[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-1.x/plugins/staticpages/language czech_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 danish_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 dutch_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 french_canada_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 italian_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 polish_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 portuguese_brazil_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 swedish_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1 turkish_utf-8.php, NONE, 1.1

Dirk Haun dhaun at qs1489.pair.com
Sat Apr 26 16:57:45 EDT 2008

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/plugins/staticpages/language
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv27495

Added Files:
	czech_utf-8.php danish_utf-8.php dutch_utf-8.php 
	french_canada_utf-8.php italian_utf-8.php polish_utf-8.php 
	portuguese_brazil_utf-8.php swedish_utf-8.php 
Log Message:
Converted missing language files to UTF-8

--- NEW FILE: polish_utf-8.php ---

# polish.php
# This is the Polish language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Translation by Robert Stadnik robert_stadnik at wp.pl
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    newpage => "Nowa Strona",
    adminhome => "Centrum Admina",
    staticpages => "Strony Statyczne",
    staticpageeditor => "Edytor Stron Statycznych",
    writtenby => "Autor",
    date => "Ostatnia Aktualizacja",
    title => "Tytuł",
    content => "Zawartość",
    hits => "Odsłon",
    staticpagelist => "Lista Stron Statycznych",
    url => "URL",
    edit => "Edycja",
    lastupdated => "Ostatnia Aktualizacja",
    pageformat => "Format Strony",
    leftrightblocks => "Lewe & Prawe Bloki",
    blankpage => "Nowe Okno",
    noblocks => "Bez Bloków",
    leftblocks => "Lewe Bloki",
    addtomenu => 'Dodaj Do Menu',
    label => 'Etykieta',
    nopages => 'Brak stron statycznych w systemie',
    save => 'zapisz',
    preview => 'podglÄ…d',
    delete => 'kasuj',
    cancel => 'anuluj',
    access_denied => 'Odmowa Dostępu',
    access_denied_msg => 'Próbujesz nielegalnie  dostać się do panelu administrującego Stronami Statycznymi.  Proszę mieć na uwadze, że wszelkie nieautoryzowane próby wejścia są logowane',
    all_html_allowed => 'Wszystkie Znaczniki HTML sÄ… dozwolone',
    results => 'Wyniki Dla Stron Statycznych',
    author => 'Autor',
    no_title_or_content => 'Musisz wypełnić co najmniej pola <b>Tytuł</b> i <b>Zawartość</b>.',
    no_such_page_anon => 'Prosze się zalogować..',
    no_page_access_msg => "Może to być spowodowane tym, że nie jesteś zalogowana/-y lub zarejestrowanan/-y w Serwisie {$_CONF["site_name"]}. Proszę <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\"> zarejestrować się</a> of {$_CONF["site_name"]} aby otrzymać przywileje użytkowników zarejestrowanych",
    php_msg => 'PHP: ',
    php_warn => 'Uwaga: jeśli aktywujesz tę opcję to kod PHP zawarty w Twojej stronie zostanie zweryfikowany. Używaj ostrożnie !!',
    exit_msg => 'Rodzaj Wyjścia: ',
    exit_info => 'Aktywuj na potrzeby komunikatu Wymagany Login.  Zostaw puste dla normalnego testu zabezpieczeń i komunikatu.',    
    deny_msg => 'Brak dostępu do tej strony. Albo strona została przeniesiona/usunięta albo nie masz wystarczających uprawnień.',
    stats_headline => '10 Najpopularniejszych Stron Statycznych',
    stats_page_title => 'Tytuł Strony',
    stats_hits => 'Odsłon',
    stats_no_hits => 'Wygląda na to, że nie ma żadnych stron statycznych albo nikt ich do tej pory nie oglądał.',
    id => 'ID',
    duplicate_id => 'Wybrane ID dla danej strony jest już w użyciu. Proszę wpisać inne ID.',
    instructions => "Aby zmodyfikować lub usunąć stronę statyczną, kliknij na numer strony poniżej. Aby podglądnąć stronę statyczną, kliknij na tytuł strony. Aby stworzyć nową stronę kliknij Nowa Strona powyżej. Kliknij [C] aby skopiować istniejącą stronę.",
    centerblock => 'Blok Åšrodkowy: ',
    centerblock_msg => 'W przypadku zaznaczenia, dana Strona Statyczna będzie widoczna jako blok środkowy na stronie głównej.',
    topic => 'Sekcja: ',
    position => 'Pozycja: ',
    all_topics => 'Wszystkie',
    no_topic => 'Tylko Strona Główna',
    position_top => 'Góra Strony',
    position_feat => 'Po Artykule Dnia',
    position_bottom => 'Dół Strony',
    position_entire => 'Cała Strona',
    head_centerblock => 'Blok Åšrodkowy',
    centerblock_no => 'Nie',
    centerblock_top => 'Góra',
    centerblock_feat => 'Strona Dnia',
    centerblock_bottom => 'Dół',
    centerblock_entire => 'Cała Strona',
    'inblock_msg' => 'W bloku: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Zawijaj StronÄ™ StatycznÄ… w bloku.',
    'title_edit' => 'Edycja strony',
    'title_copy' => 'Utwórz kopię tej strony',
    'title_display' => 'Pokaż stronę',
    'select_php_none' => 'nie wykonuj kodu PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'wykonaj kod PHP (enter)',
    'select_php_free' => 'wykonaj kod PHP',
    'php_not_activated' => 'Używanie PHP w stronie statycznej nie jest aktywne. Sprawdź szczegóły w <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">dokumentacji</a>.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printable Format'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: french_canada_utf-8.php ---

