[geeklog-cvs] geeklog-1.3/public_html/admin syndication.php,NONE,1.1 moderation.php,1.41,1.42 story.php,1.99,1.100

geeklog-cvs-admin at lists.geeklog.net geeklog-cvs-admin at lists.geeklog.net
Tue Aug 12 17:10:07 EDT 2003

Update of /usr/cvs/geeklog/geeklog-1.3/public_html/admin
In directory geeklog_prod:/tmp/cvs-serv26144/public_html/admin

Modified Files:
	moderation.php story.php 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Admin interface for Content Syndication; Extensions to the Plugin API to allow plugins to create feeds; Other feed formats can be implemented as classes.

--- NEW FILE: syndication.php ---

/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Geeklog 1.3                                                               |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | syndication.php                                                           |
// |                                                                           |
// | Geeklog content syndication administration                                |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2003 by the following authors:                              |
// |                                                                           |
// | Authors: Dirk Haun         - dirk at haun-online.de                          |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                                           |
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or             |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License               |
// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2            |
// | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                    |
// |                                                                           |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | GNU General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                           |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   |
// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.           |
// |                                                                           |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: syndication.php,v 1.1 2003/08/12 21:10:05 dhaun Exp $

require_once ('../lib-common.php');

if (!SEC_inGroup ('Root')) {
    $display .= COM_siteHeader ()
        . COM_startBlock ($MESSAGE[30], '',
                          COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header'))
        . $MESSAGE[31]
        . COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer'))
        . COM_siteFooter ();
    echo $display;

* Display a list of all available feeds.
* @return   string   HTML for the block that contains the list of feeds
function listfeeds ()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG33;

    $retval = '';

    $feed_template = new Template ($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'admin/syndication');
    $feed_template->set_file (array ('list' => 'listfeeds.thtml',
                                     'row' => 'listitem.thtml'));

    $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG33[10], '',
                               COM_getBlockTemplate ('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $feed_template->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('site_admin_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']);

    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_newfeed', $LANG33[11]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_adminhome', $LANG33[12]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_instructions', $LANG33[13]);

    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_title', $LANG33[14]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_type', $LANG33[15]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_filename', $LANG33[16]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_format', $LANG33[17]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_updated', $LANG33[18]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_enabled', $LANG33[19]);

    $result = DB_query ("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) as date FROM {$_TABLES['syndication']}");
    $num = DB_numRows ($result);

    if ($num == 0) {
        $feed_template->set_var ('feed_title', $LANG33[22]);
        $feed_template->parse ('feedlist_items', 'row', true);
    } else {
        $feedpath = $_CONF['rdf_file'];
        $pos = strrpos ($feedpath, '/');
        $feed = substr ($feedpath, 0, $pos + 1);
        $url = substr_replace ($feed, $_CONF['site_url'], 0,
                               strlen ($_CONF['path_html']) - 1);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray ($result);

            $link = '<a href="' . $url . $A['filename'] . '">' . $A['filename']
                  . '</a>';

            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_id', $A['fid']);
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_title', $A['title']);
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_type', ucwords ($A['type']));
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_format', ucwords ($A['format']));
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_filename', $A['filename']);
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_filename_and_link', $link);
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_updated',
                                     strftime ($_CONF['daytime'], $A['date']));
            if ($A['is_enabled'] == 1) {
                $enabled = $LANG33[20];
            } else {
                $enabled = $LANG33[21];
            $feed_template->set_var ('feed_enabled', $enabled);
            $feed_template->parse ('feedlist_items', 'row', true);

    $retval .= $feed_template->finish ($feed_template->parse ('output','list'));
    $retval .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_admin_block', 'footer'));

    return $retval;

* Create a list of all available feed formats. Assumes there is a class named
* xxx.feed.class.php for every format "xxx" (in system/classes).
* @return   array   array of names of feed formats (and classes)
function find_feedFormats ()
    global $_CONF;

    $formats = array ();
    $fd = opendir ($_CONF['path_system'] . '/classes');
    while (($file = @readdir ($fd)) !== false) {
        if (preg_match ('/(.*)\.feed\.class\.php$/i', $file, $match)) {
            $formats[] = $match[1];

    sort ($formats);

    return $formats;

* Create a list of feed types that Geeklog offers.
* @return   string   an array with id/name pairs for every feed
function get_geeklogFeeds ()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG33;

    $options = array ();

    $sql = "SELECT tid,topic FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE perm_anon >= 2 ORDER BY ";
    if ($_CONF['sortmethod'] == 'alpha') {
        $sql .= 'topic ASC';
    } else {
        $sql .= 'sortnum';
    $result = DB_query ($sql);
    $num = DB_numRows ($result);

    if ($num > 0) {
        $options[] = array ('id' => '::all', 'name' => $LANG33[23]);

