[geeklog-cvs] geeklog: Updated Polish language files, provided by Robert Stadnik

geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-cvs at lists.geeklog.net
Fri Sep 26 09:49:28 EDT 2008

details:   http://project.geeklog.net/cgi-bin/hgweb.cgi/rev/ee5552217759
changeset: 6402:ee5552217759
user:      Dirk Haun <dirk at haun-online.de>
date:      Fri Sep 26 15:49:13 2008 +0200
Updated Polish language files, provided by Robert Stadnik


4 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)
language/polish.php                           |  310 ++++++++++++-------------
language/polish_utf-8.php                     |  310 ++++++++++++-------------
public_html/admin/install/language/polish.php |   26 +-
public_html/docs/history                      |    1 

diffs (truncated from 840 to 300 lines):

diff -r 5011ca8b6cbd -r ee5552217759 language/polish.php
--- a/language/polish.php	Fri Sep 26 15:27:47 2008 +0200
+++ b/language/polish.php	Fri Sep 26 15:49:13 2008 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # polish.php
-# This is the Polish language page for GeekLog!
+# This is the Polish language file for Geeklog!
 # Special thanks to Robert Stadnik geeklog at geeklog.now.pl for his work on this project
 # Copyright (C) 2000 Jason Whittenburg
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     37 => 'Brak artyku³ów u¿ytkownika',
     38 => 'Syndykacja Tre¶ci',
     39 => 'Od¶wie¿',
-    40 => 'Masz <tt>register_globals = Off</tt> w pliku <tt>php.ini</tt>. Niestety, Geeklog wymaga <tt>register_globals</tt> aby by³y ustawione na <strong>on</strong>. Proszê zminieæ ustawienia na <strong>on</strong> i restartowaæ serwer www.',
+    40 => 'Masz <tt>register_globals = Off</tt> w pliku <tt>php.ini</tt>. Niestety, Geeklog wymaga <tt>register_globals</tt> aby by³y ustawione na <strong>on</strong>. Proszê zmienieæ ustawienia na <strong>on</strong> i restartowaæ serwer www.',
     41 => 'Go¶æ',
     42 => 'Autor:',
     43 => 'Odpowiedz',
@@ -1579,90 +1579,90 @@
     'sections' => 'Configuration Sections',
     'restore' => 'Restore',
     'add_element' => 'Add Element',
-    'save_changes' => 'Save Changes',
-    'reset_form' => 'Reset Form',
+    'save_changes' => 'Zapisz zmiany',
+    'reset_form' => 'Resetuj zmiany',
     'changes_made' => 'Changes were successfully made to',
-    'title' => 'Configuration Manager',
-    'disable' => 'Click to disable this option'
+    'title' => 'Menad¿er ustawieñ',
+    'disable' => 'Kliknij aby wy³±czyæ t± opcjê'
 $LANG_configsections['Core'] = array(
     'label' => 'Geeklog',
-    'title' => 'Geeklog Configuration'
+    'title' => 'Konfiguracja Geeklog-a'
 $LANG_confignames['Core'] = array(
-    'path_html' => 'HTML Path',
-    'site_url' => 'Site URL',
-    'site_admin_url' => 'Admin URL',
-    'site_mail' => 'Site E-Mail',
-    'noreply_mail' => 'No-Reply E-Mail',
-    'site_name' => 'Site Name',
+    'path_html' => '¦cie¿ka HTML',
+    'site_url' => 'Adres URL',
+    'site_admin_url' => 'Adres panelu administracyjnego',
+    'site_mail' => 'E-Mail strony',
+    'noreply_mail' => 'E-Mail w jedn± stronê',
+    'site_name' => 'Nazwa strony',
     'site_slogan' => 'Slogan',
-    'microsummary_short' => 'Microsummary',
+    'microsummary_short' => 'Mikro streszczenie',
     'path_log' => 'Log',
-    'path_language' => 'Language',
-    'backup_path' => 'Backup',
-    'path_data' => 'Data',
-    'path_images' => 'Images',
-    'path_pear' => 'Path Pear',
-    'have_pear' => 'Have Pear?',
-    'mail_settings' => 'Mail Settings',
