[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-1.x/system lib-database.php,1.52,1.53

Michael Jervis mjervis at qs1489.pair.com
Thu Aug 14 12:52:30 EDT 2008

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/system
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv42344/system

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Eliminated use of REPLACE INTO, introduced DB_checkTableExists.

Index: lib-database.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/system/lib-database.php,v
retrieving revision 1.52
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -C2 -d -r1.52 -r1.53
*** lib-database.php	12 Apr 2008 11:21:46 -0000	1.52
--- lib-database.php	14 Aug 2008 16:52:02 -0000	1.53
*** 538,540 ****
--- 538,568 ----
+ /**
+  * Check if a table exists
+  *
+  * @param   string $table   Table name
+  * @return  boolean         True if table exists, false if it does not
+  *
+  */
+ function DB_checkTableExists($table)
+ {
+     global $_TABLES, $_DB_dbms;
+     $exists = false;
+     if ($_DB_dbms == 'mysql') {
+         $result = DB_query ("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$_TABLES[$table]}'");
+         if (DB_numRows ($result) > 0) {
+             $exists = true;
+         }
+     } elseif ($_DB_dbms == 'mssql') {
+         $result = DB_Query("SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE name='{$_TABLES[$table]}' AND xtype='U'");
+         if (DB_numRows ($result) > 0) {
+             $exists = true;
+         }
+     }
+     return $exists;
+ }

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