[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-1.x/plugins/links/language czech_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 dutch_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 french_canada_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 polish_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 russian_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 spanish.php, NONE, 1.1

Dirk Haun dhaun at qs1489.pair.com
Sat Apr 26 16:35:28 EDT 2008

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/plugins/links/language
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv26614

Added Files:
	czech_utf-8.php dutch_utf-8.php french_canada_utf-8.php 
	polish_utf-8.php russian_utf-8.php spanish.php 
Log Message:
Converted missing language files to/from UTF-8

--- NEW FILE: polish_utf-8.php ---

# polish.php
# This is the Polish language file for the Geeklog Links plugin
# Copyright (C) 2006 Robert Stadnik
# geeklog_pl AT geeklog DOT now DOT pl
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: polish_utf-8.php,v 1.1 2008/04/26 20:35:26 dhaun Exp $

 * This is the english language page for the Geeklog links Plug-in! 
 * @package Links
 * @subpackage Language
 * @filesource
 * @version 1.0
 * @since GL 1.4.0
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 
 * @author Trinity Bays <trinity93 at gmail.com>
 * @author Tony Bibbs <tony at tonybibbs.com>
 * @author Tom Willett <twillett at users.sourceforge.net>
 * @author Blaine Lang <langmail at sympatico.ca>
 * @author Dirk Haun <dirk at haun-online.de>

global $LANG32;

# Array Format:
# $LANGXX[YY]:    $LANG - variable name
#              XX - file id number
#            YY - phrase id number

* the link plugin's lang array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS 
$LANG_LINKS = array(
    10 => 'Przesłane Linki',
    14 => 'Linki',
    84 => 'LINKI',
    88 => 'Brak nowych linków',
    114 => 'Linki',
    116 => 'Dodaj Link'

# for stats
* the link plugin's lang stats array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_STATS
    'links' => 'Liczba Linków (Kliknięć) w Serwisie',
    'stats_headline' => '10 Najpopularniejszych Linków',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Linki',
    'stats_hits' => 'Odsłon',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Wygląda na to, że nie ma żadnych linków albo nikt jeszcze nie kliknął na żaden link.',

# for the search
* the link plugin's lang search array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SEARCH 
 'results' => 'Linki - Wyniki',
 'title' => 'Tytuł',
 'date' => 'Dodano',
 'author' => 'Przesłany przez',
 'hits' => 'Kliknięć'
# for the submission form
* the link plugin's lang submit form array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SUBMIT 
    1 => 'Prześlij Link',
    2 => 'Link',
    3 => 'Kategoria',
    4 => 'Inne',
    5 => 'Jeśli Inne, proszę sprecyzować jaka',
    6 => 'BÅ‚Ä…: Brak Kategorii',
    7 => 'Podczas wyboru "Inne" proszę podać nazwę kategorii',
    8 => 'Tytuł',
    9 => 'URL',
    10 => 'Kategoria',
    11 => 'Prześlij Link'

# Messages for COM_showMessage the submission form

$PLG_links_MESSAGE1 = "Dziękuję za przesłanie linka.  Po zatwierdzeniu link pojawi się w sekcji <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>linki</a>.";
$PLG_links_MESSAGE2 = 'Link został zapisany.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3 = 'Link został wykasowany.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE4 = "Dziękuję za przesłanie linka.  Link jest dostępny w sekcji <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>linki</a>.";

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];

# admin/link.php
* the link plugin's lang admin array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN 
    1 => 'Edytor Linków',
    2 => 'ID Linka',
    3 => 'Tytuł Linka',
    4 => 'URL Link',
    5 => 'Kategoria',
    6 => '(włącznie z http://)',
    7 => 'Inne',
    8 => 'Odsłon',
    9 => 'Opis Linka',
    10 => 'Musisz podać Tytuł, URL, i Opis.',
    11 => 'Menadżer Linków',
    12 => 'Aby zmodyfikować lub wykasować link, kliknij na ikonę edycji poniżej.  Aby stworzyć nowy link, kliknij na "Nowy Link" powyżej.',
    14 => 'Kategoria Linka',
    16 => 'Odmowa Dostępu',
    17 => "Nie masz uprawnień do tego linka.  Twoja próba wejścia została zarejestrowana w logu. Proszę <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/links/index.php\">do ekranu zarządzania linkami</a>.",
    20 => 'Jeśli inna, podaj jaka',
    21 => 'zapisz',
    22 => 'anuluj',
    23 => 'kasuj'


