[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-1.x/language english.php, 1.294, 1.295 english_utf-8.php, 1.85, 1.86

Aaron Blankstein ablankstein at qs1489.pair.com
Sun Sep 2 22:25:21 EDT 2007

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/language
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv37387/language

Modified Files:
	english.php english_utf-8.php 
Log Message:
Added localization support to configuration UI, changed defaults of some config values to be 
commented out, and modified the install process for config parameters.

Index: english.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/language/english.php,v
retrieving revision 1.294
retrieving revision 1.295
diff -C2 -d -r1.294 -r1.295
*** english.php	29 Aug 2007 02:11:33 -0000	1.294
--- english.php	3 Sep 2007 02:25:19 -0000	1.295
*** 1539,1541 ****
--- 1539,1811 ----
+ ################################################################################
+ # Localization of the Admin Configuration UI                                   #
+ $LANG_coreconfignames = 
+ array(
+       'path_html' => "HTML Path",
+       'site_url' => "Site URL",
+       'site_admin_url' => "Admin URL",
+       'site_mail' => "Site E-Mail",
+       'noreply_mail' => "No-Reply E-Mail",
+       'site_name' => "Site Name",
+       'site_slogan' => "Slogan",
+       'microsummary_short' => "Microsummary",
+       'path_log' => "Log",
+       'path_language' => "Language",
+       'backup_path' => "Backup",
+       'path_data' => "Data",
+       'path_images' => "Images",
+       'path_pear' => "Path Pear",
+       'have_pear' => "Have Pear?",
+       'mail_settings' => "Mail Settings",
+       'allow_mysqldump' => "Allow MySQL Dump",
+       'mysqldump_options' => "MySQL Dump Options",
+       'theme' => "Theme",
+       'menu_elements' => "Menu Elements",
+       'path_themes' => "Themes Path",
+       'disable_new_user_registration' => "Disable New Users",
+       'allow_user_themes' => "User Themes",
+       'allow_user_language' => "User Language",
+       'allow_user_photo' => "User Photo",
+       'allow_username_change' => "Username Changes",
+       'allow_account_delete' => "Account Deletion",
+       'hide_author_exclusion' => "Hide Author",
+       'show_fullname' => "Show Fullname",
+       'show_servicename' => "Show Service Name",
+       'custom_registration' => "Custom Registration",
+       'user_logging_method' => "User Logging Method",
+       'spamx' => "Spam-X",
+       'sort_admin' => "Sort Links",
+       'language' => "Language",
+       'locale' => "Locale",
+       'date' => "Date",
+       'daytime' => "Daytime",
+       'shortdate' => "Short Date",
+       'dateonly' => "Date Only",
+       'timeonly' => "Time Only",
+       'week_start' => "Week Start",
+       'hour_mode' => "Hour Mode",
+       'thousand_separator' => "Thousand Separator",
+       'decimal_separator' => "Decimal Separator",
+       'decimal_count' => "Decimal Count",
+       'language_files' => "Language Files",
+       'languages' => "Languages",
+       'timezone' => "Timezone",
+       'site_enabled' => "Site Enabled",
+       'site_disabled_msg' => "Disabled Message",
+       'rootdebug' => "Root Debugging",
+       'cookie_session' => "Cookie Session",
+       'cookie_name' => "Cookie Name",
+       'cookie_password' => "Cookie Password",
+       'cookie_theme' => "Cookie Theme",
+       'cookie_language' => "Cookie Language",
+       'cookie_ip' => "Cookies embed IP?",
+       'default_perm_cookie_timeout' => "Permanent Timeout",
+       'session_cookie_timeout' => "Session Timeout",
+       'cookie_path' => "Cookie Path",
+       'cookiedomain' => "Cookie Domain",
+       'cookiesecure' => "Cookie Secure",
+       'lastlogin' => "Store Last Login?",
+       'ostype' => "OS Type",
+       'pdf_enabled' => "PDF Enabled?",
+       'num_search_results' => "Number of Search Results",
+       'loginrequired' => "Login Required?",
+       'submitloginrequired' => "Submit Login Required?",