# french_canada.php
# This is a french language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Translation performed by Jean-Francois Allard - jfallard at jfallard.com
# Copyright (c) July 2003
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    newpage => 'Nouvelle page',
    adminhome => 'Entrée - admin',
    staticpages => 'Pages statiques',
    staticpageeditor => 'Éditeur de pages statiques',
    writtenby => 'Écrit par',
    date => 'Dernière mise à jour',
    title => 'Titre',
    content => 'Contenu',
    hits => 'Clicks',
    staticpagelist => 'Liste des pages statiques',
    url => 'URL',
    edit => 'Édition',
    lastupdated => 'Dernière mise à jour',
    pageformat => 'Format des pages',
    leftrightblocks => 'Blocs à gauche et à droite',
    blankpage => 'Nouvelle page vierge',
    noblocks => 'Pas de blocs',
    leftblocks => 'Blocs à gauche',
    addtomenu => 'Ajoutez au menu',
    label => 'Libellé',
    nopages => 'Il n\'y a pas de pages statiques enregistrées dans le système présentement',
    save => 'sauvegarde',
    preview => 'aperçu',
    delete => 'effacer',
    cancel => 'annuler',
    access_denied => 'Acces refusé',
    access_denied_msg => 'Vous essayez d\'accéder illégalement à l\'une des pages administratives relatives aux pages statiques. Veuillez noter que toutes les tentatives illégales en ce sens seront enregistrées',
    all_html_allowed => 'Toutes les balises HTML sont acceptées',
    results => 'Résultats des pages statiques',
    author => 'Auteur',
    no_title_or_content => 'Vous devez au minimum inscrire quelque chose dans les champs <b>titre</b> et <b>contenu</b>.',
    no_such_page_logged_in => 'Désolé '.$_USER['username'].'..',
    no_such_page_anon => 'Prière de vous enregistrer',
    no_page_access_msg => "Ce pourrait être parce que vous ne vous êtes pas enregistré, ou inscrit comme membre de {$_CONF["site_name"]}. Veuillez <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\"> vous inscrire comme membre</a> de {$_CONF["site_name"]} pour recevoir toutes les permissions nécessaires",
    php_msg => 'PHP: ',
    php_warn => 'Avertissement: le code PHP de votre page sera évalué si vous utilisez cette fonction. Utilisez avec précaution !!',
    exit_msg => 'Type de sortie: ',
    exit_info => 'Activez pour obtenir le message d\'accès requis. Gardez non-sélectionné pour actionner les vérifications et les messages de sécurité normaux.',
    deny_msg => 'L\'accès à cette page est impossible. Soit la page à été déplacée, soit vous n\'avez pas les permissions nécessaires.',
    stats_headline => 'Top-10 des pages statiques les plus fréquentées',
    stats_page_title => 'Titre des pages',
    stats_hits => 'Clics',
    stats_no_hits => 'Il serait possible qu\'il n\'y ait aucune page statique sur ce site, ou alors personne ne les a encore consultées.',
    id => 'Identification',
    duplicate_id => 'L\'identification choisie pour cette page est déjà utilisée par une autre page. Veuillez en choisir une autre.',
    instructions => 'Pour modifier une page statique, cliquez sur son numéro ci-dessous. Pour voir une page statique, cliquez sur le titre de la page. Pour créer une page statique, cliquez sur Nouvelle page ci-dessous. Cliquez sur [C] pour créer une copie de page existante.',
    centerblock => 'Bloc du centre: ',
    centerblock_msg => 'Lorsque sélectionnée, cette page statique sera disposée comme le bloc central de la page d\'index.',
    topic => 'Sujet: ',
    position => 'Position: ',
    all_topics => 'Tout',
    no_topic => 'Page d\'accueil seulement',
    position_top => 'Haut de page',
    position_feat => 'Après les articles',
    position_bottom => 'Bas de page',
    position_entire => 'Page entière',
    head_centerblock => 'Bloc du centre',
    centerblock_no => 'Non',
    centerblock_top => 'Haut',
    centerblock_feat => 'Article principal',
    centerblock_bottom => 'Bas',
    centerblock_entire => 'Bloc entier',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In a block: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Wrap Static Page in a block.',
    'title_edit' => 'Edit page',
    'title_copy' => 'Make a copy of this page',
    'title_display' => 'Display page',
    'select_php_none' => 'do not execute PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'execute PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'execute PHP',
    'php_not_activated' => 'The use of PHP in static pages is not activated. Please see the <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentation</a> for details.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printable Format'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: italian_utf-8.php ---

