[geeklog-translations] Geeklog 1.5.0 release fast approaching

Dirk Haun dirk at haun-online.de
Fri May 23 10:02:32 EDT 2008

As you've probably seen, Geeklog 1.5.0 beta 2 was released last Tuesday.
That version fixed the <brXHTML> tags but otherwise left the language
files unchanged.

I have since found a small wording issue with two new text strings for
the account reminder emails that Geeklog 1.5 can now send out. In case
you were wondering, these two strings each had a word missing:

$LANG28 = array(
82 => "Your account on {$_CONF['site_name']} has not been accesssed
since %s and will be disabled if not accessed in the *next* 30 days.",
    83 => "Your account on {$_CONF['site_name']} has not been used since
it was created and will *be* deleted soon if not accessed.",

The highlighted words ("next" and "be") were missing. I guess it was
obvious anyway what the meaning was supposed to be.

As you know, we're on a tight schedule with Geeklog 1.5.0. If all goes
well, the first release candidate may be available as early as tomorrow

I know there wasn't exactly a lot of time for updating the translations
this time around. If you have anything, even partial work, that you'd
like to see included in the final 1.5.0 release, you should try and send
it in this coming weekend. Don't bother with the <brXHTML> tags or
versions using other character sets - I can take care of those.

Of course, you can always upload your translation to geeklog.net later.

bye, Dirk


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