[geeklog-cvs] Auth_Enterprise/Server/providers AELDAPProvider.class.php,NONE,1.1

tony at iowaoutdoors.org tony at iowaoutdoors.org
Thu Jun 24 18:02:58 EDT 2004

Update of /var/cvs/Auth_Enterprise/Server/providers
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv4480

Added Files:
Log Message:
This adds basic LDAP authentication support to Auth_Enterprise.  This file assumes that all privilege/group management (i.e. authorization data) is done via the PEAR::DB.  Authentication and password changes are done over ldap.  NOTE the password change stuff hasn't been added yet.  Also, this implementation will delgate password aging, password strength, etc to the database.

--- NEW FILE: AELDAPProvider.class.php ---

* Auth_Enterprise
* This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, that is bundled with this package
* in the file LICENSE, and is available at through the world-wide-web at
* http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are
* unable to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to license at php.net so we can
* mail you a copy immediately.
* @author Ozzyie Chen <ozzyie at doit.wisc.edu>
* @author Tony Bibbs <tony at geeklog.net>
* @copyright 2004
* @version $Id: AELDAPProvider.class.php,v 1.1 2004/06/24 22:02:55 tony Exp $

* Bring in the base Auth_Enterprise provider
require_once 'Auth_Enterprise/Server/providers/AEBasePearDBProvider.class.php';

* The Auth_Enterprise server configuration file
require_once 'Auth_Enterprise/Server/AEServerConfig.php';

* Auth_Enteprise LDAP database provider
* This extends the base PEAR::DB server provider and simply implements the authenticate() and
* createAccount() and change password methods against the LDAP datasource.
* @author Ozzyie Chen <ozzyie at doit.wisc.edu>
* @author Tony Bibbs <tony at geeklog.net>
* @package net.geeklog.auth_enterprise.server
class AELDAPProvider extends AEBasePearDBProvider {
    * Handle to an LDAP connection
    protected $ldapConn = null;
    * Sets app ID and establish LDAP connection
    * @author Ozzyie Chen <ozzyie at doit.wisc.edu>
    * @param string $appId Application ID
    public function __construct($appId)
        global $gConf;
        // Call constructor on parent first
        // Try connecting to the LDAP server
        $this->ldapConn = ldap_connect($gConf[AE_PROVIDER_LDAP]['ldapHost'],
        if (!$this->ldapConn) {
           // Throw LDAP connection exception
           throw new AEUnableToConnect('Unable to connect to LDAP server');
        // Set LDAP protocol version
        ldap_set_option($this->ldapConn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $gConf[AE_PROVIDER_LDAP]['ldapProtocolVersion']);

    * Binds to the LDAP server with a specific set of credentials
    * @author Tony Bibbs <tony at geeklog.net>
    * @access protected
    * @param string $dn
    * @param string $userPassword Password to bind with
    protected function doBind($dn, $userPassword)
        if (empty($userPassword)) {
           if (!ldap_bind($this->ldapConn, $dn)) {
              // Throw LDAP bind exception
              throw new AELDAPBindError('LDAP bind failed');
        } else {
           //print "$dn"; exit;
           //print_r($this->ldapConn); exit;
           if (!ldap_bind($this->ldapConn, $dn, $userPassword)) {
              // Throw LDAP bind exception
              throw new AELDAPBindError('LDAP bind failed');

    * Authenticates user against an LDAP repository
    * @author Ozzyie Chen <ozzyie at doit.wisc.edu>
    * @access protected
    * @param string $userName User to authenticate
    * @param string $password Password to authenticate with
    public function authenticate($userName, $password)
        global $gConf;
        try {
           $this->doBind("cn=$userName,ou=people,{$gConf[AE_PROVIDER_LDAP]['ldapDC']}", $password);
        } catch (AELDAPBindError $e) {
           throw new AEInvalidUserCredentials($e->getMessage());
        } catch (Exception $e) {
           throw $e;
        // OK, authentication worked, get data for the user
        $prepStmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT user_name,user_password,user_account_locked,
            user_failed_attempts,user_pwd_last_set FROM ae_user
            WHERE user_name = ?');
        $result = $this->db->execute($prepStmt, array($userName));
        if (DB::isError($result)) {
            throw new AESQLException($result->toString());
        $this->isAuthenticated = true;
        if ($result->numRows() > 0) {
            $user = $this->mapResultToUserObject($result);
            // Ensure the account hasn't been locked
            // Do we need to do this for LDAP or can LDAP
            // report this?
            if ($user->getAccountLocked()) {
                throw new AEAccountLocked();
            // Check to see if password has expired.
            if ($user->isPasswordExpired()) {
                throw new AEPasswordExpired();
            try {
                // We get the groups as those will be sent back in user object
            } catch (AESQLException $e) {
                throw $e;
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                throw $e;
            return $user;
        } else {
            // Hrm no data for the user exists.  This is an obvious error
            throw new AEUnknownException('LDAP authenticated fine but the user is not in the database');

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