# italian.php
# This is the Italian language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2005 magomarcelo magomarcelo at gmail.com magomarcelo.blogspot.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    'newpage' => 'Nuova Pagina',
    'adminhome' => 'Home Amministrazione',
    'staticpages' => 'Pagine Statiche',
    'staticpageeditor' => 'Editor Pagine Statiche',
    'writtenby' => 'Scritto da',
    'date' => 'Ultimo Agg.',
    'title' => 'Titolo',
    'content' => 'Contenuto',
    'hits' => 'Visite',
    'staticpagelist' => 'Lista Pagine Statiche',
    'url' => 'URL',
    'edit' => 'Modifica',
    'lastupdated' => 'Ultimo Agg.',
    'pageformat' => 'Formato Pag.',
    'leftrightblocks' => 'Blocchi a Sinistra & Destra',
    'blankpage' => 'Pagina Vuota',
    'noblocks' => 'Nessun Blocco',
    'leftblocks' => 'Blocchi a Sinistra',
    'addtomenu' => 'Agg. al Menu',
    'label' => 'Etichetta',
    'nopages' => 'Nessuna pagina statica al momento nel sistema',
    'save' => 'Salva',
    'preview' => 'Anteprima',
    'delete' => 'Cancella',
    'cancel' => 'Elimina',
    'access_denied' => 'Accesso Negato',
    'access_denied_msg' => 'Stai tentando di accedere illegalmente all\'Amministrazione Pagine Statiche.  Prego nota che tutti i tentativi di accesso illegali sono registrati',
    'all_html_allowed' => 'Tutto l\'HTML permesso',
    'results' => 'Risultati Pagine Statiche',
    'author' => 'Autore',
    'no_title_or_content' => 'Devi almeno compilare i campi <b>Titolo</b> e <b>Contenuto</b>.',
    'no_such_page_anon' => 'Prego entra nel sito..',
    'no_page_access_msg' => "Questo potrebbe indicare che tu non sei entrato nel sito, o non sei un membro di {$_CONF["site_name"]}. Prego <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\"> diventa un membro</a> di {$_CONF["site_name"]} per ricevere pieno accesso al sito",
    'php_msg' => 'PHP: ',
    'php_warn' => 'Attenzione: il codice PHP della tua pagina sarà valutato se abiliti questa opzione. <br><strong>Usare con cautela !!</strong>',
    'exit_msg' => 'Tipo Uscita: ',
    'exit_info' => 'Abilita per Richiesta Messaggio di Login.  Lascia deselezionato per il normale controllo di sicurezza e messaggio.',
    'deny_msg' => 'Accesso a questa pagina negato.  Può essere che questa pagina è stata spostata/rimossa o che non hai i permessi sufficiente per visulaizzarla.',
    'stats_headline' => 'Top 10 Pagine Statiche',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Titolo Pagina',
    'stats_hits' => 'Visite',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Sembra che non ci siano pagine statiche in questo sito o che nessuno ne ha ancora visualizzata una.',
    'id' => 'ID',
    'duplicate_id' => 'L\'ID che hai selezionato per questa pagina statica è già in uso. Prego seleziona un\'altro ID.',
    'instructions' => 'Per modificare o eliminare una pagina statica, clicca sul numero della pagina sotto. Per visualizzare una pagina statica, clicca sul titolo della pagina che desideri vedere. Per creare una nuova pagina statica clicca su [ Nuova Pagina ] sopra. Clicca su [C] per creare una copia di una pagina esistente.',
    'centerblock' => 'BloccoCentrale: ',
    'centerblock_msg' => 'Quando selezionato, questa Pagina Statica sarà visualizzata come un blocco centrale nella pagina index.',
    'topic' => 'Argomento: ',
    'position' => 'Posizione: ',
    'all_topics' => 'Tutte',
    'no_topic' => 'Solo Homepage',
    'position_top' => 'Capo Pagina',
    'position_feat' => 'Dopo Articolo Evidenziato',
    'position_bottom' => 'Fine Pagina',
    'position_entire' => 'Pagina Intera',
    'head_centerblock' => 'BloccoCentrale',
    'centerblock_no' => 'No',
    'centerblock_top' => 'Capo Pag.',
    'centerblock_feat' => 'Art. Evidenz.',
    'centerblock_bottom' => 'Fine Pag.',
    'centerblock_entire' => 'Intera Pagina',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In un blocco: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Racchiudi Pagina Statica in un blocco.',
    'title_edit' => 'Modifica Pagina',
    'title_copy' => 'Duplica questa pagina',
    'title_display' => 'Visualizza pagina',
    'select_php_none' => 'non eseguire PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'esegui PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'esegui PHP',
    'php_not_activated' => 'L\'uso di PHP nelle pagine statiche è disattivato. Prego vedi la <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentazione</a> per dettagli.',
    'printable_format' => 'Formato Stampabile'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: czech_utf-8.php ---

