QCrypt2019 list of accepted papers and registration

Claude Crépeau crepeau at cs.mcgill.ca
Fri Jun 7 15:55:53 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

QCrypt 2019, the 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, will take place at UQAM Coeur des Sciences Conference Center, Montreal, Canada, 26–30 August 2019. It is being organized by McGill University, Tourisme Montréal, Université de Montréal (UdeM), and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
Registration is now open at
http://2019.qcrypt.net .

List of accepted papers 

- Rotem Arnon-Friedman and Jean-Daniel Bancal. 

Device-independent certification of one-shot distillable entanglement

- Yang Liu, Zong-Wen Yu, Weijun Zhang, Jian-Yu Guan, Jiu-Peng Chen, Chi Zhang, Xiao-Long Hu, Hao Li, Teng-Yun Chen, Lixing You, Zhen Wang, Xiang-Bin Wang, Qiang Zhang and Jian-Wei Pan. 

Experimental - Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution Through Sending-or-Not-Sending

- Anne Broadbent and Sébastien Lord. 

Uncloneable Quantum Encryption via Oracles

- Kento Maeda, Toshihiko Sasaki and Masato Koashi. 

Operator dominance method: a simple monitoring scheme of a TF-type QKD in finite-size regime

- Ignatius William Primaatmaja, Emilien Lavie, Koon Tong Goh, Chao Wang and Charles Ci Wen Lim.

Almost-tight and versatile security analysis of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution

- Thomas Vidick and Tina Zhang. 

Classical zero-knowledge arguments for quantum computations

- Alex Bredariol Grilo, William Slofstra and Henry Yuen. 

Perfect zero knowledge for quantum multiprover interactive proofs

- Tobias Eriksson, Takuya Hirano, Benjamin Puttnam, Georg Rademacher, Ruben Luís, Mikio Fujiwara, Ryo Namiki, Yoshinari Awaji, Masahiro Takeoka, Naoya Wada and Masahide Sasaki. 

Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution Multiplexed with High Throughput Coherent Channels

- Alex Bredariol Grilo. 

A simple protocol for verifiable delegation of quantum computation in one round

- Jelle Don, Serge Fehr, Christian Majenz and Christian Schaffner.

Security of the Fiat-Shamir Transformation in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

- René Schwonnek, Ernest Y.-Z. Tan, Ramona Wolf, Koon Tong Goh and Charles C.-W. Lim. 

A numerical method for computing reliable secret key rates for device-independent quantum key distribution

- Fabio Banfi, Ueli Maurer, Christopher Portmann and Jiamin Zhu.

Composable and Finite Computational Security of Quantum Message Transmission

- Mariella Minder, Mirko Pittaluga, George L. Roberts, Marco Lucamarini, James F. Dynes, Zhiliang Yuan and Andrew J. Shields.

Experimental Twin Field Quantum Key Distribution beyond the repeaterless secret key capacity bound

- Marco Avesani, Luca Calderaro, Matteo Schiavon, Costantino Agnesi, Alberto Santamato, Andrea Stanco, Mujtaba Zahidy, Alessia Scriminich, Giulio Foletto, Giampiero Contestabile, Marco Chiesa, Alessandro Nottola, Davide Rotta, Stefano Tirelli, Massimo Artiglia, Alberto Montanaro, Marco Romagnoli, Vito Sorianello, Daniele Dequal, Giuseppe Bianco, Claudia Facchinetti, Alberto Tuozzi, Francesco Vedovato, Giuseppe Vallone and Paolo Villoresi.

QCoSOne: a chip-based prototype for daylight free-space QKD at telecom wavelength for future satellite optical payloads

- Christian Majenz, Christian Schaffner and Jeroen van Wier.

Non-malleability for quantum public-key encryption

- Jan Czajkowski, Christian Majenz, Christian Schaffner and Sebastian Zur. 

Quantum Lazy Sampling and Game-Playing Proofs for Quantum Indifferentiability

- Marie-Christine Roehsner, Joshua Kettlewell, Tiago Batalhao, Joseph Fitzsimons and Philip Walther.

Quantum advantage for probabilistic one-time programs

- Henry Semenenko, Philip Sibson, Andy Hart, Mark Thompson and Chris Erven. 

Chip-Based Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distributional 

- Daniel Llewellyn, Caterina Vigliar, Benjamin Slater, Beatrice Da Lio, Stefano Paesani, Jorge Barreto, Dondu Sahin, Massimo Borghi, John G. Rarity, Leif K. Oxenløwe, Karsten Rottwitt, Jianwei Wang, Yunhong Ding, Mark G. Thompson and Davide Bacco. 

High-dimensional chip-to-chip entanglement distribution through multicore fibre

- Alexandru Gheorghiu and Thomas Vidick.

Computationally-secure and composable remote state preparation

- Xiaoqing Zhong, Jianyong Hu, Marcos Curty, Li Qian and Hoi-Kwong Lo.

Proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of twin-field type quantum key distribution 

- Gayane Vardoyan, Saikat Guha, Philippe Nain and Don Towsley. 

On the Capacity Region of Bipartite and Tripartite Entanglement Switching and Key Distribution

- Myrto Arapinis, Mahshid Delavar, Mina Doosti and Elham Kashefi.

Security Analysis of Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions

- Yanbao Zhang, Honghao Fu, Krister Shalm, Joshua Bienfang, Martin Stevens, Michael Mazurek, Sae Woo Nam, Carlos Abellan, Waldimar Amaya, Morgan Mitchell, Carl Miller, Alan Mink and Emanuel Knill.

Efficient Randomness Certification by Quantum Probability Estimation

- Norbert Lütkenhaus, Ashutosh Marwah and Dave Touchette.

Erasable Bit Commitment from Temporary Quantum Trust

- Niraj Kumar, Iordanis Kerenidis and Eleni Diamanti. 

Experimental demonstration of quantum advantage for one-way communication complexity with application in construction of robust quantum money

-Davide Rusca, Thomas van Himbeeck, Anthony Martin, Jonatan Bohr Brask, Hamid Tebyanian, Stefano Pironio, Nicolas Brunner and Hugo Zbinden. 

Fast and practical implementation of self-testing QRNG based on an energy bound

      merged with

-Thomas Van Himbeeck and Stefano Pironio. 

Correlations and Randomness Generation based on an Energy Constraint


KEY remaining DATES
All deadlines are at midnight (in any timezone).
* Poster submission deadline: 16th June 2019
* Poster acceptance notification: 28th June 2019
* QCrypt conference: 26th-30th August 2019
QCrypt is a conference for students and researchers working on all aspects of quantum cryptography. This includes theoretical and experimental research on the possibilities and limitations of secure communication and computation with quantum devices, how security can be preserved in the presence of a quantum computer, and how to achieve long distance quantum communication.
It is the goal of the conference to represent the previous year’s best results on quantum cryptography, and to support the building of a research community.
Claude Crépeau on behalf of the QCrypt organizing committee.
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