+       'commentsloginrequired' => "Comment Login Required?",
+       'statsloginrequired' => "Stats Login Required?",
+       'searchloginrequired' => "Search Login Required?",
+       'profileloginrequired' => "Profile Login Required?",
+       'emailuserloginrequired' => "E-Mail User Login Required?",
+       'emailstoryloginrequired' => "E-Mail Story Login Required?",
+       'directoryloginrequired' => "Directory Login Required?",
+       'storysubmission' => "Story Submission Queue?",
+       'usersubmission' => "User Submission Queue?",
+       'listdraftstories' => "List Draft Stories?",
+       'notification' => "Notifications",
+       'postmode' => "Post Mode",
+       'speedlimit' => "Post Speed Limit",
+       'skip_preview' => "Skip Preview in Posts",
+       'advanced_editor' => "Advanced Editor?",
+       'wikitext_editor' => "Wikitext Editor?",
+       'cron_schedule_interval' => "Cron Schedule Interval",
+       'sortmethod' => "Topic Sort Method",
+       'showstorycount' => "Show Story Count?",
+       'showsubmissioncount' => "Show Submission Count?",
+       'hide_home_link' => "Hide Home Link?",
+       'whosonline_threshold' => "Threshold",
+       'whosonline_anonymous' => "Anonymous?",
+       'emailstories' => "E-Mail Stories?",
+       'emailstorieslength' => "E-Mail Stories Length",
+       'emailstoriesperdefault' => "E-Mail Stories Default?",
+       'allow_domains' => "Automatic Allow Domains",
+       'disallow_domains' => "Automatic Disallow Domains",
+       'newstoriesinterval' => "New Stories Interval",
+       'newcommentsinterval' => "New Comments Interval",
+       'newtrackbackinterval' => "New Trackback Interval",
+       'hidenewstories' => "Hide New Stories",
+       'hidenewcomments' => "Hide New Comments",
+       'hidenewtrackbacks' => "Hide New Trackbacks",
+       'hidenewplugins' => "Hide New Plugins",
+       'title_trim_length' => "Title Trim",
+       'trackback_enabled' => "Trackback?",
+       'pingback_enabled' => "Pingback?",
+       'ping_enabled' => "Ping Enabled?",
+       'trackback_code' => "Trackback Default",
+       'multiple_trackbacks' => "Multiple Trackbacks",
+       'trackbackspeedlimit' => "Trackback Speed Limit",
+       'check_trackback_link' => "Check Trackbacks",
+       'pingback_self' => "Pingback Self?",
+       'pingback_excerpt' => "Pingback Excerpt?",
+       'link_documentation' => "Link Documentation?",
+       'link_versionchecker' => "Link Version Checker?",
+       'maximagesperarticle' => "Max Images per Article",
+       'limitnews' => "Limit News",
+       'minnews' => "Minimum News",
+       'contributedbyline' => "Show Contributed By?",
+       'hideviewscount' => "Hide Views Count?",
+       'hideemailicon' => "Hide E-Mail Icon?",
+       'hideprintericon' => "Hide Print Icon?",
+       'allow_page_breaks' => "Allow Page Breaks?",
+       'page_break_comments' => "Comments on Page Breaks",
+       'article_image_align' => "Article Image Align",
+       'show_topic_icon' => "Show Topic Icon?",
+       'draft_flag' => "Draft Flag?",
+       'frontpage' => "Frontpage?",
+       'hide_no_news_msg' => "Hide No News Message?",
+       'hide_main_page_navigation' => "Hide Main Page Navigation?",
+       'onlyrootfeatures' => "Only Root can Feature?",
+       'aftersave_story' => "After Saving Story",
+       'aftersave_user' => "After Saving User",
+       'show_right_blocks' => "Show Right Blocks?",
+       'showfirstasfeatured' => "Show First as Featured?",
+       'left_blocks_in_footer' => "Left Blocks in Footer?",
+       'backend' => "Backend?",
+       'rdf_file' => "RDF File",
+       'rdf_limit' => "RDF Limit",
+       'rdf_storytext' => "RDF Storytext",
+       'rdf_language' => "RDF Language",
+       'syndication_max_headlines' => "Maximum Headlines",
+       'copyright' => "Copyright Year",
+       'image_lib' => "Image Library",
+       'path_to_mogrify' => "Path to Mogrify",
+       'path_to_netpbm' => "Path to Netpbm",
+       'debug_image_upload' => "Debug Image Uploading?",