# czech.php
# This is the cz language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2002 hermes_trismegistos
# hermes_trismegistos at hermetik.net
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# $LANG_CHARSET = "iso-8859-2";
# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

global $LANG32;

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    newpage => "Nová stránka",
    adminhome => "Administrace",
    staticpages => "Statické stránky",
    staticpageeditor => "Editor statických stránek",
    writtenby => "Vloženo",
    date => "Poslední aktualizace",
    title => "Titulek",
    content => "Obsah",
    hits => "Klicknutí",
    staticpagelist => "Výpis statických stránek",
    url => "URL",
    edit => "Editovat",
    lastupdated => "Poslední aktualizace",
    pageformat => "Formát stránky",
    leftrightblocks => "Bloky nalevo a napravo",
    blankpage => "Prázdná stránka",
    noblocks => "Bez bloků",
    leftblocks => "Bloky nalevo",
    addtomenu => 'Přidat do menu',
    label => 'Název položky',
    nopages => 'Žádné stránky zde nejsou',
    save => 'uložit',
    preview => 'preview',
    delete => 'smazat',
    cancel => 'zrušit akci',
    access_denied => 'Přístup odepřen',
    access_denied_msg => 'Pokoušíte se editovat statické stránky - na to nemáte dostatečná práva.  Tento pokus byl zaznamenán.',
    all_html_allowed => 'HTML tagy povoleny',
    results => 'Statické stránky - ',
    author => 'Autor',
    no_title_or_content => 'Musíte vyplnit alespoň pole <b>Titulek</b> a <b>Obsah</b>.',
    no_such_page_anon => 'Please log in..',
    no_page_access_msg => "This could be because you're not logged in, or not a member of {$_CONF["site_name"]}. Please <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\"> become a member</a> of {$_CONF["site_name"]} to receive full membership access",
    php_msg => 'PHP: ',
    php_warn => 'Warning: PHP code in your page will be evaluated if you enable this option. Use with caution !!',
    exit_msg => 'Exit Type: ',
    exit_info => 'Enable for Login Required Message.  Leave unchecked for normal security check and message.',
    deny_msg => 'Access to this page is denied.  Either the page has been moved/removed or you do not have sufficient permissions.',
    stats_headline => 'Top Ten Static Pages',
    stats_page_title => 'Page Title',
    stats_hits => 'Hits',
    stats_no_hits => 'It appears that there are no static pages on this site or no one has ever viewed them.',
    id => 'ID',
    duplicate_id => 'The ID you chose for this static page is already in use. Please select another ID.',
    instructions => "To modify or delete a static page, click on that page's number below. To view a static page, click on the title of the page you wish to view. To create a new static page click on new page above. Click on [C] to create a copy of an existing page.",
    centerblock => 'Centerblock: ',
    centerblock_msg => 'When checked, this Static Page will be displayed as a center block on the index page.',
    topic => 'Topic: ',
    position => 'Position: ',
    all_topics => 'All',
    no_topic => 'Homepage Only',
    position_top => 'Top Of Page',
    position_feat => 'After Featured Story',
    position_bottom => 'Bottom Of Page',
    position_entire => 'Entire Page',
    head_centerblock => 'Centerblock',
    centerblock_no => 'No',
    centerblock_top => 'Top',
    centerblock_feat => 'Feat. Story',
    centerblock_bottom => 'Bottom',
    centerblock_entire => 'Entire Page',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In a block: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Wrap Static Page in a block.',
    'title_edit' => 'Edit page',
    'title_copy' => 'Make a copy of this page',
    'title_display' => 'Display page',
    'select_php_none' => 'do not execute PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'execute PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'execute PHP',
    'php_not_activated' => 'The use of PHP in static pages is not activated. Please see the <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentation</a> for details.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printable Format'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: danish_utf-8.php ---

