[geeklog-cvs] Geeklog-2.x/plugins/content/views ContentEditorView.php, NONE, 1.1 UserContentView.php, NONE, 1.1 ContentMainView.php, NONE, 1.1 ContentAdminView.php, NONE, 1.1 ContentView.php, NONE, 1.1

Damien Hodgkin dhodgkin at qs1489.pair.com
Wed Aug 8 16:23:47 EDT 2007

Update of /cvsroot/geeklog2/Geeklog-2.x/plugins/content/views
In directory qs1489.pair.com:/tmp/cvs-serv13905/plugins/content/views

Added Files:
	ContentEditorView.php UserContentView.php ContentMainView.php 
	ContentAdminView.php ContentView.php 
Log Message:
Second commit

--- NEW FILE: ContentEditorView.php ---

/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */

 * Geeklog 2
 * License details are yet to be determined.  

 * Bring in BaseViewFlexy
require getOption('path_views') . 'BaseViewFlexyPlugin.php';

 * Content model object
require_once(getOption('path_plugins') . 'content/models/Gl2Content.php');

 * Item model object
require_once(getOption('path_models') . 'Gl2Item.php');

 * Content editor view
 * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
 * @copyright Geeklog 2 Development Team 2005
 * @version $Id: ContentEditorView.php,v 1.1 2007/08/08 20:23:44 dhodgkin Exp $
 * @package net.geeklog.views
class content_ContentEditorView extends Geeklog_BaseViewFlexyPlugin {
     * Provides a more readable way to access the content ID from the URL arguments
     * @const A_ID
     * @var int
    const A_ID = 2;
     * Gives the Flexy template a handle to the content object
     * @access public
     * @var Gl2Content
    public $content = null;
     * Gives the Flexy template a handle to the item object
     * @access public
     * @var GL2Item
    public $item = null;
    public $blah = null;
     * Registers the 'edit' action for the content plugin.
     * @access public
     * @static 
     * @return array Array of action names.
    public static function getActions()
    	return array('contentEdit');

    public static function getIsDefaultAction() {
    	return false;

    public static function getForwards() {
        return array();

     * Constructor
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
    public function __construct($urlArgs)
     * Ensure the user is authorized to view the acontent
     * This is a pretty simple methd that check the content ID we got and ensures the user has 
     * sufficient rights to access it.  A lot of the work is done by 
     * Geeklog_BaseViewFlexyPlugin::authorizedToView()
     * @author Tony Bibbs <tony at geeklog.net>
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access protected
     * @return boolean True if the user can view the page, otherwise false
    protected function authorizedToView()
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['content'])) {
            $this->content = $_REQUEST['content'];
            $foo = $this->content->getContentId();
            $this->item = $this->content->getGl2ItemAcl();           
            if (!empty($foo)) {
                return parent::authorizedToView($this->content);
            } else {
                $dao = Geeklog_DAO_DAOFactory::getDAO('content');
                $this->content = $dao->find('getMaxContentId');
                $this->blah = $this->content->getContentId() + 1;                   
            return true;
        } else {
            if (empty($this->urlArgs[content_ContentEditorView::A_ID])) {
                // Do some sort of security check.
                $this->content = new Gl2Content();
                $this->item = new Gl2Item();
                // Default date created to current time
                return true;
            } else {
                $this->content = new Gl2Content();
                $id = $this->urlArgs[content_ContentEditorView::A_ID];

                $dao = Geeklog_DAO_DAOFactory::getDAO('content');
                if (is_numeric($id)) {
                    $this->content = $dao->find('getContentById', array($id));                
                } else {
                    $this->content = $dao->find('getContents', array($id));
                $this->content = $this->content[0];
                if (is_object($this->content)) {
                    $this->item = $this->content->getGl2Item();
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Content with id of {$this->urlArgs[content_ContentEditorView::A_ID]}
                        does not exist!  Please note that all attempts to access non-existent contents are
                if (parent::authorizedToView($this->content)) {
                    $_REQUEST['content'] = $this->content;
                    return true;
        return false;
     * Shows the content editor.
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
	public function processView()
        $this->setPageTitle('Geeklog 2: Content Editor');        
        $foo = $this->content->getContentId();
        if (empty($foo)) {
        // Create flexy elements to correspond to each field
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Item->expirationDate'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentId'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentAuthor'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentTitle'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->Description'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentBody'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentUrl'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Item->rewriteId'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentType'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentType']->setOptions( array( 38 => 'Article',
                                                                    39 => 'Static Page',
                                                                    40 => 'Flexy Content'));
        // Compile the template and show it
        $this->flexyHandle->outputObject($this, $this->flexyElements); 
    public function numRights()
        return count($this->rights);
    public function getPathToPluginJS($pluginName = '') {
            $path = getOption('path_plugin_assets') . $pluginName;
            return $path;
    public function getCSSEntries()
        $entries = parent::getCSSEntries();
        $entries .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/geeklog2/cal.css" />';
        return $entries;
    public function getJavaScriptEntries($withAjax = true)
        $entries = parent::getJavaScriptEntries($withAjax);
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl 
                . '/javascript/geeklog2/gl2ItemSecurity.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'
                . '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl
                . '/javascript/geeklog2/calendar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'
                . '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl
                . '/assets/plugins/content/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
        return $entries;
    public function fckeditor() {
        $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('FCKeditor1') ;
        $oFCKeditor->BasePath = $this->baseUrl . '/assets/plugins/content/fckeditor/';
        $oFCKeditor->Value = 'Default text in editor';
        $oFCKeditor->Create() ;


