[geeklog-hg] geeklog: Backed out changeset: e5c42b2f3c2f

geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net
Tue Sep 4 10:56:15 EDT 2012

changeset 8800:6ad8082c0cf3
url:  http://project.geeklog.net/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/geeklog/rev/6ad8082c0cf3
user: Tom <websitemaster at cogeco.net>
date: Tue Sep 04 10:32:14 2012 -0400
Backed out changeset: e5c42b2f3c2f


 public_html/lib-common.php                    |    46 +-
 system/classes/htmLawed/htmLawed.php          |   711 ----------
 system/classes/htmLawed/htmLawedTest.php      |   595 --------
 system/classes/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.txt   |  1658 -------------------------
 system/classes/htmLawed/htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt |   396 -----
 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3390 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 3516 to 300 lines):

diff -r e5c42b2f3c2f -r 6ad8082c0cf3 public_html/lib-common.php
--- a/public_html/lib-common.php	Sun Jul 22 07:28:57 2012 +0900
+++ b/public_html/lib-common.php	Tue Sep 04 10:32:14 2012 -0400
@@ -272,6 +272,14 @@
     $_USER['advanced_editor'] = $_CONF['advanced_editor'];
+* Ulf Harnhammar's kses class
+require_once( $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/kses.class.php' );
 * Multibyte functions
@@ -3723,13 +3731,11 @@
     global $_CONF, $_USER;
-    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/htmLawed/htmLawed.php';
     // replace any \ with \ (HTML equiv)
     $str = str_replace('\\', '\', COM_stripslashes($str) );
     // Get rid of any newline characters
-    $str = str_replace( "\n", '', $str );
+    $str = preg_replace( "/\n/", '', $str );
     // Replace any $ with $ (HTML equiv)
     $str = str_replace( '$', '$', $str );
@@ -3806,22 +3812,15 @@
     // strip_tags() gets confused by HTML comments ...
     $str = preg_replace( '/<!--.+?-->/', '', $str );
-    $config = array(
-        'comment'        => 3,	// Allow HTML comment
-        'css_expression' => 1,	// Allow dynamic CSS expression in "style" attributes
-    );
+    $filter = new kses4;
     if( isset( $_CONF['allowed_protocols'] ) && is_array( $_CONF['allowed_protocols'] ) && ( count( $_CONF['allowed_protocols'] ) > 0 ))
-        $schemes = $_CONF['allowed_protocols'];
+        $filter->SetProtocols( $_CONF['allowed_protocols'] );
-        $schemes = array('http:', 'https:', 'ftp:');
-    }
-    $schemes = str_replace(':', '', implode(', ', $schemes));
-    $config['schemes'] = 'href: ' . $schemes . '; *: ' . $schemes;
+        $filter->SetProtocols( array( 'http:', 'https:', 'ftp:' ));
+    }
     if( empty( $permissions) || !SEC_hasRights( $permissions ) ||
             empty( $_CONF['admin_html'] ))
@@ -3840,27 +3839,14 @@
-    $elements = array();
-    $spec     = array();
     foreach( $html as $tag => $attr )
-        if (is_array($attr) AND (count($attr) > 0)) {
-            $spec[] = $tag . '=' . implode(', ', array_keys($attr));
-        } else {
-            $spec[] = $tag . '=-*';
-        }
-        $elements[] = $tag;
-    }
-    $config['elements'] = implode(', ', $elements);
-    $spec = implode('; ', $spec);
+        $filter->AddHTML( $tag, $attr );
+    }
     /* Replace [raw][/raw] with <!--raw--><!--/raw-->, note done "late" because
      * of the above noted // strip_tags() gets confused by HTML comments ...