# danish.php
# This is the danish language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Translation   Steen Brølling  
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    newpage => "Ny Side",
    adminhome => "Admin Hjem",
    staticpages => "Faste Sider",
    staticpageeditor => "Faste Sider Redigering",
    writtenby => "Skrevet af",
    date => "Seneste Opdatering",
    title => "Titel",
    content => "Indhold",
    hits => "Hits",
    staticpagelist => "Faste Sider Liste",
    url => "URL",
    edit => "Rediger",
    lastupdated => "Sidst Opdateret",
    pageformat => "Side Format",
    leftrightblocks => "Venstre & Højre Kasser",
    blankpage => "Blank Side",
    noblocks => "Ingen Kasser",
    leftblocks => "Venstre Kasser",
    addtomenu => 'Tilføj til Menu',
    label => 'Titel',
    nopages => 'Der er ingen faste sider i systemet endnu',
    save => 'gem',
    preview => 'gennemse',
    delete => 'slet',
    cancel => 'fortryd',
    access_denied => 'Adgang Nægtet',
    access_denied_msg => 'Du forsøger at få adgang til Fast Side administrationssiderne. Dette forsøg er blevet logget',
    all_html_allowed => 'Alle HTML koder er tilladte',
    results => 'Fast Side Resultat',
    author => 'Forfatter',
    no_title_or_content => 'You must at least fill in the <b>Title</b> and <b>Content</b> fields.',
    no_such_page_anon => 'Log venligst ind..',
    no_page_access_msg => "Dette kan skyldes at du ikke er logget ind, eller ikke er oprettet som bruger af {$_CONF["site_name"]}. Bliv venligst <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\">oprettet som bruger</a> af {$_CONF["site_name"]} for at få fuld brugeradgang",
    php_msg => 'PHP: ',
    php_warn => 'Warning: PHP code in your page will be evaluated if you enable this option. Use with caution !!',
    exit_msg => 'Exit Type: ',
    exit_info => 'Enable for Login Required Message.  Leave unchecked for normal security check and message.',
    deny_msg => 'Access to this page is denied.  Either the page has been moved/removed or you do not have sufficient permissions.',
    stats_headline => 'Top Ten Static Pages',
    stats_page_title => 'Page Title',
    stats_hits => 'Hits',
    stats_no_hits => 'It appears that there are no static pages on this site or no one has ever viewed them.',
    id => 'ID',
    duplicate_id => 'The ID you chose for this static page is already in use. Please select another ID.',
    instructions => "To modify or delete a static page, click on that page's number below. To view a static page, click on the title of the page you wish to view. To create a new static page click on new page above. Click on [C] to create a copy of an existing page.",
    centerblock => 'Centerblock: ',
    centerblock_msg => 'When checked, this Static Page will be displayed as a center block on the index page.',
    topic => 'Topic: ',
    position => 'Position: ',
    all_topics => 'All',
    no_topic => 'Homepage Only',
    position_top => 'Top Of Page',
    position_feat => 'After Featured Story',
    position_bottom => 'Bottom Of Page',
    position_entire => 'Entire Page',
    head_centerblock => 'Centerblock',
    centerblock_no => 'No',
    centerblock_top => 'Top',
    centerblock_feat => 'Feat. Story',
    centerblock_bottom => 'Bottom',
    centerblock_entire => 'Entire Page',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In a block: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Wrap Static Page in a block.',
    'title_edit' => 'Edit page',
    'title_copy' => 'Make a copy of this page',
    'title_display' => 'Display page',
    'select_php_none' => 'do not execute PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'execute PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'execute PHP',
    'php_not_activated' => 'The use of PHP in static pages is not activated. Please see the <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentation</a> for details.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printable Format'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: swedish_utf-8.php ---

