[BwayDems] Thompson Campaign West Harlem Office Opening this Saturday

Paula Diamond Roman valleygirl109 at rocketmail.com
Wed Oct 7 10:47:37 EDT 2009

Please join Bill and other supporters this Saturday to celebrate the opening of our new office. Stop by and meet the candidate and hear about all the events and volunteer opportunities with the campaign. There will be light refreshments for volunteers and supporters.
West Harlem Office Opening
1455 Amsterdam Avenue (West 132nd Street)
11:30am to 3:00pm
We only have 28 days until Election Day, and we have a lot of work to do. In SurveyUSA's poll released this afternoon, we are within 8 points of our opponent. Mayor Bloomberg has spent an unprecedented amount of money in this election cycle, and he is still unable to break 50%. That means New Yorkers think EIGHT IS ENOUGH, and they want someone in City Hall who will be a mayor for everyone, NOT just the rich. They want a mayor who will fight for rent reform and affordable housing. They want a mayor who believes in giving every child a real education that will prepare them for the 21st century job market.
This increase in the polls is a testament to our grassroots support and wide base of volunteers. People win elections, not money. It is imperative we win Harlem overwhelmingly and we need your help to get it done!
If you would like to RSVP, please call 212.608.6555 ext 129 or send an email to cmccadden at thompson2009.com. Thank you for your support, and if Bill is your candidate for mayor, give us a hand and volunteer!
See you Saturday!
Cathleen McCadden
Manhattan Field Organizer
New Yorkers for Thompson 2009
99 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10016
cmccadden at thompson2009.com
212-608-6555 ext. 129

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