-    $str = htmLawed($str, $config, $spec);
+    $str = $filter->Parse( $str );
     $str = str_replace('[raw2]','<!--raw--><span class="raw">', $str);
     $str = str_replace('[/raw2]','</span><!--/raw-->', $str);
diff -r e5c42b2f3c2f -r 6ad8082c0cf3 system/classes/htmLawed/htmLawed.php
--- a/system/classes/htmLawed/htmLawed.php	Sun Jul 22 07:28:57 2012 +0900
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,711 +0,0 @@
-htmLawed 1.1.12, 5 July 2012
-Copyright Santosh Patnaik
-Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
-A PHP Labware internal utility; www.bioinformatics.org/phplabware/internal_utilities/htmLawed
-See htmLawed_README.txt/htm
-function htmLawed($t, $C=1, $S=array()){
-$C = is_array($C) ? $C : array();
- $C['elements'] = empty($C['elements']) ? '*-center-dir-font-isindex-menu-s-strike-u' : $C['elements'];
- $C['make_tag_strict'] = isset($C['make_tag_strict']) ? $C['make_tag_strict'] : 2;
- $C['xml:lang'] = isset($C['xml:lang']) ? $C['xml:lang'] : 2;
-// config eles
-$e = array('a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'address'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'var'=>1); // 86/deprecated+embed+ruby
- unset($e['applet'], $e['embed'], $e['iframe'], $e['object'], $e['script']);
-$x = !empty($C['elements']) ? str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), '', $C['elements']) : '*';
-if($x == '-*'){$e = array();}
-elseif(strpos($x, '*') === false){$e = array_flip(explode(',', $x));}
- if(isset($x[1])){
-  preg_match_all('`(?:^|-|\+)[^\-+]+?(?=-|\+|$)`', $x, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER);
-  for($i=count($m); --$i>=0;){$m[$i] = $m[$i][0];}
-  foreach($m as $v){
-   if($v[0] == '+'){$e[substr($v, 1)] = 1;}
-   if($v[0] == '-' && isset($e[($v = substr($v, 1))]) && !in_array('+'. $v, $m)){unset($e[$v]);}
-  }
- }
-$C['elements'] =& $e;
-// config attrs
-$x = !empty($C['deny_attribute']) ? str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), '', $C['deny_attribute']) : '';
-$x = array_flip((isset($x[0]) && $x[0] == '*') ? explode('-', $x) : explode(',', $x. (!empty($C['safe']) ? ',on*' : '')));
- unset($x['on*']);
- $x += array('onblur'=>1, 'onchange'=>1, 'onclick'=>1, 'ondblclick'=>1, 'onfocus'=>1, 'onkeydown'=>1, 'onkeypress'=>1, 'onkeyup'=>1, 'onmousedown'=>1, 'onmousemove'=>1, 'onmouseout'=>1, 'onmouseover'=>1, 'onmouseup'=>1, 'onreset'=>1, 'onselect'=>1, 'onsubmit'=>1);
-$C['deny_attribute'] = $x;
-// config URL
-$x = (isset($C['schemes'][2]) && strpos($C['schemes'], ':')) ? strtolower($C['schemes']) : 'href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; *:file, http, https';
-$C['schemes'] = array();
-foreach(explode(';', str_replace(array(' ', "\t", "\r", "\n"), '', $x)) as $v){
- $x = $x2 = null; list($x, $x2) = explode(':', $v, 2);
- if($x2){$C['schemes'][$x] = array_flip(explode(',', $x2));}
-if(!isset($C['schemes']['*'])){$C['schemes']['*'] = array('file'=>1, 'http'=>1, 'https'=>1,);}
-if(!empty($C['safe']) && empty($C['schemes']['style'])){$C['schemes']['style'] = array('!'=>1);}
-$C['abs_url'] = isset($C['abs_url']) ? $C['abs_url'] : 0;
-if(!isset($C['base_url']) or !preg_match('`^[a-zA-Z\d.+\-]+://[^/]+/(.+?/)?$`', $C['base_url'])){
- $C['base_url'] = $C['abs_url'] = 0;
-// config rest
-$C['and_mark'] = empty($C['and_mark']) ? 0 : 1;
-$C['anti_link_spam'] = (isset($C['anti_link_spam']) && is_array($C['anti_link_spam']) && count($C['anti_link_spam']) == 2 && (empty($C['anti_link_spam'][0]) or hl_regex($C['anti_link_spam'][0])) && (empty($C['anti_link_spam'][1]) or hl_regex($C['anti_link_spam'][1]))) ? $C['anti_link_spam'] : 0;
-$C['anti_mail_spam'] = isset($C['anti_mail_spam']) ? $C['anti_mail_spam'] : 0;
-$C['balance'] = isset($C['balance']) ? (bool)$C['balance'] : 1;
-$C['cdata'] = isset($C['cdata']) ? $C['cdata'] : (empty($C['safe']) ? 3 : 0);
-$C['clean_ms_char'] = empty($C['clean_ms_char']) ? 0 : $C['clean_ms_char'];
-$C['comment'] = isset($C['comment']) ? $C['comment'] : (empty($C['safe']) ? 3 : 0);
-$C['css_expression'] = empty($C['css_expression']) ? 0 : 1;
-$C['direct_list_nest'] = empty($C['direct_list_nest']) ? 0 : 1;
-$C['hexdec_entity'] = isset($C['hexdec_entity']) ? $C['hexdec_entity'] : 1;
-$C['hook'] = (!empty($C['hook']) && function_exists($C['hook'])) ? $C['hook'] : 0;