--- NEW FILE: french_canada_utf-8.php ---

# french_canada.php
# This is the Canadian French language file for the Geeklog Links plugin
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2005 Trinity Bays
# trinity93 at gmail.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: french_canada_utf-8.php,v 1.1 2008/04/26 20:35:26 dhaun Exp $

 * This is the english language page for the Geeklog links Plug-in! 
 * @package Links
 * @subpackage Language
 * @filesource
 * @version 1.0
 * @since GL 1.4.0
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 
 * @author Trinity Bays <trinity93 at gmail.com>
 * @author Tony Bibbs <tony at tonybibbs.com>
 * @author Tom Willett <twillett at users.sourceforge.net>
 * @author Blaine Lang <langmail at sympatico.ca>
 * @author Dirk Haun <dirk at haun-online.de>

global $LANG32;

# Array Format:
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

* the link plugin's lang array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS 
$LANG_LINKS = array(
    10 => 'Soumissions',
    14 => 'liens',
    84 => 'LIENS',
    88 => 'Pas de liens récents',
    114 => 'liens',
    116 => 'Ajoutez un lien'

# for stats
* the link plugin's lang stats array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_STATS
    'links' => 'Liens en mémoire',
    'stats_headline' => 'Top-10 des liens',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Liens',
    'stats_hits' => 'Clics',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Il appert qu\'il n\'existe aucun lien, ou que personne n\'a cliqué sur le lien.',

# for the search
* the link plugin's lang search array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SEARCH 
 'results' => 'Résultat des liens',
 'title' => 'Titre',
 'date' => 'Date d\'ajout',
 'author' => 'Soumis par',
 'hits' => 'Clics'
# for the submission form
* the link plugin's lang submit form array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SUBMIT 
    1 => 'Soumettez un lien',
    2 => 'Lien',
    3 => 'Catégorie',
    4 => 'Autre',
    5 => 'Spécifiez autre',
    6 => 'Erreur : catégorie manquante',
    7 => 'Lorsque vous sélectionnez "Autre", merci d\'aussi inscrire une catégorie correspondante',
    8 => 'Titre',
    9 => 'URL',
    10 => 'Catégorie',
    11 => 'Liens soumis'

# Messages for COM_showMessage the submission form

$PLG_links_MESSAGE1 = "Merci de soumettre un lien vers {$_CONF['site_name']}.  Votre demande est en cours d\'approbation. Lorsque qu\'approuvé, votre soumission sera affichée dans la <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>section des liens</a>.";
$PLG_links_MESSAGE2 = 'Lien sauvegardé avec succès.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3 = 'Lien effacé avec succès.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE4 = "Merci de soumettre un lien vers {$_CONF['site_name']}. Il apparaît désormais à la <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>section des liens</a>.";

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];

# admin/link.php
* the link plugin's lang admin array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN 
    1 => 'Link Editor',
    2 => 'Link ID',
    3 => 'Link Title',
    4 => 'Link URL',
    5 => 'Category',
    6 => '(include http://)',
    7 => 'Other',
    8 => 'Link Hits',
    9 => 'Link Description',
    10 => 'You need to provide a link Title, URL and Description.',
    11 => 'Link Manager',
    12 => 'To modify or delete a link, click on that link\'s edit icon below.  To create a new link, click on "Create New" above.',
    14 => 'Link Category',
    16 => 'Access Denied',
    17 => "You are trying to access a link that you don't have rights to.  This attempt has been logged. Please <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/links/index.php\">go back to the link administration screen</a>.",
    20 => 'If other, specify',
    21 => 'save',
    22 => 'cancel',
    23 => 'delete'


--- NEW FILE: russian_utf-8.php ---

# russian.php
# This is the russian language page for the Geeklog Links Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2006 Volodymyr V. Prokurashko
# vvprok at ukr.net
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format:
# $LANGXX[YY]:    $LANG - variable name
#              XX - file id number
#            YY - phrase id number

$LANG_LINKS = array(
    10 => 'Присланные',
    14 => 'Ссылка',
    84 => 'Ссылки',
    88 => 'Нет новых ссылок',
    114 => 'Ссылки',
    116 => 'Добавить ссылку'

# for stats

    'links' => 'Ссылок (Кликов) в системе',
    'stats_headline' => '10 самых популярных ссылок',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Ссылки',
    'stats_hits' => 'Хиты',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'На этом сайте нет ссылок, или никто ими не пользовался.',

# for the search

 'results' => 'Результаты из каталога ссылок',
 'title' => 'Заголовок',
 'date' => 'Добавлено',
 'author' => 'Автор',
 'hits' => 'Кликов'
# for the submission form