# swedish.php
# This is the swedish language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Copyright (C) 2003 Markus Berg
# kelvin at lysator.liu.se
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    newpage => 'Ny sida',
    adminhome => 'Administratörsmeny',
    staticpages => 'Statiska sidor',
    staticpageeditor => 'Redigera statisk sida',
    writtenby => 'Skriven av',
    date => 'Senast uppdaterad',
    title => 'Titel',
    content => 'Innehåll',
    hits => 'Träffar',
    staticpagelist => 'Lista över statiska sidor',
    url => 'URL',
    edit => 'Editera',
    lastupdated => 'Senast uppdaterad',
    pageformat => 'Sidformat',
    leftrightblocks => 'Vänster- och högerblock',
    blankpage => 'Tom sida',
    noblocks => 'Inga block',
    leftblocks => 'Vänsterblock',
    addtomenu => 'Lägg till i meny',
    label => 'Etikett',
    nopages => 'Inga statiska sidor än ännu inlagda i systemet',
    save => 'spara',
    preview => 'förhandsgranska',
    delete => 'radera',
    cancel => 'avbryt',
    access_denied => 'Ã…tkomst nekas',
    access_denied_msg => 'Du försöker få tillgång till en administrationssida för de statiska sidorna.  Detta äger du inte rätt att göra.  Alla dylika försök loggas.',
    all_html_allowed => 'All HTML tillåten',
    results => 'Statiska sidor resultat',
    author => 'Författare',
    no_title_or_content => 'Du måste åtminstone fylla i <b>titel-</b> och <b>innehålls</b>fälten.',
    no_such_page_anon => 'Du måste logga in..',
    no_page_access_msg => "Detta kan bero på att du inte är inloggad, eller att du inte ärmedlem i {$_CONF["site_name"]}.  <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\">Bli medlem</a> i {$_CONF["site_name"]} för att få åtkomst till medlemssidorna",
    php_msg => 'PHP: ',
    php_warn => 'Varning: PHP-kod i din sida kommer att exekveras om du aktiverar detta.  Använd med försiktighet !!',
    exit_msg => 'Avslutstyp: ',
    exit_info => 'Aktivera för "inloggning krävs"-meddelande.  Avaktivera för normal säkerhetskontroll och meddelande.',
    deny_msg => 'Åtkomst till denna sida nekas.  Antingen har sidan flyttats/raderats, eller så äger du inte rättigheter att se den.',
    stats_headline => 'Topp tio statiska sidor',
    stats_page_title => 'Titel',
    stats_hits => 'Träffar',
    stats_no_hits => 'Inga statiska sidor existerar på den här sajten, eller så har inga av dom lästs.',
    id => 'ID',
    duplicate_id => 'Det ID du valt för denna sida används redan.  Välj ett nytt ID.',
    instructions => 'Klicka på den statiska sidans nummer nedan för att modifiera eller radera den.  Klicka på sidans titel för att se sidan.  Klicka på ny sida ovan för att skapa en ny statisk sida.  Klicka på [C] för att kopiera en sida.',
    centerblock => 'Centerblock: ',
    centerblock_msg => 'När detta är aktiverat kommer denna statiska sida att visas i centerblocket på indexsidan.',
    topic => 'Ämne: ',
    position => 'Position: ',
    all_topics => 'Alla',
    no_topic => 'Endast hemsidan',
    position_top => 'Högst upp på sidan',
    position_feat => 'Efter huvudartikeln',
    position_bottom => 'Längst ner på sidan',
    position_entire => 'Hela sidan',
    head_centerblock => 'Centerblock',
    centerblock_no => 'Nej',
    centerblock_top => 'Högst upp',
    centerblock_feat => 'Huvudartikel',
    centerblock_bottom => 'Längst ner',
    centerblock_entire => 'Hela sidan',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In a block: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Wrap Static Page in a block.',
    'title_edit' => 'Edit page',
    'title_copy' => 'Make a copy of this page',
    'title_display' => 'Display page',
    'select_php_none' => 'do not execute PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'execute PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'execute PHP',
    'php_not_activated' => 'The use of PHP in static pages is not activated. Please see the <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentation</a> for details.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printable Format'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: dutch_utf-8.php ---