-    'allow_mysqldump' => 'Allow MySQL Dump',
-    'mysqldump_path' => 'Path of Executable',
-    'mysqldump_options' => 'MySQL Dump Options',
-    'theme' => 'Theme',
-    'menu_elements' => 'Menu Elements',
-    'path_themes' => 'Themes Path',
-    'disable_new_user_registration' => 'Disable New Registrations',
-    'allow_user_themes' => 'Allow User Themes',
-    'allow_user_language' => 'Allow User Language',
-    'allow_user_photo' => 'Allow User Photo',
-    'allow_username_change' => 'Allow Username Changes',
-    'allow_account_delete' => 'Allow Account Deletion',
-    'hide_author_exclusion' => 'Allow Hide Author',
-    'show_fullname' => 'Show Fullname',
-    'show_servicename' => 'Show Service Name',
-    'custom_registration' => 'Enable Custom Registration',
-    'user_login_method' => 'User Login Method',
-    'spamx' => 'Spam-X Actions',
-    'sort_admin' => 'Sort Links',
-    'language' => 'Language',
-    'locale' => 'Locale',
-    'date' => 'Date Format',
-    'daytime' => 'Daytime Format',
-    'shortdate' => 'Short Date Format',
-    'dateonly' => 'Date Only Format',
-    'timeonly' => 'Time Only Format',
-    'week_start' => 'Week Start',
-    'hour_mode' => 'Hour Mode',
-    'thousand_separator' => 'Thousands Separator',
-    'decimal_separator' => 'Decimal Separator',
-    'decimal_count' => 'Decimal Count',
-    'language_files' => 'Language Files',
-    'languages' => 'Languages',
-    'timezone' => 'Timezone',
-    'site_disabled_msg' => 'Site Disabled Message or URL',
+    'path_language' => 'Jêzyk',
+    'backup_path' => 'Kopia zapasowa',
+    'path_data' => 'Dane',
+    'path_images' => 'Zdjêcia',
+    'path_pear' => '¦cie¿ka do Pear',
+    'have_pear' => 'Czy jest biblioteka Pear?',
+    'mail_settings' => 'Ustawienia poczty',
+    'allow_mysqldump' => 'Zezwalaj na zrzut MySQL',
+    'mysqldump_path' => '¦cie¿ka do plików wykonawczych',
+    'mysqldump_options' => 'Opcje zrzutu MySQL',
+    'theme' => 'Layout',
+    'menu_elements' => 'Elementy Menu',
+    'path_themes' => '¦cie¿ka do katalogu z layoutami',
+    'disable_new_user_registration' => 'Wy³±cz rejestracjê nowych u¿ytkowników',
+    'allow_user_themes' => 'U¿ytkownik mo¿e zmieniaæ layout',
+    'allow_user_language' => 'U¿ytkownik mo¿e zmieniaæ jêzyk',
+    'allow_user_photo' => 'U¿ytkownik mo¿e dodaæ swoje zdjêcie',
+    'allow_username_change' => 'U¿ytkownik mo¿e zmieniæ nazwê konta',
+    'allow_account_delete' => 'U¿ytkownik mo¿e usun±æ swoje',
+    'hide_author_exclusion' => 'Zezwalaj na ukrycie autora',
+    'show_fullname' => 'Poka¿ pe³n± nazwê u¿ytkwonika',
+    'show_servicename' => 'Pokazuj nazwê us³ugi',
+    'custom_registration' => 'W³±cz w³asn± rejestracjê',
+    'user_login_method' => 'Metoda logowania u¿ytkownika',
+    'spamx' => 'Spam-X ustawienia',
+    'sort_admin' => 'Sortowanie odno¶ników',
+    'language' => 'Jêzyk',
+    'locale' => 'Opcje regionalne',
+    'date' => 'Format Daty',
+    'daytime' => 'Format daty dziennej',
+    'shortdate' => 'Format daty krótkiej',
+    'dateonly' => 'Tylko data - format',
+    'timeonly' => 'Tylko godzina - format',
+    'week_start' => 'Pocz±tek Tygodnia',
+    'hour_mode' => 'Tryb godzinowy',
+    'thousand_separator' => 'Separator tysiêczny',
+    'decimal_separator' => 'Separator dziesiêtny',
+    'decimal_count' => 'Liczenie dziesiêtne',
+    'language_files' => 'Pliki jêzykowe',
+    'languages' => 'Jêzyki',
+    'timezone' => 'Strefa czasowa',
+    'site_disabled_msg' => 'Komunikat lub odno¶nik podczas wy³±czenia strony',
     'rootdebug' => 'Root Debugging',