    1 => 'Отослать ссылку',
    2 => 'Ссылка',
    3 => 'Категория',
    4 => 'Другое',
    5 => 'Если "Другое", укажите',
    6 => 'Ошибка: Отсутствует категория',
    7 => 'Выбирая "Другое", пожалйста, укажите название категории',
    8 => 'Заголовок',
    9 => 'URL',
    10 => 'Категория',
    11 => 'Входящие ссылки'

# Messages for COM_showMessage the submission form

$PLG_links_MESSAGE1 = "Спасибо за присланную на {$_CONF['site_name']} ссылку!  Ссылка отправлена администрацией сайта на одобрение.  В случае одобрения, ссылку будет добавлено в раздел <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>Ссылки</a>.";
$PLG_links_MESSAGE2 = 'Ваша ссылка успешно добавлена.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3 = 'Ссылка успешно удалена.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE4 = "Спасибо за присланную на {$_CONF['site_name']} ссылку!  Ссылка добавлена в раздел <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>Ссылки</a>.";

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];

# admin/link.php

    1 => 'Редактор ссылок',
    2 => 'ID ссылки',
    3 => 'Заголовок',
    4 => 'URL',
    5 => 'Категория',
    6 => '(включая http://)',
    7 => 'Другое',
    8 => 'Клики на ссылку',
    9 => 'Описание',
    10 => 'Вы должны указать заголовок, URL и описание.',
    11 => 'Менеджер ссылок',
    12 => 'Что бы изменить или удалить ссылку, нажмите на иконку редактирования, которая находиться ниже.  Что бы создать новую ссылку, выберете "Создать новую" вверху.',
    14 => 'Категория ссылки',
    16 => 'Доступ запрещён',
    17 => "Вы попытались доступиться до ссылки с ограниченными правами на просмотр.  Инфрмация об этой попыткой записана.  Пожалуйста, <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/links/index.php\">вернитесь к администрированию</a>.",
    20 => 'Если другое, укажите',
    21 => 'сохранить',
    22 => 'отменить',
    23 => 'удалить'


--- NEW FILE: czech_utf-8.php ---

# czech.php
# This is the czech (ISO 8859-2) language file for the Geeklog Links Plugin
# Copyright (C) 2007 Ondrej Rusek
# rusek at gybon.cz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: czech_utf-8.php,v 1.1 2008/04/26 20:35:26 dhaun Exp $

 * This is the english language page for the Geeklog links Plug-in! 
 * @package Links
 * @subpackage Language
 * @filesource
 * @version 1.0
 * @since GL 1.4.0
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2006
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 
 * @author Trinity Bays <trinity93 AT gmail DOT com>
 * @author Tony Bibbs <tony AT tonybibbs DOT com>
 * @author Tom Willett <twillett AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net>

global $LANG32;

# Array Format:
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

* the link plugin's lang array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS 
$LANG_LINKS = array(
    10 => 'Požadavky',
    14 => 'Odkazy',
    84 => 'ODKAZY',
    88 => 'Žádné nové odkazy',
    114 => 'Odkazy',
    116 => 'Přidat odkaz'

# for stats
* the link plugin's lang stats array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_STATS
    'links' => 'Odkazy (Kliknutí) v systému',
    'stats_headline' => 'Top Ten odkazů',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Odkazy',
    'stats_hits' => 'Použito',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Vypadá to, že nejsou žádné odkazy nebo odkaz nikdo ještě nepoužil.',

# for the search
* the link plugin's lang search array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SEARCH 
 'results' => 'Výsledky - odkazy',
 'title' => 'Titulek',
 'date' => 'Datum přidání',
 'author' => 'Přidal ',
 'hits' => 'Kliknuto'

# for the submission form
* the link plugin's lang submit form array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SUBMIT 
    1 => 'Poslat odkaz',
    2 => 'Odkaz',
    3 => 'Kategorie',
    4 => 'Jiná',
    5 => 'Pokud jiná, tak specifikuj',
    6 => 'Chyba: chybí kategorie',
    7 => 'Pokud vybereš "Jiná", dopiš jméno kategorie',
    8 => 'Titulek',
    9 => 'URL',
    10 => 'Kategorie',
    11 => 'Požadavky odkazů'

# Messages for COM_showMessage the submission form

$PLG_links_MESSAGE1 = "Děkujeme za odeslání odkazu na {$_CONF['site_name']}.  Nyní očekává odsouhlasení.  Po odouhlasení bude Váš odkaz v sekci <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>odkazů</a>.";
$PLG_links_MESSAGE2 = 'Váš odkaz byl úspěšně přidán.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3 = 'Odkaz byl úspěšně vymazán.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE4 = "Děkujeme za odeslání odkazu {$_CONF['site_name']}.  Můžete ho nalézt v <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>odkazech</a>.";