-$C['hook_tag'] = (!empty($C['hook_tag']) && function_exists($C['hook_tag'])) ? $C['hook_tag'] : 0;
-$C['keep_bad'] = isset($C['keep_bad']) ? $C['keep_bad'] : 6;
-$C['lc_std_val'] = isset($C['lc_std_val']) ? (bool)$C['lc_std_val'] : 1;
-$C['make_tag_strict'] = isset($C['make_tag_strict']) ? $C['make_tag_strict'] : 1;
-$C['named_entity'] = isset($C['named_entity']) ? (bool)$C['named_entity'] : 1;
-$C['no_deprecated_attr'] = isset($C['no_deprecated_attr']) ? $C['no_deprecated_attr'] : 1;
-$C['parent'] = isset($C['parent'][0]) ? strtolower($C['parent']) : 'body';
-$C['show_setting'] = !empty($C['show_setting']) ? $C['show_setting'] : 0;
-$C['style_pass'] = empty($C['style_pass']) ? 0 : 1;
-$C['tidy'] = empty($C['tidy']) ? 0 : $C['tidy'];
-$C['unique_ids'] = isset($C['unique_ids']) ? $C['unique_ids'] : 1;
-$C['xml:lang'] = isset($C['xml:lang']) ? $C['xml:lang'] : 0;
-if(isset($GLOBALS['C'])){$reC = $GLOBALS['C'];}
-$GLOBALS['C'] = $C;
-$S = is_array($S) ? $S : hl_spec($S);
-if(isset($GLOBALS['S'])){$reS = $GLOBALS['S'];}
-$GLOBALS['S'] = $S;
-$t = preg_replace('`[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]`', '', $t);
- $x = array("\x7f"=>'', "\x80"=>'€', "\x81"=>'', "\x83"=>'ƒ', "\x85"=>'…', "\x86"=>'†', "\x87"=>'‡', "\x88"=>'ˆ', "\x89"=>'‰', "\x8a"=>'Š', "\x8b"=>'‹', "\x8c"=>'Œ', "\x8d"=>'', "\x8e"=>'Ž', "\x8f"=>'', "\x90"=>'', "\x95"=>'•', "\x96"=>'–', "\x97"=>'—', "\x98"=>'˜', "\x99"=>'™', "\x9a"=>'š', "\x9b"=>'›', "\x9c"=>'œ', "\x9d"=>'', "\x9e"=>'ž', "\x9f"=>'Ÿ');
- $x = $x + ($C['clean_ms_char'] == 1 ? array("\x82"=>'‚', "\x84"=>'„', "\x91"=>'‘', "\x92"=>'’', "\x93"=>'“', "\x94"=>'”') : array("\x82"=>'\'', "\x84"=>'"', "\x91"=>'\'', "\x92"=>'\'', "\x93"=>'"', "\x94"=>'"'));
- $t = strtr($t, $x);
-if($C['cdata'] or $C['comment']){$t = preg_replace_callback('`<!(?:(?:--.*?--)|(?:\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]))>`sm', 'hl_cmtcd', $t);}
-$t = preg_replace_callback('`&([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{1,30}|#(?:[0-9]{1,8}|[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]{1,7}));`', 'hl_ent', str_replace('&', '&', $t));
-if($C['unique_ids'] && !isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'])){$GLOBALS['hl_Ids'] = array();}
-if($C['hook']){$t = $C['hook']($t, $C, $S);}
-if($C['show_setting'] && preg_match('`^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$`i', $C['show_setting'])){
- $GLOBALS[$C['show_setting']] = array('config'=>$C, 'spec'=>$S, 'time'=>microtime());
-// main
-$t = preg_replace_callback('`<(?:(?:\s|$)|(?:[^>]*(?:>|$)))|>`m', 'hl_tag', $t);
-$t = $C['balance'] ? hl_bal($t, $C['keep_bad'], $C['parent']) : $t;
-$t = (($C['cdata'] or $C['comment']) && strpos($t, "\x01") !== false) ? str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05"), array('', '', '&', '<', '>'), $t) : $t;
-$t = $C['tidy'] ? hl_tidy($t, $C['tidy'], $C['parent']) : $t;
-unset($C, $e);
-if(isset($reC)){$GLOBALS['C'] = $reC;}
-if(isset($reS)){$GLOBALS['S'] = $reS;}
-return $t;
-// eof
-function hl_attrval($t, $p){
-// check attr val against $S
-$o = 1; $l = strlen($t);
-foreach($p as $k=>$v){
- switch($k){
-  case 'maxlen':if($l > $v){$o = 0;}
-  break; case 'minlen': if($l < $v){$o = 0;}
-  break; case 'maxval': if((float)($t) > $v){$o = 0;}
-  break; case 'minval': if((float)($t) < $v){$o = 0;}
-  break; case 'match': if(!preg_match($v, $t)){$o = 0;}
-  break; case 'nomatch': if(preg_match($v, $t)){$o = 0;}
-  break; case 'oneof':
-   $m = 0;
-   foreach(explode('|', $v) as $n){if($t == $n){$m = 1; break;}}
-   $o = $m;
-  break; case 'noneof':
-   $m = 1;
-   foreach(explode('|', $v) as $n){if($t == $n){$m = 0; break;}}
-   $o = $m;
-  break; default:
-  break;
- }
- if(!$o){break;}
-return ($o ? $t : (isset($p['default']) ? $p['default'] : 0));
-// eof
-function hl_bal($t, $do=1, $in='div'){
-// balance tags
-// by content
-$cB = array('blockquote'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'noscript'=>1); // Block
-$cE = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1); // Empty
-$cF = array('button'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1); // Flow; later context-wise dynamic move of ins & del to $cI
-$cI = array('a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'address'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1); // Inline