# dutch.php
# This is the Dutch language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2001 Tony Bibbs
# tony at tonybibbs.com
# Ported to level 1.3.10 by: Ko de Pree <ko at depree.nl>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    'newpage' => 'Nieuwe Pagina',
    'adminhome' => 'Beheerder Home',
    'staticpages' => 'Static Pages',
    'staticpageeditor' => 'Static Page Editor',
    'writtenby' => 'Geschreven door',
    'date' => 'Laatst bijgewerkt',
    'title' => 'Titel',
    'content' => 'Inhoud',
    'hits' => 'Treffers',
    'staticpagelist' => 'Static Page Lijst',
    'url' => 'URL',
    'edit' => 'Wijzigen',
    'lastupdated' => 'Laatst bijgewerkt',
    'pageformat' => 'Pagina formaat',
    'leftrightblocks' => 'Linker & Rechter Blokken',
    'blankpage' => 'Blanco Pagina',
    'noblocks' => 'Geen Blokken',
    'leftblocks' => 'Linker Blokken',
    'addtomenu' => 'Aan menu toevoegen',
    'label' => 'Label',
    'nopages' => 'Er zijn nog geen static pages.',
    'save' => 'opslaan',
    'preview' => 'preview',
    'delete' => 'verwijderen',
    'cancel' => 'annuleren',
    'access_denied' => 'Geen toegang',
    'access_denied_msg' => 'U heeft ongeautoriseerd geprobeerd een van de Static Pages op te roepen. Deze poging is vastgelegd.',
    'all_html_allowed' => 'HTML is toegestaan',
    'results' => 'Static Pages Resultaten',
    'author' => 'Auteur',
    'no_title_or_content' => 'Gelieve de <b>Titel</b> en <b>Content</b> op te geven.',
    'no_such_page_anon' => 'Gelieve eerst in te loggen...',
    'no_page_access_msg' => "Dit kan optreden omdat u niet ingelogd bent, of geen lid bent van {$_CONF["site_name"]}. <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\">Meldt u aann</a> op {$_CONF["site_name"]} om alle faciliteiten te verkrijgen",
    'php_msg' => 'PHP: ',
    'php_warn' => 'Pas op !!  PHP code in uw pagina wordt uitgevoerd indien de optie geactiveerd is. Wees hiermee voorzichtig !!',
    'exit_msg' => 'Exit Type: ',
    'exit_info' => 'Activeer het Portaal bericht "Login Required". Niet aanvinken voor normale beveiligingsfunkties en berichtgevingen.',
    'deny_msg' => 'De toegang naar deze pagina is geweigerd. De pagina is verwijderd of verplaatst, of u bent hiervoor niet geautoriseerd.',
    'stats_headline' => 'Top Tien Static Pages',
    'stats_page_title' => 'Pagina Titel',
    'stats_hits' => 'Treffers',
    'stats_no_hits' => 'Het lijkt er op dat er geen static pages aanwezig zijn, of dat niemand ze ooit opgevraagd heeft.',
    'id' => 'ID',
    'duplicate_id' => 'De ID die u opgeeft voor deze static page is reeds in gebruik. Kies een andere ID.',
    'instructions' => 'Om een static page te wijzigen of te vewijderen, klik op het nummer van de betreffende pagina hieronder. Om een static page in te zien, klik op de titel van de betreffende pagina. Om een nieuwe static page aan te leggen klik op "Nieuwe Pagina" hierboven. Klik op [C] om een kopie te maken.',
    'centerblock' => 'Centerblok: ',
    'centerblock_msg' => 'Indien aangevinkt, wordt deze Static Page weergegeven in het midden van de index pagina.',
    'topic' => 'Thema: ',
    'position' => 'Positie: ',
    'all_topics' => 'All',
    'no_topic' => 'Alleen Homepage',
    'position_top' => 'Bovenaan',
    'position_feat' => 'Na HoofdArtikel',
    'position_bottom' => 'Onderaan',
    'position_entire' => 'Gehele Pagina',
    'head_centerblock' => 'Centerblok',
    'centerblock_no' => 'Nee',
    'centerblock_top' => 'Bovenaan',
    'centerblock_feat' => 'HoofdArtikel',
    'centerblock_bottom' => 'Onderaan',
    'centerblock_entire' => 'Gehele pagina',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In een blok: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Geef de Static Page weer als een blok.',
    'title_edit' => 'Wijzig pagina',
    'title_copy' => 'Maak een copy van deze pagina',
    'title_display' => 'Laat de pagina zien',
    'select_php_none' => 'maak het uitvoeren van PHP onmogelijk',
    'select_php_return' => 'uitvoeren van PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'voer PHP uit',
    'php_not_activated' => 'Het gebruik van PHP in Static Pages is niet geactiveerd. Bekijk de <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentatie</a> voor meer bijzonderheden.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printbare versie'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


--- NEW FILE: portuguese_brazil_utf-8.php ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: turkish_utf-8.php ---

# turkish.php
# This is the turkish language page for the Geeklog Static Page Plug-in!
# Copyright (C) 2003 ScriptEvi.com
# webmaster at scriptevi.com
# http://www.scriptevi.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

global $LANG32;