+       'keep_unscaled_image' => "Keep Unscaled Image?",
+       'allow_user_scaling' => "Allow User Scaling?",
+       'max_image_width' => "Max Image Width?",
+       'max_image_height' => "Max Image Height?",
+       'max_image_size' => "Max Image Size?",
+       'max_topicicon_width' => "Max Topic Icon Width?",
+       'max_topicicon_height' => "Max Topic Icon Height?",
+       'max_topicicon_size' => "Max Topic Icon Size?",
+       'max_photo_width' => "Max Photo Width?",
+       'max_photo_height' => "Max Photo Height?",
+       'max_photo_size' => "Max Photo Size?",
+       'use_gravatar' => "Use Gravatar?",
+       'gravatar_rating' => "Gravatar Rating Allowed",
+       'force_photo_width' => "Force Photo Width",
+       'default_photo' => "Default Photo",
+       'commentspeedlimit' => "Comment Speed Limit",
+       'comment_limit' => "Comment Limit",
+       'comment_mode' => "Comment Mode",
+       'comment_code' => "Comment Code",
+       'passwordspeedlimit' => "Password Speed Limit",
+       'login_attempts' => "Login Attempts",
+       'login_speedlimit' => "Login Speed Limit",
+       'user_html' => "User HTML",
+       'admin_html' => "Admin HTML",
+       'skip_html_filter_for_root' => "Skip HTML Filter for Root?",
+       'allowed_protocols' => "Allowed Protocols",
+       'disable_autolinks' => "Disable Autolinks?",
+       'censormode' => "Censor Mode?",
+       'censorreplace' => "Censor Replace",
+       'censorlist' => "Censor List",
+       'ip_lookup' => "IP Lookup",
+       'url_rewrite' => "URL Rewrite",
+       'default_permissions_block' => "Block Default Permissions",
+       'default_permissions_story' => "Story Default Permissions",
+       'default_permissions_topic' => "Topic Default Permissions"
+ );
+ $LANG_coreconfigsubgroups =
+ array(
+       0 => 'Site',
+       1 => 'Stories and Trackback',
+       2 => 'Theme',
+       3 => 'Topics and Daily Digest',
+       4 => 'Users and Submissions',
+       5 => 'Images',
+       6 => 'Languages and Locale',
+       7 => 'Miscellaneous'
+ );
+ $LANG_fs =
+ array(
+       0 => 'Site',
+       1 => 'Paths',
+       2 => 'Theme',
+       3 => 'Mail',
+       4 => 'Pear',
+       5 => 'MySQL',
+       6 => 'Users',
+       7 => 'Miscellaneous',
+       8 => 'Spam-X',
+       9 => 'Admin',
+       10 => 'Locale',
+       11 => 'Language',
+       12 => 'Debug',
+       13 => 'Cookies',
+       14 => 'Login Settings',
+       15 => 'Search',
+       16 => 'User Submission',
+       17 => 'Submission Settings',
+       18 => 'Topic',
+       19 => 'Who\'s Online',
+       20 => 'Daily Digest',
+       21 => 'What\'s New',
+       22 => 'Trackback',
+       23 => 'Pingback',
+       24 => 'Story',
+       25 => 'Advanced Settings',
+       26 => 'RSS',
+       27 => 'Image Library',
+       28 => 'Upload',
+       29 => 'Image',
+       30 => 'Topic Icons',
+       31 => 'Photos',
+       32 => 'Gravatar',
+       33 => 'Comments',
+       34 => 'HTML Filtering',
+       35 => 'Censoring',
+       36 => 'IP Lookup',
+       37 => 'Default Permission'
+ );
+ $LANG_coreconfigselects = 
+ array(
+       0 => array('True'=>1,'False'=>0),
+       1 => array('True'=>TRUE,'False'=>FALSE),
+       2 => array('Reject'=>0,'Only Keep Latest'=>1, 'Allow Multiple Posts'=>2),
+       3 => array_flip($LANG_trackbackcodes),
+       4 => array("Don't Check Anything" => 0, 
+ 		 "Check against Site URL" => 1, 
+ 		 "Check full URL" => 2, 
+ 		 "Check against Site URL and full URL" => 3, 
+ 		 "Check IP against Site IP" => 4, 
+ 		 "Check IP and Site URL" => 5, 
+ 		 "Check IP and Full URL" => 6, 
+ 		 "Check IP, Full URL, and Site URL" => 7),
+       5 => array_flip($LANG_postmodes),
+       6 => array('12'=>'12','24'=>'24'),
+       7 => array('Last'=>'last','First'=>'first', 'All'=>'all'),
+       8 => array('Right'=>'right', 'Left'=>'left'),
+       9 => array('Forward to page' => 'item', 'Display List' => 'list', 'Display Home' => 'home', 'Display Admin' => 'admin'),