-    'cookie_session' => 'Session Cookie Name',
-    'cookie_name' => 'Permanent Cookie Name',
-    'cookie_password' => 'Password Cookie Name',
-    'cookie_theme' => 'Theme Cookie Name',
-    'cookie_language' => 'Language Cookie Name',
-    'cookie_tzid' => 'Timezone Cookie Name',
-    'cookie_ip' => 'Cookies embed IP?',
-    'default_perm_cookie_timeout' => 'Permanent Timeout',
-    'session_cookie_timeout' => 'Session Timeout',
-    'cookie_path' => 'Cookie Path',
-    'cookiedomain' => 'Cookie Domain',
+    'cookie_session' => 'Nazwa ciasteczka sesji',
+    'cookie_name' => 'Nazwa ciasteczka sta³ego',
+    'cookie_password' => 'Nazwa ciasteczka z has³em',
+    'cookie_theme' => 'Nazwa ciasteczka layoutu',
+    'cookie_language' => 'Nazwa ciasteczka jêzykowego',
+    'cookie_tzid' => 'Nazwa ciasteczka strefy czasowej',
+    'cookie_ip' => 'Czy ciasteczko ma zawieraæ adres IP?',
+    'default_perm_cookie_timeout' => 'Sta³e wyga¶niêcie',
+    'session_cookie_timeout' => 'Wyga¶niêcie sesji',
+    'cookie_path' => '¦cie¿ka ciasteczek',
+    'cookiedomain' => 'Domena ciasteczek',
     'cookiesecure' => 'Cookie Secure',
-    'lastlogin' => 'Record Last Login?',
-    'pdf_enabled' => 'PDF Enabled?',
-    'num_search_results' => 'Number of Search Results',
-    'loginrequired' => 'Login Required?',
-    'submitloginrequired' => 'Submit Login Required?',
-    'commentsloginrequired' => 'Comment Login Required?',
-    'statsloginrequired' => 'Stats Login Required?',
+    'lastlogin' => 'Zarejestrowaæ ostatnie logowanie?',
+    'pdf_enabled' => 'PDF w³±czony?',
+    'num_search_results' => 'Liczba wyników z wyszukiwarki',
+    'loginrequired' => 'Wymagane zalogowanie?',
+    'submitloginrequired' => 'Wymagane zalogowanie do przes³ania materia³ów?',
+    'commentsloginrequired' => 'Wymagane zalogowanie do skomentowania?',
+    'statsloginrequired' => 'Wymagane zalogowanie do przegl±dania statystyk?',
     'searchloginrequired' => 'Search Login Required?',
     'profileloginrequired' => 'Profile Login Required?',
     'emailuserloginrequired' => 'E-Mail User Login Required?',
@@ -1708,33 +1708,33 @@
     'pingback_excerpt' => 'Create Pingback Excerpt?',
     'link_documentation' => 'Link to Documentation?',
     'link_versionchecker' => 'Link to Version Checker?',
-    'maximagesperarticle' => 'Max Images per Article',
-    'limitnews' => 'Stories per Page',
-    'minnews' => 'Min. Stories per Page',
-    'contributedbyline' => 'Show "Contributed By"?"',
-    'hideviewscount' => 'Hide Views Count?',
-    'hideemailicon' => 'Hide E-Mail Icon?',
-    'hideprintericon' => 'Hide Print Icon?',
-    'allow_page_breaks' => 'Allow Page Breaks?',
-    'page_break_comments' => 'Comments on Multi-Page Articles',
-    'article_image_align' => 'Topic Icon Alignment',
-    'show_topic_icon' => 'Show Topic Icon?',
+    'maximagesperarticle' => 'Maks. liczba zdjêæ w artykule',
+    'limitnews' => 'Liczba artyku³ów na stronê',
+    'minnews' => 'Min. liczba artyku³ów na stronê',
+    'contributedbyline' => 'Poka¿ "Autor"?"',
+    'hideviewscount' => 'Ukryj liczbê ods³on?',
+    'hideemailicon' => 'Ukryj ikonê emaila?',
+    'hideprintericon' => 'Ukryj ikonê drukowania?',
+    'allow_page_breaks' => 'Zezwalaj na ³amanie stron?',
+    'page_break_comments' => 'Komentarze dla artyku³ów wielostronicowych',
+    'article_image_align' => 'Wyrównywanie ikon sekcji',
+    'show_topic_icon' => 'Poka¿ ikonê sekcji?',
     'draft_flag' => 'Draft Flag Default',
     'frontpage' => 'Frontpage Default',
