Quantum key distribution summer school 21-25 August 2017

Vadim Makarov makarov at vad1.com
Tue Mar 21 23:06:35 EDT 2017

The 5th International Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Summer School will be
held 21-25 August 2017 at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University
of Waterloo, Canada.

The program is aimed primarily at graduate students and young postdoctoral
fellows with a basic idea of quantum information and cryptography concepts
who want to deepen their understanding of the cryptographic context, the
theoretical underpinning and the experimental realizations and

The application deadline is Monday 5 June 2017. Upon acceptance into the
school a CAD 250 registration fee is due.

Apply at https://uwaterloo.ca/institute-for-quantum-computing/qkd

While the program of this year's summer school is still being finalised,
you can view the program of the school we did two years ago:
This year's program and lecturer set will be roughly similar.

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