numéro de sondage',
    7 => '(n\'utilisez pas d\'espacements)',
    8 => 'Apparaît sur la page d\'accueil',
    9 => 'Question',
    10 => 'Réponses / Votes',
    11 => "Erreur : nous n\'avons pu récupérer les réponses du sondage %s",
    12 => "Erreur : nous n\'avons pu récupérer les questions du sondage %s",
    13 => 'Créez un sondage',
    14 => 'sauvegardez',
    15 => 'annulez',
    16 => 'effacez',
    17 => 'Inscrivez un numéro de sondage',
    18 => 'Liste des sondages',
    19 => 'Cliquez sur l\'icône pour modifier un sondage.  Cliquez sur "Créer" pour un nouveau sondage.',
    20 => 'Voteurs',
    21 => 'Accès refusé',
    22 => "You are trying to access a poll that you don't have rights to.  This attempt has been logged. Please <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/poll.php\">go back to the poll administration screen</a>.",
    23 => 'Nouveau sondage',
    24 => 'Admin Home',
    25 => 'Oui',
    26 => 'Non',
    27 => 'Éditer',
    28 => 'Soumettre',
    29 => 'Rechercher',
    30 => 'Limite des résultats',

$PLG_polls_MESSAGE19 = 'Vos sondages ont été sauvegardés avec succès.';

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: dutch_utf-8.php ---

# dutch_utf-8.php
# This is the Dutch language file for the Geeklog Polls plugin
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2005 Trinity Bays
# trinity93 at gmail.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_POLLS = array(
    'polls'             => 'Peilingen',
    'results'           => 'Resultaten',
    'pollresults'       => 'Peiling Resultaten',
    'votes'             => 'stemmen',
    'vote'              => 'Stem',
    'pastpolls'         => 'Oudere peilingen',
    'savedvotetitle'    => 'Stem opgeslagen',
    'savedvotemsg'      => 'Uw stem is in de peling opgenomen',
    'pollstitle'        => 'Peilingen in systeem',
    'pollquestions'     => 'Bekijke andere peilingen',
    'stats_top10'       => 'Top Tien Peilingen',
    'stats_questions'   => 'Peiling vraag',
    'stats_votes'       => 'Stemmen',
    'stats_none'        => 'Er zijn geen peilingen aanwezig of er is nog niet op gestemd.',
    'stats_summary'     => 'Peilingen (resultaten) in het systeem',
    'open_poll'         => 'Open voor stemmen'

# admin/plugins/polls/index.php

$LANG25 = array(
    1 => 'Modus',
    2 => 'Geef een vraag en tenminsten 1 antwoord op.',
    3 => 'Peiling aangemaakt',
    4 => "Peiling %s bewaard",
    5 => 'Edit peiling',
    6 => 'Peiling ID',
    7 => '(zonder spaties)',
    8 => 'Verschijnt op Homepage',
    9 => 'Vraag',
    10 => 'Antwoorden / Stemmen',
    11 => "Er is een fout opgettreden tijdens het verkrijgen van de antwoorden van peiling %s",
    12 => "Er is een fout opgettreden tijdens het verkrijgen van de stemmen van peiling %s",
    13 => 'Maak peiling',
    14 => 'bewaar',
    15 => 'annuleer',
    16 => 'verwijder',
    17 => 'Geef AUB een peiling ID op',
    18 => 'Peiling lijst',
    19 => 'Om een peiling te veranderen of te verwijderen, klik op het Edit icoon naast de peiling. Om een nieuwe peiling te maken, klik op "Maak peiling" hierboven.',
    20 => 'Stemmers',
    21 => 'Toegang geweigerd',
    22 => "U probeert een peiling waar u geen toegang toe heeft te bewerken.  Deze poging is vastgelegd. Ga AUB terug naar de <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/poll.php\">peiling editor</a>.",
    23 => 'Nieuwe Peiling',
    24 => 'Admin Home',
    25 => 'Ja',
    26 => 'Nee',
    27 => 'Wijzig',
    28 => 'Verzend',
    29 => 'Zoek',
    30 => 'Limiteer resultaten',

$PLG_polls_MESSAGE19 = 'Your poll has been successfully saved.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE20 = 'Your poll has been successfully deleted.';

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: russian_utf-8.php ---

# russian_utf-8.php
# This is the russian language file for the Geeklog Polls plugin
# Copyright (C) 2006 Volodymyr V. Prokurashko
# vvprok at ukr.net
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_POLLS = array(
    'polls'             => 'Опросы',
    'results'           => 'Результаты',
    'pollresults'       => 'Результаты опроса',
    'votes'             => 'голосов',
    'vote'              => 'Голосовать',
    'pastpolls'         => 'Прошлые опросы',
    'savedvotetitle'    => 'Голос сохранено',
    'savedvotemsg'      => 'Ваш голос в опросе был учтён',
    'pollstitle'        => 'Опросы',
    'pollquestions'     => 'Перейти к другим опросам',
    'stats_top10'       => '10 популярнейших опросов',
    'stats_questions'   => 'Вопросы',
    'stats_votes'       => 'ГОлосов',
    'stats_none'        => 'На этом сайте нет опросов, или ещё никто в них не голосовал.',
    'stats_summary'     => 'Опросов (Голосов) в системе',
    'open_poll'         => 'Открытый для голосования'

# admin/plugins/polls/index.php

$LANG25 = array(
    1 => 'Режим',
    2 => 'Пожалуйста, введите вопрос и хотя бы один ответ.',
    3 => 'Опрос создан',
    4 => "Опрос %s сохранено",
    5 => 'Редактировать опрос',
    6 => 'ID опроса',
    7 => '(не использовать пробелы)',
    8 => 'Показывать на главной странице',
    9 => 'Вопрос',
    10 => 'Ответы / Голоса',
    11 => "Во время доступа к данным об ответах опроса %s произошла ошибка",
    12 => "Во время доступа к данным о вопросе опроса %s произошла ошибка",
    13 => 'Создать опрос',
    14 => 'сохранить',
    15 => 'отменить',
    16 => 'удалить',
    17 => 'Пожалуйста, введите ID опроса',
    18 => 'Список опросов',
    19 => 'Что бы изменить или удалить опрос, нажмите его иконку редактирования, которая находиться ниже.  Что бы создать новый опрос, выберете "Создать новый" выше.',
    20 => 'Проголосовало',
    21 => 'Доступ запрещён',
    22 => "Вы пытаетесь получить доступ к опросу с ограниченными правами доступа.  Эту попытку записано. Пожалуйста, <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/poll.php\">вернитесь к администрированиюa>.",
    23 => 'Новый опрос',
    24 => 'Администрирование',
    25 => 'Да',
    26 => 'Нет',
    27 => 'Редактировать',
    28 => 'Послать',
    29 => 'Поиск',
    30 => 'Ограничить результаты',

$PLG_polls_MESSAGE19 = 'Ваш опрос успешно сохранён.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE20 = 'Your poll has been successfully deleted.';

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_polls_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


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