[geeklog-hg] geeklog: Fixed a bug where the UI for setting the HTML Filtering...

geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net
Sat Nov 1 23:54:25 EDT 2014

changeset 9545:4c8719977bc7
url:  http://project.geeklog.net/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/geeklog/rev/4c8719977bc7
user: dengen <taharaxp at gmail.com>
date: Sun Nov 02 12:53:40 2014 +0900
Fixed a bug where the UI for setting the HTML Filtering in the configuration screen does not work correctly.
This issue occurs with the new theme format for the later Geeklog 2.0.0.


 public_html/javascript/admin.configuration.js |  25 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (36 lines):

diff -r b38930481b59 -r 4c8719977bc7 public_html/javascript/admin.configuration.js
--- a/public_html/javascript/admin.configuration.js	Sat Oct 25 16:49:07 2014 +0900
+++ b/public_html/javascript/admin.configuration.js	Sun Nov 02 12:53:40 2014 +0900
@@ -634,14 +634,25 @@
     new_id = "arr_" + arr_name + "_" + index;
     sub_id = arr_name + "[" + index + "]";
-    new_obj.children("input.hide_show_toggle").attr("onclick", "hide_show_toggle('" + new_id + "', this);");
-    new_obj.children("input[type='hidden']").attr("name", sub_id + "[nameholder]");
+    new_obj.children("input.toggle_hidden")
+           .attr("onclick", "toggleHidden('" + new_id + "', this);");
+    new_obj.children("input[type='hidden']")
+           .attr("name", sub_id + "[nameholder]");
+    new_obj.children("div.named_config_list")
+           .attr("id", new_id);
-    var sub_obj = new_obj.children("div:[id='arr_" + arr_name + "_" + "placeholder']");
-    sub_obj.attr("id", new_id);
-    sub_obj.children("div:first").children("input[type='hidden']").attr("name", sub_id + "[nameholder]");
-    sub_obj.children("div:last").attr("id", "add_" + arr_name + "_" + index);
-    sub_obj.children("div:last").children("input.add_ele_input").attr("onclick", "handleAdd(this, '" + arr_type + "', '" + sub_id + "')");
+    var sub1_obj = new_obj.children("div.named_config_list")
+                          .children("div.config_name");
+    sub1_obj.children("input[name='" + arr_name + "[placeholder][placeholder][nameholder]']")
+            .attr("name", sub_id + "[placeholder][nameholder]");
+    sub1_obj.children("input[name='" + arr_name + "[placeholder][placeholder]']")
+            .attr("name", sub_id + "[placeholder]");
+    var sub2_obj = new_obj.children("div.named_config_list")
+                          .children("div#add_" + arr_name + "_" + "placeholder");
+    sub2_obj.attr("id", "add_" + arr_name + "_" + index);
+    sub2_obj.children("input.add_ele_input")
+            .attr("onclick", "handleAdd(this, '" + arr_type + "', '" + sub_id + "')");
 function add_element(arr_name, index, arr_type) {

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