[geeklog-devel] 1.5.2

Dirk Haun dirk at haun-online.de
Mon Dec 8 14:49:27 EST 2008

Given the current progress (or lack thereof) I'm wondering if we
shouldn't re-schedule 1.5.2 as another maintenance release in the 1.5 series.

In fact, at work we're looking at upgrading the company site (from
1.4.1) and looking through the post-1.5.1 fixes that are in the
repository, I can see quite a few that I'd like to have sooner rather
than later.

So I made a local branch, porting over everything that didn't require
database, theme, or language file changes. The list is pretty long (see


bye, Dirk

--- snip ---

- Fixed updating feeds after changing topic permissions (bug #0000779) [Dirk]
- The security token was missing from the trackback editor template file
  (reported and patch provided by hiroron, bug #0000778)
- Removed rel="tag" from topic links in lib-story.php as that would indicate a
  Microformat with a slightly different meaning [Dirk]
- Don't include X-Originating-IP header in emails sent from the site's admin
  area (bug #0000701) [Dirk]
- Check if COM_errorLog exists before using it in the config class (for
  problems during installation, bug #0000768) [Dirk]
- Fixed filling out the Site Email / No-Reply Email fields in the install
  script, which was overwriting the correct values from config.php during
  upgrades (bug #0000759) [Dirk]
- Set language direction in templates for printable versions of articles and
  static pages. Also set $LANG_DIRECTION to 'ltr' now if the language
file does
  not already define it (bug #0000762) [Dirk]
- Removing an element from the middle of the censorlist caused the censoring
  to act up (bug #0000763) [Dirk]
- Saving a story tried to update a feed of type 'geeklog' instead of 'article'
  (reported by Tom Homer)
- Delete a feed's file when deleting a feed (bug #0000758) [Dirk]
- The {start_storylink_anchortag} variable in the story templates was missing
  a '>' (reported by Michael Brusletten) [Dirk]
- Display a "Service" column in the Admin's list of users when remote auth is
  activated [Dirk]
- Introduced new function COM_showMessageText to display a free-form text in a
  "System Message" box (feature request #0000676) [Dirk]
- Introduced new function COM_showMessageFromParameter for easy and consistent
  display of messages passed in the URL, including plugin messages (second
  attempt to fix bug #0000618) [Dirk]
- Display confirmation message when emailing a story (feature request
- Implemented new function COM_renderWikiText to convert wiki-formatted text
  to (X)HTML (feature request #0000643) [Dirk]
- Added support for CUSTOM_formatEmailAddress and CUSTOM_emailEscape functions
  (feature request #0000727) [Dirk]
- Fixed 'cookiedomain' being reported as changed in the Configuration
  (bug #0000638) [Dirk]
- Reverted fix for bug #0000618 (COM_showMessage automatically picking up a
  'plugin' parameter) as it's causing problems when displaying more than one
  message on the same page [Dirk]
- Added missing check for allowed IP addresses in downloader class
  (bug #0000709) [Dirk]
- Force a refresh after uninstalling a plugin so that the plugin's entry
  disappears from the Admins block [Dirk]
- Fixed an issue with story expiry dates on PHP 4/Windows (reported by zeb)

- Updated Hebrew language file for the install script, provided by LWC
- Updated Japanese language files, provided by the Geeklog.jp group
- Updated Polish language files, provided by Robert Stadnik
- Updated Slovenian language file for the Links plugin, provided by gape

Calendar plugin
- Make {event_url} available in eventdetails.thtml [Dirk]

Links plugin
- Added urlencoded versions of {link_actual_url} and {link_name} [Dirk]
- Prevent overwriting existing links when changing the link ID [Dirk]

Polls plugin
- Fixed SQL error when poll questions contained single quotes (bug #0000756)
- Fixed handling of poll IDs in Polls editor (bug #0000753) [Dirk]
Static Pages plugin
- The owner of a static page changed to the user who last edited it
  (bug #0000777) [Dirk]
- Fixed call to WS_makeId when sp_id was longer than STATICPAGE_MAX_ID_LENGTH
  (found by Marc Maier) [Dirk]

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