[geeklog-cvs] geeklog: Fixed failed first attempt to update the Slovak languag...

geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net
Sat Apr 24 10:19:33 EDT 2010

changeset 7889:33e5b23fef2d
url:  http://project.geeklog.net/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/geeklog/rev/33e5b23fef2d
user: Dirk Haun <dirk at haun-online.de>
date: Sat Apr 24 14:41:49 2010 +0200
Fixed failed first attempt to update the Slovak language files


 language/slovak.php       |  252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 language/slovak_utf-8.php |  252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1084 to 300 lines):

diff -r 8ee93cfb704e -r 33e5b23fef2d language/slovak.php
--- a/language/slovak.php	Sat Apr 24 14:22:12 2010 +0200
+++ b/language/slovak.php	Sat Apr 24 14:41:49 2010 +0200
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@
     2 => 'zvy¹ok èlánku',
     3 => 'komentáre(ov)',
     4 => 'Upravi»',
-    5 => 'Anketa',
-    6 => 'Výsledky',
-    7 => 'Výsledky hlasovania',
-    8 => 'hlasy(ov)',
+    5 => '',
+    6 => '',
+    7 => '',
+    8 => '',
     9 => 'Správcovské funkcie:',
     10 => 'Príspevky',
     11 => 'Príbehy',
     12 => 'Bloky',
     13 => 'Témy',
-    14 => 'Odkazy',
-    15 => 'Termíny',
-    16 => 'Ankety',
+    14 => '',
+    15 => '',
+    16 => '',
     17 => 'U¾ívatelia',
     18 => 'SQL Query',
     19 => 'Odhlási»',
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     37 => '®iadne èlánky',
     38 => 'Content Syndication',
     39 => 'Obnovi»',
-    40 => 'You have <tt>register_globals = Off</tt> in your <tt>php.ini</tt>. However, Geeklog requires <tt>register_globals</tt> to be <strong>on</strong>. Before you continue, please set it to <strong>on</strong> and restart your web server.',
+    40 => '',
     41 => 'Neprihlásený u¾ívateµ',
     42 => 'Autor:',
     43 => 'Reagova»',
@@ -219,7 +219,8 @@
     40 => 'Ak si ne¾eláte prijíma» ïal¹ie oznámenia o odpovediach, nav¹ívte nasledovný odkaz:',
     41 => 'Vitajte %s,',
     42 => 'Presta» odobera» príspevky',
-    43 => 'Presta» odobera» upozornenia na odpovede'
+    43 => 'Presta» odobera» upozornenia na odpovede',
+    44 => 'Your Name'
@@ -248,8 +249,7 @@
     20 => 'The email address provided does not appear to be a valid email address',
     21 => 'Error',
     22 => "Vytvorenie prístupu pre {$_CONF['site_name']}",
-    23 => "Creating a user account will give you all the benefits of {$_CONF['site_name']} membership and it will allow you to post comments and submit items as yourself. If you don't have an account, you will only be able to post anonymously. Please note that your email address will <b><i>never</i></b> be publicly displayed on this site.",
-    23 => "Vytvorením konta máte mo¾nos» písa» komentáre a prispieva» èlánkami pod svojím menom. Pokiaµ si prístup nevytvoríte, budete ma» obmedzený anonymný prístup. Vá¹ e-mail nebude <b><i>nikdy</i></b> zobrazovaný.",
+    23 => 'Vytvorením konta máte mo¾nos» písa» komentáre a prispieva» èlánkami pod svojím menom. Pokiaµ si prístup nevytvoríte, budete ma» obmedzený anonymný prístup. Vá¹ e-mail nebude <b><i>nikdy</i></b> zobrazovaný.',
     24 => 'Heslo Vám bude zaslané na e-mailovú adresu, ktorú zadáte.',
     25 => 'Zabudli ste svoje heslo?',
     26 => 'Zadajte Va¹e prihlasovacie meno a kliknite na odosla» heslo. Bude Vám na Va¹u nastavenú e-mailovú adresu zaslané heslo.',
@@ -377,18 +377,16 @@
     148 => 'User Information',
     149 => 'Modify your user information that will be shown to other users.<li>The signature will be added to any comments or forum posts you made</li><li>The BIO is a brief summary of yourself to share</li><li>Share your PGP Key</li>',
     150 => 'Warning: Javascript recommended for enhanced functionality',
