[BwayDems] West End Avenue Re-Design and Broadway Slow Zone

Daniel O'Donnell odonnelld at assembly.state.ny.us
Mon Aug 4 17:44:07 EDT 2014

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Dear Neighbor,

Following a number of traffic tragedies on West End Avenue in recent months, on 
Thursday, July 31st, the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) presented a plan
 for a redesign of the Avenue between 72nd and 107th Streets at a meeting sponsored
by Council Member Helen Rosenthal and Community Board 7. The plan includes the following
measures designed to increase pedestrian safety:

1) West End Avenue from 72nd Street to 106th Street would become a three-lane road.
It would comprise one north and one south lane, with a center turn lane, except 
at two problematic intersections - 95th Street and 97th Street - where there would
be no left turn permitted and traffic safety islands would be installed.

2) There would be extra-wide parking lanes along West End Avenue to accommodate 
passenger and freight pick-ups and drop offs.

The idea behind the changes is that one lane in each direction, with a separate 
turn lane, avoids traffic flow disruptions. It also means that if the car in front
of you is going slowly, you can't speed up and pass them, encouraging everyone to
abide by the speed limit.

In addition to these changes, DOT explained its decision to create "delayed green"
lights that give pedestrians a head start crossing West End Avenue at both 95th 
and 97th Streets. It also discussed the change that bans left turns from 95th Street
onto northbound West End Avenue from 7-9 AM.

To see the entire proposal, click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001lAU1AR25qJioUYolxq7xAlU0e8tjgi8vrBy9Kx8ERVUcweYxhKOFV6HFEQeKVsRK1hkpKQbSml-nxkXEp94nPCObMAxZ3GZ_OqemVMIrJqyyAW3kCOdIOSbXejGYxy_-D9ZosKz0UvUnO7rJCDfLUiumnLStsYwR6rmG-3T50LxnB_jE4lHudqNv9JmjBSec_c490vfyqE8rkKahtBVZUsjlp0vk6wQWTT2jE-kCUwEZLNk2M0nIzmXtPJeuOKkXOQrgcgbrzYc=&c=z-Xobdg_qQKhhG51klYNsEEWCGQ3NXArrESzSD5JbdbYkYR_lDU0Sg==&ch=5UWLzWoBvP30C6rq4GxAVBZeE8BLerMXhJCXIj0ji2ZMryXXcGPE0g==].
Community Board 7 will be reviewing this plan at their next Transportation Committee
meeting [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001lAU1AR25qJioUYolxq7xAlU0e8tjgi8vrBy9Kx8ERVUcweYxhKOFV6HFEQeKVsRKKEp8jYgUBOnKN3P81j_RnAOS2FUmFvur9z0gi9WjTWmmrOzpSzygDrPmXUiP3y-gpQNmAi6HfsE0WfmvHhj9jAPd_tyNf1nwlU2pQ5qKrF2i5XVrQ2mZ_HdCZbQuOttyig127uwkBnOAkvQSELlXxg1bkWKVoyFOE1mZXT3L1fsEQvlCVorKBMstmm28w8_l&c=z-Xobdg_qQKhhG51klYNsEEWCGQ3NXArrESzSD5JbdbYkYR_lDU0Sg==&ch=5UWLzWoBvP30C6rq4GxAVBZeE8BLerMXhJCXIj0ji2ZMryXXcGPE0g==],
scheduled for Tuesday, August 12th, at 7pm.

Broadway Slow Zone

Beginning today, NYC DOT is instituting and NYPD is enforcing a "Slow Zone" along
Broadway, between 59th Street and 220th Street. The speed limit is being lowered
 to 25 miles per hour. This continues the crucial work of making our streets safer
for all. In June, my bill to lower NYC's default speed limit to 25 miles per hour
passed both the NYS Assembly and Senate. While we are still waiting for the bill
 to be signed, today's change takes an important first step forward by lowering 
the speed limit on Broadway and enforcing it. We must continue to improve our streets
and laws so that no one else experiences the pain of a serious injury or death due
to a speeding car.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, August 16, 2014

Finally, please save the date for the first of my two annual Community Health Fairs:
Saturday, August 16th, from 12-3pm. It will be held in conjunction with Grant Houses
Family Day on LaSalle Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. Free blood pressure
and foot screenings, HIV and Hepatitis C tests, e-waste and textile recycling, and
valuable information on a variety of health topics will be available!

Looking forward to seeing many of you around the district!

Very truly yours,

Daniel O'Donnell

Assembly Member

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Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell | 245 West 104th Street, Suite 1D | New York | NY | 10025
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