# Array Format: 
# $LANGXX[YY]:	$LANG - variable name
#		  	XX - file id number
#			YY - phrase id number

$LANG_STATIC= array(
    newpage => 'Yeni Sayfa',
    adminhome => 'Yönetim Sayfasý',
    staticpages => 'Statik Sayfalar',
    staticpageeditor => 'Statik Sayfa Düzenleyicisi',
    writtenby => 'Yazan',
    date => 'Son Güncelleme',
    title => 'Baþlýk',
    content => 'Ýçerik',
    hits => 'Hit',
    staticpagelist => 'Statik Sayfa Listesi',
    url => 'URL',
    edit => 'Düzenle',
    lastupdated => 'Son Güncelleme',
    pageformat => 'Sayfa Formatý',
    leftrightblocks => 'Sol & Sað Bloklar',
    blankpage => 'Boþ Sayfa',
    noblocks => 'Bloklar Yok',
    leftblocks => 'Sol Bloklar',
    addtomenu => 'Menüye Ekle',
    label => 'Etiket',
    nopages => 'Henüz sistemde statik sayfalar yok',
    save => 'kaydet',
    preview => 'önizleme',
    delete => 'sil',
    cancel => 'vazgeç',
    access_denied => 'Giriþ Engellendi',
    access_denied_msg => 'Statik Sayfalar yönetim sayfalarýna yetkisiz giriþ demesi yapýyorsunuz. Not: Bu sayfalara yetkisiz giriþ denemelerinin hepsi kaydedilmektedir',
    all_html_allowed => 'Bütün HTML kodlarý kullanýlabilir',
    results => 'Statik Sayfalar Sonuçlarý',
    author => 'Yazar',
    no_title_or_content => 'En azýndan <b>Baþlýk</b> ve <b>Ýçerik</b> bölümlerini doldurmalýsýnýz.',
    no_such_page_anon => 'Lütfen giriþ yapýn..',
    no_page_access_msg => "Bu olabilir çünkü giriþ yapmadýnýz yada {$_CONF["site_name"]} nin kayýtlý bir üyesi deðilsiniz. {$_CONF["site_name"]} nin tüm üyelik giriþlerini elde etmek için lütfen <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\"> yeni bir üye olun</a>",
    php_msg => 'PHP: ',
    php_warn => 'Uyarý: Þayet bu seçeneði kullanýrsanýz, sayfanýz PHP kodunda deðerlendirilir. Dikkatli kullanýn !!',
    exit_msg => 'Çýkýþ Tipi: ',
    exit_info => 'Giriþ Mesajý Ýstemeyi olanaklý kýlar. Normal güvenlik kontrolü ve mesajý için iþareti kaldýrýn.',
    deny_msg => 'Bu sayfaya giriþ engellendi. Bu sayfa taþýndý yada kaldýrýldý veya yeterli izniniz yok.',
    stats_headline => 'Top On Statik Sayfa',
    stats_page_title => 'Sayfa Baþlýðý',
    stats_hits => 'Hit',
    stats_no_hits => 'It appears that there are no static pages on this site or no one has ever viewed them.',
    id => 'ID',
    duplicate_id => 'Bu statik sayfa için seçtiðiniz ID zaten kullanýlýyor. Lütfen baþka ID seçin.',
    instructions => 'Bir statik sayfayý düzenlemek yada silmek isterseniz, aþaðýdaki sayfa numarasýna týklayýnýz. Bir statik sayfayý görüntüleme, görmek istediðiniz sayfanýn baþlýðýna týklyýnýz. Yeni bir statik sayfa yaratmak için üstteki Yeni Sayfa linkine týklayýn. [C] \'ye týklayarak varolan sayfanýn bir kopyasýný yaratýrsýnýz.',
    centerblock => 'Ortablok: ',
    centerblock_msg => 'Ýþaretlenirse, bu statik sayfa index sayfasýnda bir orta blokda görüntülenecektir.',
    topic => 'Konu: ',
    position => 'Pozisyon: ',
    all_topics => 'Hepsi',
    no_topic => 'Sadece Ana Sayfa',
    position_top => 'Sayfanýn Üstü',
    position_feat => 'Günün Yazýsýndan Sonra',
    position_bottom => 'Sayfanýn Altý',
    position_entire => 'Tam Sayfa',
    head_centerblock => 'Ortablok',
    centerblock_no => 'Yok',
    centerblock_top => 'Ãœst',
    centerblock_feat => 'Gün. Yazýsý',
    centerblock_bottom => 'Alt',
    centerblock_entire => 'Tam Sayfa',
    'inblock_msg' => 'In a block: ',
    'inblock_info' => 'Wrap Static Page in a block.',
    'title_edit' => 'Edit page',
    'title_copy' => 'Make a copy of this page',
    'select_php_none' => 'do not execute PHP',
    'select_php_return' => 'execute PHP (return)',
    'select_php_free' => 'execute PHP',
    'title_display' => 'Display page',
    'php_not_activated' => 'The use of PHP in static pages is not activated. Please see the <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/staticpages.html#php">documentation</a> for details.',
    'printable_format' => 'Printable Format'

// Messages for the plugin upgrade
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3001 = 'Plugin upgrade not supported.';
$PLG_staticpages_MESSAGE3002 = $LANG32[9];


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