--- NEW FILE: UserContentView.php ---
/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */

 * Geeklog 2
 * License details are yet to be determined.  

 * Bring in BaseViewFlexy
require getOption('path_views') . 'BaseViewFlexyPlugin.php';

 * Content model object
require_once(getOption('path_plugins') . 'content/models/Gl2Content.php');

 * User contents view
 * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
 * @copyright 2007
 * @version $Id: UserContentView.php,v 1.1 2007/08/08 20:23:44 dhodgkin Exp $
 * @package net.geeklog.views
class content_UserContentView extends Geeklog_BaseViewFlexyPlugin {

    public static function getActions() {
    	return array('myContents', 'myArticles', 'myPages');
    public static function getIsDefaultAction() {
        return false;

    public static function getForwards() {
        return array();

     * Constructor
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
    public function __construct($urlArgs) {

    protected function authorizedToView() {
            return true;
     * Shows the user contents view
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
	public function processView() {
        // Get any error or status messages
        // Show the page
        $this->setPageTitle('Geeklog 2: Contents');
        $pageToGet = $_GET['page'];
        if (empty($pageToGet)) {
            $pageToGet = 1;
        $dao = Geeklog_DAO_DAOFactory::getDAO('content');

        $this->flexyElements['query'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;        
        if (!empty($_GET['query'])) {
            $this->contents = $dao->find('getContentsByAuthor', array('%' . $_GET['query'] . '%'), $pageToGet, $contentConf['contents_per_page_admin']);
        } else {
            $this->contents = $dao->find('getContents', null, $pageToGet, getOption('contents_per_page_admin','content'));        
            $this->contents = $this->contents['RESULTS'];
     * Gets the number of contents that will be displayed
     * NOTE: this isn't the total number of pages (remember, this can be paged).  This is the total
     * on the current page.
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @return int number of contents to display
    public function numContents()
    	return count($this->contents);

--- NEW FILE: ContentView.php ---

/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */

 * Geeklog 2
 * License details are yet to be determined.  

 * Bring in BaseViewFlexy
require getOption('path_views') . 'BaseViewFlexyPlugin.php';

 * Content model object
require_once(getOption('path_plugins') . 'content/models/Gl2Content.php');

 * Shows the content plugin's homepage
 * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
 * @copyright Geeklog 2 Development Team 2005
 * @version $Id: ContentView.php,v 1.1 2007/08/08 20:23:44 dhodgkin Exp $
 * @package net.geeklog.views
class content_ContentView extends Geeklog_BaseViewFlexyPlugin {
     * Gives the Flexy template a handle to the content object
     * @access public
     * @var Gl2Content
    public $content = null;
    const A_ID = 2;
    public static function getActions()
    	return array('contentDisplay');
    public static function getIsDefaultAction() {
    	return false;

    public static function getForwards() {
        return array();

    protected function authorizedToView() {
       return true;
     * Constructor
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
    public function __construct($urlArgs) {
     * Shows the content.
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
	public function processView() {
	    // Get any error or status messages

        // Show the page
        $this->setPageTitle('Geeklog 2: Content');        
        $this->content = new Gl2Content();
        $id = $this->urlArgs[content_ContentView::A_ID];
        $dao = Geeklog_DAO_DAOFactory::getDAO('content');
        if (is_numeric($id)) {
            $this->content = $dao->find('getContentById', array($id));                
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Content with id of {$this->urlArgs[content_ContentView::A_ID]}
                        does not exist!  Please note that all attempts to access non-existent contents are

        $this->content = $this->content[0];
        // Create flexy elements to correspond to each field
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentAuthor'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentTitle'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->Description'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;
        $this->flexyElements['Gl2Content->ContentBody'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;

--- NEW FILE: ContentMainView.php ---

/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */

 * Geeklog 2
 * License details are yet to be determined.  