+       10 => array('None'=>'', 'Netpbm'=>'netpbm', 'ImageMagick'=>'imagemagick', 'gdLib' =>'gdlib'),
+       11 => array_flip($LANG_commentmodes),
+       12 => array('No access'=>0, 'Read-Only'=>2,'Read-Write'=>3)
+ );

Index: english_utf-8.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/geeklog/Geeklog-1.x/language/english_utf-8.php,v
retrieving revision 1.85
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -C2 -d -r1.85 -r1.86
*** english_utf-8.php	29 Aug 2007 02:11:33 -0000	1.85
--- english_utf-8.php	3 Sep 2007 02:25:19 -0000	1.86
*** 1539,1541 ****
--- 1539,1810 ----
+ ################################################################################
+ # Localization of the Admin Configuration UI                                   #
+ $LANG_coreconfignames = 
+ array(
+       'path_html' => "HTML Path",
+       'site_url' => "Site URL",
+       'site_admin_url' => "Admin URL",
+       'site_mail' => "Site E-Mail",
+       'noreply_mail' => "No-Reply E-Mail",
+       'site_name' => "Site Name",
+       'site_slogan' => "Slogan",
+       'microsummary_short' => "Microsummary",
+       'path_log' => "Log",
+       'path_language' => "Language",
+       'backup_path' => "Backup",
+       'path_data' => "Data",
+       'path_images' => "Images",
+       'path_pear' => "Path Pear",
+       'have_pear' => "Have Pear?",
+       'mail_settings' => "Mail Settings",
+       'allow_mysqldump' => "Allow MySQL Dump",
+       'mysqldump_options' => "MySQL Dump Options",
+       'theme' => "Theme",
+       'menu_elements' => "Menu Elements",
+       'path_themes' => "Themes Path",
+       'disable_new_user_registration' => "Disable New Users",
+       'allow_user_themes' => "User Themes",
+       'allow_user_language' => "User Language",
+       'allow_user_photo' => "User Photo",
+       'allow_username_change' => "Username Changes",
+       'allow_account_delete' => "Account Deletion",
+       'hide_author_exclusion' => "Hide Author",
+       'show_fullname' => "Show Fullname",
+       'show_servicename' => "Show Service Name",
+       'custom_registration' => "Custom Registration",
+       'user_logging_method' => "User Logging Method",
+       'spamx' => "Spam-X",
+       'sort_admin' => "Sort Links",
+       'language' => "Language",
+       'locale' => "Locale",
+       'date' => "Date",
+       'daytime' => "Daytime",
+       'shortdate' => "Short Date",
+       'dateonly' => "Date Only",
+       'timeonly' => "Time Only",
+       'week_start' => "Week Start",
+       'hour_mode' => "Hour Mode",
+       'thousand_separator' => "Thousand Separator",
+       'decimal_separator' => "Decimal Separator",
+       'decimal_count' => "Decimal Count",
+       'language_files' => "Language Files",
+       'languages' => "Languages",
+       'timezone' => "Timezone",
+       'site_enabled' => "Site Enabled",
+       'site_disabled_msg' => "Disabled Message",
+       'rootdebug' => "Root Debugging",
+       'cookie_session' => "Cookie Session",
+       'cookie_name' => "Cookie Name",
+       'cookie_password' => "Cookie Password",
+       'cookie_theme' => "Cookie Theme",
+       'cookie_language' => "Cookie Language",
+       'cookie_ip' => "Cookies embed IP?",
+       'default_perm_cookie_timeout' => "Permanent Timeout",
+       'session_cookie_timeout' => "Session Timeout",
+       'cookie_path' => "Cookie Path",
+       'cookiedomain' => "Cookie Domain",
+       'cookiesecure' => "Cookie Secure",
+       'lastlogin' => "Store Last Login?",
+       'ostype' => "OS Type",
+       'pdf_enabled' => "PDF Enabled?",
+       'num_search_results' => "Number of Search Results",
+       'loginrequired' => "Login Required?",
+       'submitloginrequired' => "Submit Login Required?",
+       'commentsloginrequired' => "Comment Login Required?",
+       'statsloginrequired' => "Stats Login Required?",
+       'searchloginrequired' => "Search Login Required?",
+       'profileloginrequired' => "Profile Login Required?",
+       'emailuserloginrequired' => "E-Mail User Login Required?",