    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray ($result);
        $options[] = array ('id' => $A['tid'], 'name' => $A['topic']);

    return $options;

* Display the feed editor.
* @param    int      $fid    feed id (0 for new feeds)
* @param    string   $type   type of feed, e.g. 'geeklog'
* @return   string           HTML for the feed editor
function editfeed ($fid = 0, $type = '')
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG33;

    if ($fid > 0) {
        $result = DB_query ("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS date FROM {$_TABLES['syndication']} WHERE fid = '$fid'");
        $A = DB_fetchArray ($result);
        $fid = $A['fid'];
    if ($fid == 0) {
        if (!empty ($type)) { // set defaults
            $A['fid'] = $fid;
            $A['type'] = $type;
            $A['format'] = 'rss';
            $A['limits'] = $_CONF['rdf_limit'];
            $A['content_length'] = $_CONF['rdf_storytext'];
            $A['language'] = $_CONF['rdf_language'];
            $A['charset'] = $_CONF['default_charset'];
            $A['is_enabled'] = 1;
        } else {
            return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/syndication.php');

    $retval = '';

    $feed_template = new Template ($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'admin/syndication');
    $feed_template->set_file ('editor', 'feededitor.thtml');

    $feed_template->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('site_admin_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']);

    $feed_template->set_var ('start_feed_editor', COM_startBlock ($LANG33[24],
            '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_admin_block', 'header')));
    $feed_template->set_var ('end_block',
            COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_admin_block', 'footer')));

    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_feedtitle', $LANG33[25]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_enabled', $LANG33[19]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_format', $LANG33[17]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_limits', $LANG33[26]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_content_length', $LANG33[27]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_clen_explain', $LANG33[28]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_description', $LANG33[29]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_filename', $LANG33[16]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_updated', $LANG33[30]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_type', $LANG33[15]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_charset', $LANG33[31]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_language', $LANG33[32]);
    $feed_template->set_var ('lang_topic', $LANG33[33]);

    $feed_template->set_var('lang_save', $LANG33[2]);
    $feed_template->set_var('lang_cancel', $LANG33[4]);
    if ($A['fid'] > 0) {
        $feed_template->set_var ('delete_option', '<input type="submit" value="'
                                 . $LANG33[3] . '" name="mode"');
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_id', $A['fid']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_title', $A['title']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_description', $A['description']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_content_length', $A['content_length']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_filename', $A['filename']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_type', $A['type']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_type_display', ucwords ($A['type']));
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_charset', $A['charset']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_language', $A['language']);

    $nicedate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['date']);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_updated', $nicedate[0]);

    $formats = find_feedFormats ();
    $selection = '<select name="format">' . LB;
    foreach ($formats as $f) {
        $selection .= '<option value="' . $f . '"';
        if ($A['format'] == $f) {
            $selection .= ' selected="selected"';
        $selection .= '>' . ucwords ($f) . '</option>' . LB;
    $selection .= '</select>' . LB;
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_format', $selection);

    $limits = $A['limits'];
    $hours = false;
    if (substr ($A['limits'], -1) == 'h') {
        $limits = substr ($A['limits'], 0, -1);
        $hours = true;
    $selection = '<select name="limits_in">' . LB;
    $selection .= '<option value="0"';
    if (!$hours) {
        $selection .= ' selected="selected"';
    $selection .= '>' . $LANG33[34] . '</option>' . LB;
    $selection .= '<option value="1"';
    if ($hours) {
        $selection .= ' selected="selected"';
    $selection .= '>' . $LANG33[35] . '</option>' . LB;
    $selection .= '</select>' . LB;
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_limits', $limits);
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_limits_what', $selection);

    if ($A['type'] == 'geeklog') {
        $options = get_geeklogFeeds ();
    } else {
        $options = PLG_getFeedNames ($A['type']);
    $selection = '<select name="topic">' . LB;
    foreach ($options as $o) {
        $selection .= '<option value="' . $o['id'] . '"';
        if ($A['topic'] == $o['id']) {
            $selection .= ' selected="selected"';
        $selection .= '>' . $o['name'] . '</option>' . LB;
    $selection .= '</select>' . LB;
    $feed_template->set_var ('feed_topic', $selection);

    if ($A['is_enabled'] == 1) {
        $feed_template->set_var ('is_enabled', 'checked="checked"');
    } else {
        $feed_template->set_var ('is_enabled', '');

    $retval .= $feed_template->finish ($feed_template->parse ('output',
    return $retval;

* Create a new feed. This is an extra step to take once you have a plugin
* installed that supports the new Feed functions in the Plugin API. This
* will let you select for which plugin (or Geeklog) you're creating the feed.
* @return   string   HTML for the complete page (selection or feed editor)
function newfeed ()
    global $_CONF, $LANG33;

    $retval = '';