 * Bring in BaseViewFlexy
require getOption('path_views') . 'BaseViewFlexyPlugin.php';

 * Content model object
require_once(getOption('path_plugins') . 'content/models/Gl2Content.php');

 * Shows the content main page
 * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
 * @copyright Geeklog 2 Development Team 2005
 * @version $Id: ContentMainView.php,v 1.1 2007/08/08 20:23:44 dhodgkin Exp $
 * @package net.geeklog.views
class content_ContentMainView extends Geeklog_BaseViewFlexyPlugin {
    public $contents = null;
    public static function getActions() {
    	return array('showMain');
    public static function getIsDefaultAction() {
    	return true;

    public static function getForwards() {
        return array();

    protected function authorizedToView() {
        return true;

     * Constructor
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
    public function __construct($urlArgs)
     * Shows the main page of the content plugin.
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
	public function processView() {
        // Get any error or status messages
        // Show the page
        $this->setPageTitle('Geeklog 2: Contents');
        $pageToGet = $_GET['page'];
        if (empty($pageToGet)) {
            $pageToGet = 1;
        $dao = Geeklog_DAO_DAOFactory::getDAO('content');

        $this->contents = $dao->find('getContents', null, $pageToGet, getOption('contents_per_page_admin','content'));        
        $this->contents = $this->contents['RESULTS'];
     * Gets the number of contents that will be displayed
     * NOTE: this isn't the total number of pages (remember, this can be paged).  This is the total
     * on the current page.
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @return int number of contents to display
    public function numContents()
    	return count($this->contents);
--- NEW FILE: ContentAdminView.php ---

/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */

 * Geeklog 2
 * License details are yet to be determined.  

 * Bring in BaseViewFlexy
require getOption('path_views') . 'BaseViewFlexyPlugin.php';

 * Link model object
require_once(getOption('path_plugins') . 'content/models/Gl2Content.php');

 * Shows the content administration homepage
 * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
 * @copyright Geeklog 2 Development Team 2005
 * @version $Id: ContentAdminView.php,v 1.1 2007/08/08 20:23:44 dhodgkin Exp $
 * @package net.geeklog.views
class content_ContentsAdminView extends Geeklog_BaseViewFlexyPlugin {

    public $contents = null;
    public static function getActions() {
    	return array('contentAdmin');
    public static function getIsDefaultAction() {
    	return false;

    public static function getForwards() {
        return array();
     * Constructor
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
    public function __construct($urlArgs)
    protected function authorizedToView()
        return true;
     * Shows the Content manager.
     * @author Damien Hodgkin <dracul01 at gmail.com>
     * @access public
	public function processView()
        $this->setPageTitle('Geeklog 2: Content Manager');        
        $pageToGet = $_GET['page'];
        if (empty($pageToGet)) {
            $pageToGet = 1;
        $dao = Geeklog_DAO_DAOFactory::getDAO('content');
        $this->flexyElements['query'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;        
        if (!empty($_GET['query'])) {
            $this->contents = $dao->find('getContentsByKeyword', array($_GET['query'] . '%', '%' . $_GET['query'] . '%'), $pageToGet, $contentConf['contents_per_page_admin']);
        } else {
            $this->contents = $dao->find('getContents', null, $pageToGet, getOption('contents_per_page_admin','content'));        
            $this->contents = $this->contents['RESULTS'];
        // Compile the template and show it
        $this->flexyHandle->outputObject($this, $this->flexyElements); 
     * Returns the rewrite ID or the link ID in the case one is available
     * @param unknown_type $link
     * @return unknown
    public function getRewriteId($content)
        $item = $content->getGl2Item();
        $rewriteId = $item->getRewriteId();
        if (empty($rewriteId)) {
            return $content->getContentId();
        } else {
            return $rewriteId;
    public function getPagerControl()
        require_once 'Controls/Pager.php';
        if (empty($curPage)) $curPage = 1;
        if (empty($_GET['query'])) {
            $pager = new Geeklog_Pager($this->baseUrl . '/index.php/content/admin',$curPage,1,count($this->contents));
        } else {
            $pager = new Geeklog_Pager($this->baseUrl . '/index.php/content/admin',$curPage,1,count($this->contents),"?query={$_GET['query']}");
        return $pager->getStockControl();

    public function numContents()
    	return count($this->contents);
     * Brings in the YUI script tags.
     * @author Tony Bibbs <tony at geeklog.net>
     * @access public
     * @return string HTML for the script entries
    public function getJavaScriptEntries()
        $entries = parent::getJavaScriptEntries();
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/yui/build/yahoo/yahoo.js"></script>' . "\n";
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/yui/build/dom/dom.js"></script>' . "\n";
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/yui/build/event/event.js"></script>' . "\n";
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/yui/build/animation/animation.js"></script>' . "\n";
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/yui/build/autocomplete/autocomplete.js"></script>' . "\n";
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/yui/build/connection/connection.js"></script>' . "\n";
        $entries .= '<script src="' . $this->baseUrl . '/javascript/json.js"></script>' . "\n";
        return $entries;
    public function getDraggableScript($content)
        return parent::getDraggableScript('content_' . $content->getContentId());


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