+       'emailstoryloginrequired' => "E-Mail Story Login Required?",
+       'directoryloginrequired' => "Directory Login Required?",
+       'storysubmission' => "Story Submission Queue?",
+       'usersubmission' => "User Submission Queue?",
+       'listdraftstories' => "List Draft Stories?",
+       'notification' => "Notifications",
+       'postmode' => "Post Mode",
+       'speedlimit' => "Post Speed Limit",
+       'skip_preview' => "Skip Preview in Posts",
+       'advanced_editor' => "Advanced Editor?",
+       'wikitext_editor' => "Wikitext Editor?",
+       'cron_schedule_interval' => "Cron Schedule Interval",
+       'sortmethod' => "Topic Sort Method",
+       'showstorycount' => "Show Story Count?",
+       'showsubmissioncount' => "Show Submission Count?",
+       'hide_home_link' => "Hide Home Link?",
+       'whosonline_threshold' => "Threshold",
+       'whosonline_anonymous' => "Anonymous?",
+       'emailstories' => "E-Mail Stories?",
+       'emailstorieslength' => "E-Mail Stories Length",
+       'emailstoriesperdefault' => "E-Mail Stories Default?",
+       'allow_domains' => "Automatic Allow Domains",
+       'disallow_domains' => "Automatic Disallow Domains",
+       'newstoriesinterval' => "New Stories Interval",
+       'newcommentsinterval' => "New Comments Interval",
+       'newtrackbackinterval' => "New Trackback Interval",
+       'hidenewstories' => "Hide New Stories",
+       'hidenewcomments' => "Hide New Comments",
+       'hidenewtrackbacks' => "Hide New Trackbacks",
+       'hidenewplugins' => "Hide New Plugins",
+       'title_trim_length' => "Title Trim",
+       'trackback_enabled' => "Trackback?",
+       'pingback_enabled' => "Pingback?",
+       'ping_enabled' => "Ping Enabled?",
+       'trackback_code' => "Trackback Default",
+       'multiple_trackbacks' => "Multiple Trackbacks",
+       'trackbackspeedlimit' => "Trackback Speed Limit",
+       'check_trackback_link' => "Check Trackbacks",
+       'pingback_self' => "Pingback Self?",
+       'pingback_excerpt' => "Pingback Excerpt?",
+       'link_documentation' => "Link Documentation?",
+       'link_versionchecker' => "Link Version Checker?",
+       'maximagesperarticle' => "Max Images per Article",
+       'limitnews' => "Limit News",
+       'minnews' => "Minimum News",
+       'contributedbyline' => "Show Contributed By?",
+       'hideviewscount' => "Hide Views Count?",
+       'hideemailicon' => "Hide E-Mail Icon?",
+       'hideprintericon' => "Hide Print Icon?",
+       'allow_page_breaks' => "Allow Page Breaks?",
+       'page_break_comments' => "Comments on Page Breaks",
+       'article_image_align' => "Article Image Align",
+       'show_topic_icon' => "Show Topic Icon?",
+       'draft_flag' => "Draft Flag?",
+       'frontpage' => "Frontpage?",
+       'hide_no_news_msg' => "Hide No News Message?",
+       'hide_main_page_navigation' => "Hide Main Page Navigation?",
+       'onlyrootfeatures' => "Only Root can Feature?",
+       'aftersave_story' => "After Saving Story",
+       'aftersave_user' => "After Saving User",
+       'show_right_blocks' => "Show Right Blocks?",
+       'showfirstasfeatured' => "Show First as Featured?",
+       'left_blocks_in_footer' => "Left Blocks in Footer?",
+       'backend' => "Backend?",
+       'rdf_file' => "RDF File",
+       'rdf_limit' => "RDF Limit",
+       'rdf_storytext' => "RDF Storytext",
+       'rdf_language' => "RDF Language",
+       'syndication_max_headlines' => "Maximum Headlines",
+       'copyright' => "Copyright Year",
+       'image_lib' => "Image Library",
+       'path_to_mogrify' => "Path to Mogrify",
+       'path_to_netpbm' => "Path to Netpbm",
+       'debug_image_upload' => "Debug Image Uploading?",
+       'keep_unscaled_image' => "Keep Unscaled Image?",
+       'allow_user_scaling' => "Allow User Scaling?",
+       'max_image_width' => "Max Image Width?",
+       'max_image_height' => "Max Image Height?",
+       'max_image_size' => "Max Image Size?",
