[BwayDems] Fwd: Robert Jackson for State Senate

Pat Almonrode palmonrode at gmail.com
Wed May 11 09:32:05 EDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Jackson <info at voterobertjackson.com>
Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 at 9:24 AM
Subject: Robert Jackson for State Senate
To: bwdupdates at broadwaydemocrats.org,

Dear Broadway Democrat,

>From my first elected position as School Board President where I launched
the CFE lawsuit, walked 150 miles to Albany to highlight the cause and won
a court judgment that awarded $16 billion for NYC public schools to my 12
years on the City Council where I sponsored the Small Business Survival
Act, I have taken on the tough fights for New Yorkers … and never backed

I am excited for the opportunity to continue my work and serve as your
State Senator. With the same tenacity, passion and determination that
enabled me to get results as a neighborhood leader, School Board leader and
for twelve years as a City Council leader, I am ready to go to Albany to
knock down barriers and uplift the community. I was honored to receive
Broadway Democrats support two years ago, enjoyed petitioning with you and
listening to you, and *I ask for your vote this Thursday at the Broadway
Democrats meeting.*

*I am a lifelong progressive Democrat. I know who I am.  I know what I
believe.   I know how to work effectively within the system – and am not
afraid to challenge it as well. It's not enough to write good position
papers or talk the talk. You need to walk the walk. That's what I've done
-- and I’ve got the record to prove it:*

   - *Consistently standing up, speaking out and getting results for public
   school students, parents and teachers* – including winning a landmark
   school funding lawsuit and continuing to lead the fight to get the money we
   are owed; leading the fight to prevent 6,000 teacher layoffs when they were
   threatened by Bloomberg budget cuts; fighting for funding for arts
   education; and sponsoring a resolution against the co-location of charter
   schools as well as standing with the community against the co-location of
   an unwanted Eva Moskowitz Success Academy in our community.
   - *Protecting small businesses, tenants and the character of our
   neighborhoods* – including being the lead sponsor of the Small Business
   Survival Act; fighting and funding to preserve and create affordable
   housing, promote tenants’ rights and prevent people from being pushed and
   priced out of their neighborhoods; and standing up to Bloomberg budget cuts
   and working for smart choices that kept senior centers, libraries and fire
   stations open.
   - *Safeguarding our health and environment* – including sponsoring the
   City Council Resolution to stop hydrofracking that threatens our drinking
   water; fighting to get PCBs out of classrooms; and earning a near perfect
   environmental voting record as well as receiving the endorsement of the New
   York League of Conservation Voters in the last election.

*I’m proud to have the support of your other State Senator, Bill Perkins,
and Broadway Democrats Lizabeth Sostre, Susan Crawford, Joan Levine, Sarah
Martin, Joe Nunley, Wille Mae Anderson and many more.  I hope you will join
them in supporting my campaign at Thursday’s meeting.*

And in supporting me, you will know that I will never stop fighting for
you. The incumbent State Senator does not want to be in the State Senate
and according to NYPIRG has the worst attendance record in the entire State
Senate. Unlike my opponent who says he will walk away from the race if the
incumbent gets back in, I am committed to this race, to progressive values,
and to running to be a full-time State Senator working with you to make a

Thank you for reading this letter and for your time.  If you need more
information, please visit my web site at www.VoteRobertJackson.com
<http://www.voterobertjackson.com/> or you can contact me directly at
917-733-0439 or RobertJacksonNewYork at gmail.com


Robert Jackson
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