     'hide_no_news_msg' => 'Hide "No News" Message?',
     'hide_main_page_navigation' => 'Hide Main Page Navigation?',
     'onlyrootfeatures' => 'Only Root can Feature?',
-    'aftersave_story' => 'After Saving Story',
-    'aftersave_user' => 'After Saving User',
-    'show_right_blocks' => 'Always Show Right Blocks?',
-    'showfirstasfeatured' => 'Show First Story as Featured?',
-    'backend' => 'Enable Feeds?',
-    'rdf_file' => 'Syndication Output Folder',
-    'rdf_limit' => 'Feed Limit',
-    'rdf_storytext' => 'Length of Stories in Feed',
-    'rdf_language' => 'Feed Language',
-    'syndication_max_headlines' => 'Max. Number of Headlines (portal blocks)',
-    'copyrightyear' => 'Copyright Year',
+    'aftersave_story' => 'Po zapisaniu artyku³u',
+    'aftersave_user' => 'Po zapisaniu u¿ytkownika',
+    'show_right_blocks' => 'Zawsze pokazuj prawe bloki?',
+    'showfirstasfeatured' => 'Poka¿ pierwszy artyku³ jako Artyku³ Dnia?',
+    'backend' => 'W³±cz kana³y RSS?',
+    'rdf_file' => 'Katalog z plikami do syndykacji tre¶ci',
+    'rdf_limit' => 'Limit kana³ów RSS',
+    'rdf_storytext' => 'D³ugo¶æ artyku³u w pliku RSS',
+    'rdf_language' => 'Jêzyk kana³u RSS',
+    'syndication_max_headlines' => 'Maks. liczba tytu³ów (bloki portalowe)',
+    'copyrightyear' => 'Prawa Autorskie Rok',
     'image_lib' => 'Image Library',
     'path_to_mogrify' => 'Path to Mogrify',
     'path_to_netpbm' => 'Path to Netpbm',
@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@
     'censorreplace' => 'Censor Replace Text',
     'censorlist' => 'Censor List',
     'ip_lookup' => 'IP Lookup',
-    'url_rewrite' => 'Enable URL Rewrite',
+    'url_rewrite' => 'W³±cz przyjazne adresy URL',
     'default_permissions_block' => 'Block Default Permissions',
     'default_permissions_story' => 'Story Default Permissions',
     'default_permissions_topic' => 'Topic Default Permissions',
@@ -1780,80 +1780,80 @@
 $LANG_configsubgroups['Core'] = array(
-    'sg_site' => 'Site',
-    'sg_stories' => 'Stories and Trackback',
-    'sg_theme' => 'Theme',
-    'sg_blocks' => 'Blocks',
-    'sg_users' => 'Users and Submissions',
-    'sg_images' => 'Images',
-    'sg_locale' => 'Languages and Locale',
-    'sg_misc' => 'Miscellaneous'
+    'sg_site' => 'Strona',
+    'sg_stories' => 'Artyku³y i Powiadomienia Zwrotne',
+    'sg_theme' => 'Layout',
+    'sg_blocks' => 'Bloki',
+    'sg_users' => 'U¿ytkownicy i Przes³ane materia³y',
+    'sg_images' => 'Zdjêcia',
+    'sg_locale' => 'Jêzyki i Ustawienia regionalne',
+    'sg_misc' => 'Ró¿ne'
 $LANG_fs['Core'] = array(
-    'fs_site' => 'Site',
-    'fs_paths' => 'Paths',
-    'fs_theme' => 'Theme',
-    'fs_mail' => 'Mail',
+    'fs_site' => 'Strona',
+    'fs_paths' => '¦cie¿ki',
+    'fs_theme' => 'Layout',
+    'fs_mail' => 'Poczta',
     'fs_pear' => 'Pear',
     'fs_mysql' => 'MySQL',
-    'fs_users' => 'Users',
-    'fs_misc' => 'Miscellaneous',
+    'fs_users' => 'U¿ytkownicy',
+    'fs_misc' => 'Ró¿ne',
     'fs_spamx' => 'Spam-X',
     'fs_admin_block' => 'Admin Block',
-    'fs_locale' => 'Locale',
-    'fs_language' => 'Language',
+    'fs_locale' => 'Ustawienia regionalne',
+    'fs_language' => 'Jêzyk',
     'fs_debug' => 'Debug',
-    'fs_cookies' => 'Cookies',
-    'fs_login' => 'Login Settings',
-    'fs_search' => 'Search',
-    'fs_user_submission' => 'User Submission',
-    'fs_submission' => 'Submission Settings',
-    'fs_topics_block' => 'Topics Block',
+    'fs_cookies' => 'Ciasteczka',

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