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];

# admin/link.php
* the link plugin's lang admin array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN 
    1 => 'Editor odkazů',
    2 => 'ID odkazu',
    3 => 'Titulek odkazu',
    4 => 'URL odkazu',
    5 => 'Kategorie',
    6 => '(včetně http://)',
    7 => 'Jiná',
    8 => 'Použití odkazu',
    9 => 'Popis odkazu',
    10 => 'Musíte zadat titulek, URL a popis.',
    11 => 'Správce odkazů',
    12 => 'Pro změnu nebo vymazání odkazu, klikněte na ikonu editace.  Pro vytvoření nového odkazu, klikněte na "Create New".',
    14 => 'Kategorie odkazu',
    16 => 'Přístup byl zakázán',
    17 => "Pokooušíte se použít odkaz, na který nemáte dostatečná práva. Váš pokus byl zalogován. Prosím, <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/links/index.php\">na stránku pro administraci</a>.",
    20 => 'Pokud jiná, specifikuj',
    21 => 'uložit',
    22 => 'storno',
    23 => 'vymazat'


--- NEW FILE: spanish.php ---

# spanish_utf-8.php
# This is the spanish language file for the Geeklog Links Plugin
# Copyright (C) 2007 JoséR. Valverde
# jrvalverde AT cnb DOT uam DOT es
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony AT tonybibbs DOT com
# Copyright (C) 2005 Trinity Bays
# trinity93 AT gmail DOT com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: spanish.php,v 1.1 2008/04/26 20:35:26 dhaun Exp $

 * This is the english language page for the Geeklog links Plug-in! 
 * @package Links
 * @subpackage Language
 * @filesource
 * @version 1.0
 * @since GL 1.4.0
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2006
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 
 * @author Trinity Bays <trinity93 AT gmail DOT com>
 * @author Tony Bibbs <tony AT tonybibbs DOT com>
 * @author Tom Willett <twillett AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net>

global $LANG32;

# Array Format:
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

* the link plugin's lang array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS 
$LANG_LINKS = array(
    10 => 'Envíos',
    14 => 'Enlaces',
    84 => 'ENLACES',
    88 => 'No hay enlaces recientes',
    114 => 'Enlaces',
    116 => 'Añadir un enlace'

# for stats
* the link plugin's lang stats array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_STATS
    'links' => 'Enlaces (Clicks) en el Sistema',
    'stats_headline' => '10 enlaces mejores',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Enlaces',
    'stats_hits' => 'Hits',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Parece que no hay enlaces o nadie ha visitado uno antes.',

# for the search
* the link plugin's lang search array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SEARCH 
 'results' => 'Resultados de enlaces',
 'title' => 'Título',
 'date' => 'Fecha de adición',
 'author' => 'Enviado por',
 'hits' => 'Clicks'

# for the submission form
* the link plugin's lang submit form array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SUBMIT 
    1 => 'Enviar enlace',
    2 => 'Enlace',
    3 => 'Categoría',
    4 => 'Otra',
    5 => 'Si otra, por favor especifique',
    6 => 'Error: Categoría inexistente',
    7 => 'Al elegir "Otra" proporcione también un nombre de categoría, por favor',
    8 => 'Título',
    9 => 'URL',
    10 => 'Categoría',
    11 => 'Enlaces enviados'

# Messages for COM_showMessage the submission form

$PLG_links_MESSAGE1 = "Gracias por enviar un enlace a {$_CONF['site_name']}.  Lo hemos reenviado a nuestros administradores paara que lo aprueben. Si es aprobado apareceerá en la sección de <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>enlaces</a>.";
$PLG_links_MESSAGE2 = 'Tu enlace se ha guardado satisfactoriamente.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3 = 'El enlace ha sido borrado satisfactoriamente.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE4 = "Grac ias por enviar un enlace a {$_CONF['site_name']}.  Puedes verlo en la sección de <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>enlaces</a>.";

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];