+       'max_topicicon_width' => "Max Topic Icon Width?",
+       'max_topicicon_height' => "Max Topic Icon Height?",
+       'max_topicicon_size' => "Max Topic Icon Size?",
+       'max_photo_width' => "Max Photo Width?",
+       'max_photo_height' => "Max Photo Height?",
+       'max_photo_size' => "Max Photo Size?",
+       'use_gravatar' => "Use Gravatar?",
+       'gravatar_rating' => "Gravatar Rating Allowed",
+       'force_photo_width' => "Force Photo Width",
+       'default_photo' => "Default Photo",
+       'commentspeedlimit' => "Comment Speed Limit",
+       'comment_limit' => "Comment Limit",
+       'comment_mode' => "Comment Mode",
+       'comment_code' => "Comment Code",
+       'passwordspeedlimit' => "Password Speed Limit",
+       'login_attempts' => "Login Attempts",
+       'login_speedlimit' => "Login Speed Limit",
+       'user_html' => "User HTML",
+       'admin_html' => "Admin HTML",
+       'skip_html_filter_for_root' => "Skip HTML Filter for Root?",
+       'allowed_protocols' => "Allowed Protocols",
+       'disable_autolinks' => "Disable Autolinks?",
+       'censormode' => "Censor Mode?",
+       'censorreplace' => "Censor Replace",
+       'censorlist' => "Censor List",
+       'ip_lookup' => "IP Lookup",
+       'url_rewrite' => "URL Rewrite",
+       'default_permissions_block' => "Block Default Permissions",
+       'default_permissions_story' => "Story Default Permissions",
+       'default_permissions_topic' => "Topic Default Permissions"
+ );
+ $LANG_coreconfigsubgroups =
+ array(
+       0 => 'Site',
+       1 => 'Stories and Trackback',
+       2 => 'Theme',
+       3 => 'Topics and Daily Digest',
+       4 => 'Users and Submissions',
+       5 => 'Images',
+       6 => 'Languages and Locale',
+       7 => 'Miscellaneous'
+ );
+ $LANG_fs =
+ array(
+       0 => 'Site',
+       1 => 'Paths',
+       2 => 'Theme',
+       3 => 'Mail',
+       4 => 'Pear',
+       5 => 'MySQL',
+       6 => 'Users',
+       7 => 'Miscellaneous',
+       8 => 'Spam-X',
+       9 => 'Admin',
+       10 => 'Locale',
+       11 => 'Language',
+       12 => 'Debug',
+       13 => 'Cookies',
+       14 => 'Login Settings',
+       15 => 'Search',
+       16 => 'User Submission',
+       17 => 'Submission Settings',
+       18 => 'Topic',
+       19 => 'Who\'s Online',
+       20 => 'Daily Digest',
+       21 => 'What\'s New',
+       22 => 'Trackback',
+       23 => 'Pingback',
+       24 => 'Story',
+       25 => 'Advanced Settings',
+       26 => 'RSS',
+       27 => 'Image Library',
+       28 => 'Upload',
+       29 => 'Image',
+       30 => 'Topic Icons',
+       31 => 'Photos',
+       32 => 'Gravatar',
+       33 => 'Comments',
+       34 => 'HTML Filtering',
+       35 => 'Censoring',
+       36 => 'IP Lookup',
+       37 => 'Default Permission'
+ );
+ $LANG_coreconfigselects = 
+ array(
+       0 => array('True'=>1,'False'=>0),
+       1 => array('True'=>TRUE,'False'=>FALSE),
+       2 => array('Reject'=>0,'Only Keep Latest'=>1, 'Allow Multiple Posts'=>2),
+       3 => array_flip($LANG_trackbackcodes),
+       4 => array("Don't Check Anything" => 0, 
+ 		 "Check against Site URL" => 1, 
+ 		 "Check full URL" => 2, 
+ 		 "Check against Site URL and full URL" => 3, 
+ 		 "Check IP against Site IP" => 4, 
+ 		 "Check IP and Site URL" => 5, 
+ 		 "Check IP and Full URL" => 6, 
+ 		 "Check IP, Full URL, and Site URL" => 7),
+       5 => array_flip($LANG_postmodes),
+       6 => array('12'=>'12','24'=>'24'),
+       7 => array('Last'=>'last','First'=>'first', 'All'=>'all'),
+       8 => array('Right'=>'right', 'Left'=>'left'),
+       9 => array('Forward to page' => 'item', 'Display List' => 'list', 'Display Home' => 'home', 'Display Admin' => 'admin'),
+       10 => array('None'=>'', 'Netpbm'=>'netpbm', 'ImageMagick'=>'imagemagick', 'gdLib' =>'gdlib'),
+       11 => array_flip($LANG_commentmodes),
+       12 => array('No access'=>0, 'Read-Only'=>2,'Read-Write'=>3)
+ );

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