-    151 => 'Preview',
-    152 => 'Username & Password',
-    153 => 'Layout & Language',
-    154 => 'Content',
-    155 => 'Privacy',
     156 => 'Delete Account',
     157 => 'Delete Option',
     158 => 'Èasové pásmo',
     159 => 'This email was generated automatically. Please do not reply to this email.',
     160 => '(max. %d x %d pixels, %d bytes; %s)',
     161 => 'will be scaled down',
-    162 => 'will not be scaled'
+    162 => 'will not be scaled',
+    163 => 'Re-Authentication Failed',
+    164 => 'You have exceeded the number of allowed attempts for re-authentication. The operation has been aborted and your recent changes were lost, sorry.',
+    165 => 'Use Advanced Editor'
@@ -489,24 +487,23 @@
     21 => 'do',
     22 => '(Formát dátumu YYYY-MM-DD)',
     23 => 'Prístupy',
-    24 => 'Poèet nájdených polo¾iek: %d',
     24 => 'Ná¹iel',
     25 => 'Vyhµadávanie',
     26 => 'polo¾iek za',
     27 => 'sekúnd',
     28 => '®iadny èlánok alebo komentár nepasuje na tvoje hµadanie',
     29 => 'Výsledok pre èlánky a komentáre',
-    30 => '®iadna linka nepasuje na tvoje hµadanie',
+    30 => '',
     31 => 'Tento modul nena¹iel ¾iadnu zhodu',
-    32 => 'Akcia',
+    32 => '',
     33 => 'URL',
     34 => 'Miesto',
     35 => 'Celý deò',
-    36 => '®iadna akcia nepasuje na tvoje hµadanie',
-    37 => 'Výsledok pre akcie',
-    38 => 'Výsledok pre linky',
-    39 => 'Linky',
-    40 => 'Akcie',
+    36 => '',
+    37 => '',
+    38 => '',
+    39 => '',
+    40 => '',
     41 => 'Your query string should have at least 3 characters.',
     42 => 'Please use a date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day).',
     43 => 'presný text',
@@ -517,7 +514,7 @@
     48 => 'Autor',
     49 => 'Dátum',
     50 => 'Hits',
-    51 => 'Odkaz',
+    51 => '',
     52 => 'Location',
     53 => 'Story Results',
     54 => 'Comment Results',
@@ -536,7 +533,9 @@
     67 => 'Show %d Results',
     68 => 'Sort By',
     69 => 'Titles Only',
-    70 => 'Not available ...'
+    70 => 'Not available ...',
+    71 => 'asc',
+    72 => 'desc'
@@ -546,9 +545,9 @@
     1 => '©tatistiky stránok',
     2 => 'Celkový poèet prístupov',
     3 => 'Èlánky(Komentáre)',
-    4 => 'Ankety(Hlasované)',
-    5 => 'Linky(Kliknuté)',
-    6 => 'Akcie',
+    4 => '',
+    5 => '',
+    6 => '',
     7 => 'Najèítanej¹ie èlánky',
     8 => 'Nadpis',
     9 => 'Zobrazenia',
@@ -556,24 +555,24 @@
     11 => 'Najkomentovanej¹ie èlánky',
     12 => 'Komentárov',
     13 => 'Zdá sa, ¾e na portáli nie sú ¾iadne èlánky alebo ich nikto nekomentuje.',
-    14 => 'Najpristupovanej¹ie ankety',
-    15 => 'Anketná otázka',
-    16 => 'Hlasov',
-    17 => 'Zdá sa, ¾e na portáli nie sú ¾iadne ankety alebo nikto nehlasoval.',
-    18 => 'Najpristupovanej¹ie linky',
-    19 => 'Linky',
-    20 => 'Pristupy',
-    21 => 'Zdá sa, ¾e na portáli nie sú ¾iadne linky alebo na ne nikto nechodi.',
+    14 => '',
+    15 => '',
+    16 => '',
+    17 => '',
+    18 => '',
+    19 => '',
+    20 => '',
+    21 => '',
     22 => 'Èlánky najviac posielané e-mailom',
     23 => 'E-maily',
     24 => 'Zdá sa, ¾e nikto neposielal èlánok e-mailom.',
     25 => 'Top Ten Trackback Commented Stories',
     26 => 'No trackback comments found.',
     27 => 'Number of active users',
-    28 => 'Top Ten Events',
-    29 => 'Event',
+    28 => '',
+    29 => '',
     30 => 'Hits',
-    31 => 'It appears that there are no events on this site or no one has ever clicked on one.'
+    31 => ''
@@ -584,7 +583,7 @@
     2 => 'Po¹li e-mailom',
     3 => 'Verzia pre tlaè',
     4 => 'Voµby èlánku',
-    5 => 'PDF Story Format',
+    5 => '',
     6 => 'Subscribe to \'%s\''
@@ -595,24 +594,24 @@
     1 => 'To submit a %s you are required to be logged in as a user.',
     2 => 'Login',
