[BwayDems] Senator Bill Perkins Message To The Broadway Democrats In Advance Of Tomorrow's Endorsement Meeting

Chris LaBarge chris.labarge at gmail.com
Wed May 11 12:24:58 EDT 2016

Good afternoon:

In accordance with your invitation and attendant instructions, Senator
Perkins has asked to me to transmit the message below to the members of the
Broadway Democrats in advance of your endorsement meeting tomorrow.  The
Senator looks forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening!

Please see his message below:

Dear Members of the Broadway Democrats:

For over two decades now, it has been my honor to be an advocate for causes
that we collectively care about:  from advocating for justice for the
Central Park Five, including a statewide policy on Videotaped
Interrogations; eradicating lead paint from the City’s housing stock;
bringing a living wage to our working families; standing up for clear
water, air and soil through banning hydrofracking; fighting against
overdevelopment, eminent domain, gentrification and escalating rents;
recognizing that healthcare must be a human right through championing
universal, single payer healthcare; and reforming our fundamentally broke
policing and corrections systems, including HALT-ing solitary
confinement—which is a form of torture.

As you know, I have announced that I am running for re-election to the New
York State Senate this Fall.

*I have made this important decision because I feel that the best way I can
serve the political revolution that is organically growing is to fight for
a Democratic Majority in the New York State Senate.*

Finally, it is time for progressive elements to rise up and take part in
governing the Empire State.

My platform will consist of the following essential objectives:

¨    Finally enacting Universal, Single Payer Healthcare— putting patients
forever before profits and writing into law the maxim:  “Your Health is
Your Wealth”

¨    Building on the Fight for $15 to provide a true living wage for all
with benefits

¨    Enacting comprehensive campaign finance and ethics reforms that
eradicate the corrupting influence of money in politics

¨    Fighting for rational economic policies that empower working families
to grow while making Wall Street and the 1% pay a fair share of taxes

¨    Human rights reforms, including ending the torture tactic known as
solitary confinement and providing for the videotaping of all custodial

¨    Keeping the “public” in public housing and crafting an affordable
housing policy that is not driven by profit-making and gentrification
forces but by actual need

¨    Finally enacting the DREAM Act to ensure that the children of the
undocumented are welcomed with open arms and hearts into our higher
educational institutions

In addition, if we take the majority, and we certainly hope to with a
robust Presidential year turnout—I will be in line to again Chair the
Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Committee—with oversight over the
MTA, Charter Schools, NYCHA and other major entities that we need to hold

I am exceptionally proud of the two years that I was Chair from 2009-2010
when we held major hearings on:  the Second Avenue Subway, the practices of
Charter Schools, Atlantic Yards, the African Burial Grounds, the World
Trade Center, and the Columbia Expansion—just to name a few!

We will do the very same type of crusading work again.  I would be honored
to have the backing of the Broadway Democrats once again as my campaign
moves forward!

Respectfully yours,

Senator Bill Perkins
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