-$cN = array('a'=>array('a'=>1), 'button'=>array('a'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'fieldset'=>array('fieldset'=>1), 'form'=>array('form'=>1), 'label'=>array('label'=>1), 'noscript'=>array('script'=>1), 'pre'=>array('big'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1), 'rb'=>array('ruby'=>1), 'rt'=>array('ruby'=>1)); // Illegal
-$cN2 = array_keys($cN);
-$cR = array('blockquote'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
-$cS = array('colgroup'=>array('col'=>1), 'dir'=>array('li'=>1), 'dl'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1), 'menu'=>array('li'=>1), 'ol'=>array('li'=>1), 'optgroup'=>array('option'=>1), 'option'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'rbc'=>array('rb'=>1), 'rp'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'rtc'=>array('rt'=>1), 'ruby'=>array('rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1), 'select'=>array('optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1), 'script'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'table'=>array('caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'thead'=>1), 'tbody'=>array('tr'=>1), 'tfoot'=>array('tr'=>1), 'textarea'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'thead'=>array('tr'=>1), 'tr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'ul'=>array('li'=>1)); // Specific - immediate parent-child
-if($GLOBALS['C']['direct_list_nest']){$cS['ol'] = $cS['ul'] += array('ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1);}
-$cO = array('address'=>array('p'=>1), 'applet'=>array('param'=>1), 'blockquote'=>array('script'=>1), 'fieldset'=>array('legend'=>1, '#pcdata'=>1), 'form'=>array('script'=>1), 'map'=>array('area'=>1), 'object'=>array('param'=>1, 'embed'=>1)); // Other
-$cT = array('colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Omitable closing
-// block/inline type; ins & del both type; #pcdata: text
-$eB = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
-$eI = array('#pcdata'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1);
-$eN = array('a'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1); // Exclude from specific ele; $cN values
-$eO = array('area'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Missing in $eB & $eI
-$eF = $eB + $eI;
-// $in sets allowed child
-$in = ((isset($eF[$in]) && $in != '#pcdata') or isset($eO[$in])) ? $in : 'div';
- return (!$do ? '' : str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $t));
-if(isset($cS[$in])){$inOk = $cS[$in];}
-elseif(isset($cI[$in])){$inOk = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
-elseif(isset($cF[$in])){$inOk = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
-elseif(isset($cB[$in])){$inOk = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
-if(isset($cO[$in])){$inOk = $inOk + $cO[$in];}
-if(isset($cN[$in])){$inOk = array_diff_assoc($inOk, $cN[$in]);}
-$t = explode('<', $t);
-$ok = $q = array(); // $q seq list of open non-empty ele
-for($i=-1, $ci=count($t); ++$i<$ci;){
- // allowed $ok in parent $p
- if($ql = count($q)){
-  $p = array_pop($q);
-  $q[] = $p;
-  if(isset($cS[$p])){$ok = $cS[$p];}
-  elseif(isset($cI[$p])){$ok = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
-  elseif(isset($cF[$p])){$ok = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
-  elseif(isset($cB[$p])){$ok = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
-  if(isset($cO[$p])){$ok = $ok + $cO[$p];}
-  if(isset($cN[$p])){$ok = array_diff_assoc($ok, $cN[$p]);}
- }else{$ok = $inOk; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
- // bad tags, & ele content
- if(isset($e) && ($do == 1 or (isset($ok['#pcdata']) && ($do == 3 or $do == 5)))){
-  echo '<', $s, $e, $a, '>';
- }
- if(isset($x[0])){
-  if($do < 3 or isset($ok['#pcdata'])){echo $x;}
-  elseif(strpos($x, "\x02\x04")){
-   foreach(preg_split('`(\x01\x02[^\x01\x02]+\x02\x01)`', $x, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v){
-    echo (substr($v, 0, 2) == "\x01\x02" ? $v : ($do > 4 ? preg_replace('`\S`', '', $v) : ''));
-   }
-  }elseif($do > 4){echo preg_replace('`\S`', '', $x);}
- }
- // get markup
- if(!preg_match('`^(/?)([a-zA-Z1-6]+)([^>]*)>(.*)`sm', $t[$i], $r)){$x = $t[$i]; continue;}

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