     3 => 'New User',
-    4 => 'Submit a Event',
-    5 => 'Submit a Link',
+    4 => '',
+    5 => '',
     6 => 'Submit a Story',
     7 => 'Login is Required',
     8 => 'Submit',
     9 => 'When submitting information for use on this site we ask that you follow the following suggestions...<ul><li>Fill in all the fields, they\'re required<li>Provide complete and accurate information<li>Double check those URLs</ul>',
     10 => 'Nadpis',
-    11 => 'Webový odkaz',
+    11 => '',
     12 => 'Start Date',
     13 => 'End Date',
     14 => 'Location',
     15 => 'Description',
-    16 => 'If other, please specify',
-    17 => 'Category',
-    18 => 'Other',
+    16 => '',
+    17 => '',
+    18 => '',
     19 => 'Read First',
-    20 => 'Error: Missing Category',
-    21 => 'When selecting "Other" please also provide a category name',
+    20 => '',
+    21 => '',
     22 => 'Error: Missing Fields',
     23 => 'Please fill in all the fields on the form.  All fields are required.',
     24 => 'Submission Saved',
@@ -628,20 +627,20 @@
     34 => 'Log Out',
     35 => 'HTML tags are not allowed',
     36 => 'Post Mode',
-    37 => "Submitting an event to {$_CONF['site_name']} will put your event on the master calendar where users can optionally add your event to their personal calendar. This feature is <b>NOT</b> meant to store your personal events such as birthdays and anniversaries.<br' . XHTML . '><br' . XHTML . '>Once you submit your event it will be sent to our administrators and if approved, your event will appear on the master calendar.",
-    38 => 'Add Event To',
-    39 => 'Master Calendar',
-    40 => 'Personal Calendar',
-    41 => 'End Time',
-    42 => 'Start Time',
-    43 => 'All Day Event',
+    37 => '',
+    38 => '',
+    39 => '',
+    40 => '',
+    41 => '',
+    42 => '',
+    43 => '',
     44 => 'Address Line 1',
     45 => 'Address Line 2',
     46 => 'City/Town',
     47 => 'State',
     48 => 'Zip Code',
-    49 => 'Typ termínu',
-    50 => 'Upravi» typy termínov',
+    49 => '',
+    50 => '',
     51 => 'Miesto',
     52 => 'Zmaza»',
     53 => 'Create Account',
@@ -674,12 +673,12 @@
     2 => 'You do not have the necessary rights to edit this block.',
     3 => 'Block Editor',
     4 => 'There was a problem reading this feed (see error.log for details).',
-    5 => 'Block Title',
-    6 => 'Topic',
+    5 => '',
+    6 => '',
     7 => 'All',
     8 => 'Block Security Level',
     9 => 'Block Order',
-    10 => 'Block Type',
+    10 => '',
     11 => 'Portal Block',
     12 => 'Normal Block',
     13 => 'Portal Block Options',
@@ -689,11 +688,11 @@
     17 => 'Block Content',
     18 => 'Please fill in the Block Title, Security Level and Content fields',
     19 => 'Block Manager',
-    20 => 'Block Title',
+    20 => '',
     21 => 'Block SecLev',
-    22 => 'Block Type',
+    22 => '',
     23 => 'Block Order',
-    24 => 'Block Topic',
+    24 => '',
     25 => 'To modify or delete a block, click on that block below.  To create a new block click on new block above.',
     26 => 'Layout Block',
     27 => 'PHP Block',
@@ -713,10 +712,10 @@
     41 => 'Right',
     42 => 'You must enter the blockorder and security level for Geeklog default blocks',
     43 => 'Homepage Only',
-    44 => 'Access Denied',
+    44 => '',
     45 => "You are trying to access a block that you don't have rights to.  This attempt has been logged. Please <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/block.php\">go back to the block administration screen</a>.",
     46 => 'New Block',
-    47 => 'Admin Home',
+    47 => '',
     48 => 'Block Name',
     49 => ' (no spaces and must be unique)',
     50 => 'Help File URL',
@@ -756,8 +755,8 @@
     10 => 'zru¹i»',

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