[BwayDems] Help Richard Aborn Win!

Shane Seger sseger at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 19:53:28 EDT 2009

Dear Broadway Democrats,

It isn’t very often that we have competitive elections in New York
City – and often the candidates in a primary have pretty similar
positions. But every once in a while, an election comes along that can
really change things, and where one person can really make a

Richard Aborn will change the Manhattan District Attorney’s office
from a reactive to a proactive model that stops crime before it
starts. No one will be tougher than Richard Aborn in fighting violent
crime, but he understands that there is something wrong with a system
when one out of three African-American men spend some portion of their
life in prison and four out of five juvenile offenders are re-arrested
within a few years of their first arrest.

Please help Richard win by volunteering
over the next four weeks – or by making a contribution
to the campaign.

Richard Aborn will be a progressive and effective District Attorney,
bringing new ideas and a new vision to the office. With decades of
experience as a prosecutor, defense attorney, advocate, and policy
expert, Richard will implement proven policies that get guns off our
streets before they’re used, give at-risk kids alternatives to crime,
and treat drug addiction as a public-health rather than a
criminal-justice problem.

Richard’s campaign is supported by some of Manhattan’s most
progressive and effective leaders like Congressman Jerry Nadler, State
Senator Bill Perkins, State Senator Eric Schneiderman, and
Assemblymember Daniel O'Donnell, criminal justice experts like former
NYPD Commissioner William Bratton, and grass roots organizations like
the Working Families Party and Broadway Democrats because we
understand that this election is truly a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to transform our criminal justice system while upholding
social justice.

We need a District Attorney who will relentlessly fight violent crime
and prosecute anti-choice extremists who block access to reproductive
health clinics. We also need someone who will fight the forces that
enable crime to occur in the first place -- who will push for full
repeal of the wasteful and excessive Rockefeller Drug Laws – and
support treatment for non-violent drug offenders instead of sending
them to prison. We need a vigorous advocate who will join the
national fight against illegal guns – who will take on the NRA and
win, as Richard did in helping Bill Clinton pass the Brady bill during
the 90’s.

We can make progressive change to our criminal justice system with
this election – but it’s going to be a close race. Richard has the
message and the momentum to win – now all he needs is you.

Please join us in this important cause by volunteering your time
over the next four weeks – or by making a contribution
to the campaign.

Thank you!

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