[geeklog-cvs] geeklog: Added support for plugins to show comments in the What'...

geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net
Tue Mar 9 19:08:49 EST 2010

changeset 7770:bf42ac6ef2d4
url:  http://project.geeklog.net/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/geeklog/rev/bf42ac6ef2d4
user: Tom <websitemaster at cogeco.net>
date: Tue Mar 09 18:47:08 2010 -0500
Added support for plugins to show comments in the What's New Block


 public_html/lib-common.php |  98 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 system/lib-plugins.php     |  45 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diffs (171 lines):

diff -r 25ccc280f368 -r bf42ac6ef2d4 public_html/lib-common.php
--- a/public_html/lib-common.php	Thu Feb 25 14:08:52 2010 -0500
+++ b/public_html/lib-common.php	Tue Mar 09 18:47:08 2010 -0500
@@ -4290,52 +4290,74 @@
         $sql['mysql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid, max({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['stories']} ON (({$_TABLES['stories']}.sid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid)" . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND', 0, 2, $_TABLES['stories'] ) . " AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.draft_flag = 0) AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.commentcode >= 0)" . $topicsql . COM_getLangSQL( 'sid', 'AND', $_TABLES['stories'] ) . ") WHERE ({$_TABLES['comments']}.date >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND))) AND ((({$stwhere}))) GROUP BY {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid,type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15";
         $sql['pgsql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid, max({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['stories']} ON (({$_TABLES['stories']}.sid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid)" . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND', 0, 2, $_TABLES['stories'] ) . " AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.draft_flag = 0) AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.commentcode >= 0)" . $topicsql . COM_getLangSQL( 'sid', 'AND', $_TABLES['stories'] ) . ") WHERE ({$_TABLES['comments']}.date >= (NOW()+ INTERVAL '{$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND')) AND ((({$stwhere}))) GROUP BY {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid,type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15";
-        $result = DB_query( $sql );
-        $nrows = DB_numRows( $result );
-        if( $nrows > 0 )
-        {
+        $result = DB_query($sql);
+        $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
+        $new_plugin_comments= array();
+        if ($nrows > 0) {
+            for ($x = 0; $x < $nrows; $x++) {
+                $new_plugin_comments[] = DB_fetchArray($result); 
+            }
+        }
+        $new_plugin_comments = array_merge(PLG_getWhatsNewComment(), $new_plugin_comments);
+        if( !empty($new_plugin_comments) ) {
+            // Sort array by element lastdate newest to oldest
+            foreach($new_plugin_comments as $k=>$v) {		
+                $b[$k] = strtolower($v['lastdate']);	
+            }	
+            arsort($b);	
+            foreach($b as $key=>$val) {		
+                $temp[] = $new_plugin_comments[$key];	
+            }	   
+            $new_plugin_comments = $temp;
             $newcomments = array();
-            for( $x = 0; $x < $nrows; $x++ )
-            {
-                $A = DB_fetchArray( $result );
-                if(( $A['type'] == 'article' ) || empty( $A['type'] ))
-                {
+            $count = 0;
+            foreach ($new_plugin_comments as $A) {
+                $count .= +1;
+                $url = '';
+                if(( $A['type'] == 'article' ) || empty( $A['type'] )) {
                     $url = COM_buildUrl( $_CONF['site_url']
                         . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid'] ) . '#comments';
-                }
-                $title = COM_undoSpecialChars( stripslashes( $A['title'] ));
-                $titletouse = COM_truncate( $title, $_CONF['title_trim_length'],
-                                            '...' );
-                if( $title != $titletouse )
-                {
-                    $attr = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($title));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    $attr = array();
-                }
-                $acomment = str_replace( '$', '$', $titletouse );
-                $acomment = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $acomment );
-                if( $A['dups'] > 1 )
-                {
-                    $acomment .= ' [+' . $A['dups'] . ']';
-                }
-                $newcomments[] = COM_createLink($acomment, $url, $attr);
+                } else {
+                    $info = PLG_getItemInfo($A['type'], $A['sid'], 'url');
+                    if (!(empty($info))) {
+                        //$url = COM_createLink($info[0], $info[1]); //, array('title' => $excerpt));
+                        $url = $info . '#comments';
+                    }
+                }
+                // Check to see if url (plugin may not support PLG_getItemInfo
+                if (!(empty($url))) {
+                    $title = COM_undoSpecialChars( stripslashes( $A['title'] ));
+                    $titletouse = COM_truncate( $title, $_CONF['title_trim_length'],
+                                                '...' );
+                    if( $title != $titletouse ) {
+                        $attr = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($title));
+                    } else {
+                        $attr = array();
+                    }
+                    $acomment = str_replace( '$', '$', $titletouse );
+                    $acomment = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $acomment );
+                    if( $A['dups'] > 1 ) {
+                        $acomment .= ' [+' . $A['dups'] . ']';
+                    }
+                    $newcomments[] = COM_createLink($acomment, $url, $attr);
+                    if ($count == 15) {
+                        break;   
+                    }
+                }
             $retval .= COM_makeList( $newcomments, 'list-new-comments' );
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        } else {
             $retval .= $LANG01[86] . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . LB;
         if(( $_CONF['hidenewplugins'] == 0 )
                 || ( $_CONF['trackback_enabled']
                 && ( $_CONF['hidenewtrackbacks'] == 0 )))
diff -r 25ccc280f368 -r bf42ac6ef2d4 system/lib-plugins.php
--- a/system/lib-plugins.php	Thu Feb 25 14:08:52 2010 -0500
+++ b/system/lib-plugins.php	Tue Mar 09 18:47:08 2010 -0500
@@ -1936,6 +1936,51 @@
     return array($newheadlines, $newbylines, $newcontent);
+* Ask plugins if they want to add new comments to Geeklog's What's New block.
+* @return   array   $whatsnew
+function PLG_getWhatsNewComment()
+    global $_PLUGINS;
+    $whatsnew= array();
+    foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) {
+        $fn_head = 'plugin_whatsnewsupported_' . $pi_name;
+        if (function_exists($fn_head)) {
+            $supported = $fn_head();
+            if (is_array($supported)) {
+                list($headline, $byline) = $supported;
+                $fn_new = 'plugin_getwhatsnewcomment_' . $pi_name;
+                if (function_exists($fn_new)) {
+                    $whatsnew = array_merge($fn_new (), $whatsnew);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $fn_head = 'CUSTOM_whatsnewsupported';
+    if (function_exists($fn_head)) {
+        $supported = $fn_head();
+        if (is_array($supported)) {
+            list($headline, $byline) = $supported;
+            $fn_new = 'CUSTOM_getwhatsnewcomment';
+            if (function_exists($fn_new)) {
+                $whatsnew = array_merge($fn_new (), $whatsnew);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $whatsnew;    
 * Allows plugins and Core Geeklog Components to filter out spam.

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