# admin/link.php
* the link plugin's lang admin array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN 
    1 => 'Editor de enlaces',
    2 => 'ID del enlace',
    3 => 'Título del enlace',
    4 => 'URL del enlace',
    5 => 'Categoría',
    6 => '(incluir http://)',
    7 => 'Otra',
    8 => 'Visitas',
    9 => 'Descripción del enlace',
    10 => 'Necesita proporcionar un título, URL y descripción para el enlace.',
    11 => 'Gestor de enlaces',
    12 => 'Para modificar o borrar un enlace, pulse en el botón de edición. Para crear un enlace nuevo pulse en "Crear nuevo".',
    14 => 'Categoría del enlace',
    16 => 'Acceso denegado',
    17 => "Estás intentando acceder a un enlace al que no tienes derecho. Este intento ha sido anotado. Por favor, <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/links/index.php\">vuelve a la pantalla de administración de enlaces</a>.",
    20 => 'Si Otra, especificar',
    21 => 'guardar',
    22 => 'cancelar',
    23 => 'borrar'


--- NEW FILE: dutch_utf-8.php ---

# dutch.php
# This is the Dutch language file for the Geeklog Links plugin
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2005 Trinity Bays
# trinity93 at gmail.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: dutch_utf-8.php,v 1.1 2008/04/26 20:35:26 dhaun Exp $

 * This is the english language page for the Geeklog links Plug-in! 
 * @package Links
 * @subpackage Language
 * @filesource
 * @version 1.0
 * @since GL 1.4.0
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 
 * @author Trinity Bays <trinity93 at gmail.com>
 * @author Tony Bibbs <tony at tonybibbs.com>
 * @author Tom Willett <twillett at users.sourceforge.net>
 * @author Blaine Lang <langmail at sympatico.ca>
 * @author Dirk Haun <dirk at haun-online.de>

global $LANG32;

# Array Format:
# $LANGXX[YY]:    $LANG - variable name
#              XX - file id number
#            YY - phrase id number

* the link plugin's lang array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS 
$LANG_LINKS = array(
    10 => 'Ingezonden links',
    14 => 'Links',
    84 => 'LINKS',
    88 => 'Geen recente nieuwe links',
    114 => 'Links',
    116 => 'Link toevoegen'

# for stats
* the link plugin's lang stats array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_STATS
    'links' => 'Links (Kliks) in het systeem',
    'stats_headline' => 'Top Tien Links',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Links',
    'stats_hits' => 'Hits',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Er zijn nog geen links aanwezig of er is nog niet op geklikt.',

# for the search
* the link plugin's lang search array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SEARCH 
 'results' => 'Link resultaten',
 'title' => 'Titel',
 'date' => 'Toegevoegd op',
 'author' => 'Ingezonden door',
 'hits' => 'Kliks'
# for the submission form
* the link plugin's lang submit form array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_SUBMIT 
    1 => 'Link voorstellen',
    2 => 'Link',
    3 => 'Categorie',
    4 => 'Anders',
    5 => 'Indien anders, geef op',
    6 => 'Fout: categorie ontbreekt',
    7 => 'Wanneer "Anders" is geselecteerd geef dan naam van de nieuwe categorie op',
    8 => 'Titel',
    9 => 'URL',
    10 => 'Categorie',
    11 => 'Ingezonden links'

# Messages for COM_showMessage the submission form

$PLG_links_MESSAGE1 = "Hartelijk dank voor het voorstellen van uw link op {$_CONF['site_name']}.  De link is voorgesteld aan de beheerder ter goedkeuring. Indien accoord, wordt uw link opgenomen in de  <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>links</a> directory.";
$PLG_links_MESSAGE2 = 'De link is opgeslagen.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3 = 'De link is verwijderd.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE4 = "Hartelijk dank voor het toevoegen van uw link op {$_CONF['site_name']}.  De link is opgenomen in de <a href={$_CONF['site_url']}/links/index.php>links</a> directory.";

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_links_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];

# admin/link.php
* the link plugin's lang admin array
* @global array $LANG_LINKS_ADMIN 
    1 => 'Link Editor',
    2 => 'Link ID',
    3 => 'Link Titel',
    4 => 'Link URL',
    5 => 'Categorie',
    6 => '(inclusief http://)',
    7 => 'Anders',
    8 => 'Link Hits',
    9 => 'Link omschrijving',
    10 => 'U dient een link titel, URL en omschrijving op te geven.',
    11 => 'Link Manager',
    12 => 'Om een link te wijzigen of verwijderen, klik op het Edit icoontje naast de link.  Om een nieuwe link toe te voegen, klik op "Link toevoegen" hierboven.',
    14 => 'Link Categorie',
    16 => 'Toegang geweigerd',
    17 => "U probeert een link waar u geen toegang toe heeft te bewerken.  Deze poging is vastgelegd. Ga AUB terug naar de <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/links/index.php\">linkmanager</a>.",
    20 => 'Indien anders, geef op',
    21 => 'opslaan',
    22 => 'annuleer',
    23 => 'verwijder'


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