    $plugins = PLG_supportingFeeds ();
    if (sizeof ($plugins) == 0) {
        // none of the installed plugins are supporting feeds
        // - go directly to the feed editor
        $retval = COM_siteHeader ('menu')
                . editfeed (0, 'geeklog')
                . COM_siteFooter ();
    } else {
        $selection = '<select name="type">' . LB;
        $selection .= '<option value="geeklog">Geeklog</option>' . LB;
        foreach ($plugins as $p) {
            $selection .= '<option value="' . $p . '">' . ucwords ($p)
                       . '</option>' . LB;
        $selection .= '</select>' . LB;

        $feed_template = new Template ($_CONF['path_layout']
                                       . 'admin/syndication');
        $feed_template->set_file ('type', 'selecttype.thtml');

        $feed_template->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
        $feed_template->set_var ('site_admin_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url']);
        $feed_template->set_var ('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']);

        $feed_template->set_var ('type_selection', $selection);

        $feed_template->set_var ('lang_explain', $LANG33[37]);
        $feed_template->set_var ('lang_go', $LANG33[1]);

        $retval .= COM_siteHeader ('menu');
        $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG33[36], '',
                COM_getBlockTemplate ('_admin_block', 'header'));
        $retval .= $feed_template->finish ($feed_template->parse ('output',
        $retval .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_admin_block', 'footer'));
        $retval .= COM_siteFooter ();

    return $retval;

* Save feed.
* @param    array    $A
* @return   string   HTML redirect on success or feed editor + error message
function savefeed ($A)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG33;

    foreach ($A as $name => $value) {
        $A[$name] = COM_stripslashes ($value);

    if ($A['is_enabled'] == 'on') {
        $A['is_enabled'] = 1;
    } else {
        $A['is_enabled'] = 0;

    if (empty ($A['title']) || empty ($A['description']) ||
            empty ($A['filename'])) {
        $retval = COM_siteHeader ('menu')
                . COM_startBlock ($LANG33[38], '',
                        COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header'))
                . $LANG33[39]
                . COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer'))
                . editfeed ($A['fid'], $A['type'])
                . COM_siteFooter ();
        return $retval;
    if ($A['limits'] <= 0) {
        $retval = COM_siteHeader ('menu')
                . COM_startBlock ($LANG33[38], '',
                        COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header'))
                . $LANG33[40]
                . COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer'))
                . editfeed ($A['fid'], $A['type'])
                . COM_siteFooter ();
        return $retval;
    if ($A['limits_in'] == 1) {
        $A['limits'] .= 'h';

    // we can compensate if these are missing ...
    if (empty ($A['charset'])) {
        $A['charset'] = $_CONF['default_charset'];
        if (empty ($A['charset'])) {
            $A['charset'] = 'UTF-8';
    if (empty ($A['language'])) {
        $A['language'] = $_CONF['rdf_language'];
        if (empty ($A['language'])) {
            $A['language'] = $_CONF['locale'];
    if ($A['content_length'] < 0) {
        $A['content_length'] = 0;

    foreach ($A as $name => $value) {
        $A[$name] = addslashes ($value);

    DB_save ($_TABLES['syndication'], 'fid,type,topic,format,limits,content_length,title,description,filename,charset,language,is_enabled,updated,update_info',
        "{$A['fid']},'{$A['type']}','{$A['topic']}','{$A['format']}','{$A['limits']}',{$A['content_length']},'{$A['title']}','{$A['description']}','{$A['filename']}','{$A['charset']}','{$A['language']}',{$A['is_enabled']},'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL");

    if ($A['fid'] == 0) {
        $A['fid'] = DB_insertId ();
    SYND_updateFeed ($A['fid']);

    return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/syndication.php?msg=58');

* Delete a feed.
* @param    int      $fid   feed id
* @return   string          HTML redirect
function deletefeed ($fid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;

    if ($fid > 0) {
        DB_delete ($_TABLES['syndication'], 'fid', $fid);

        return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url']
                            . '/syndication.php?msg=59');

    return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/syndication.php');

$display = '';

if (count ($HTTP_POST_VARS) == 0) {
    $http_input_vars = $HTTP_GET_VARS;
} else {
    $http_input_vars = $HTTP_POST_VARS;

if ($http_input_vars['mode'] == 'edit') {
    if ($http_input_vars['fid'] == 0) {
        $display .= newfeed ();
    } else {
        $display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu')
                 . editfeed ($http_input_vars['fid'])
                 . COM_siteFooter ();
else if (($http_input_vars['mode'] == $LANG33[1]) && !empty ($LANG33[1]))
    $display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu')
             . editfeed (0, $http_input_vars['type'])
             . COM_siteFooter ();
else if (($http_input_vars['mode'] == $LANG33[2]) && !empty ($LANG33[2]))
    $display .= savefeed ($http_input_vars);
else if (($http_input_vars['mode'] == $LANG33[3]) && !empty ($LANG33[3]))
    $display .= deletefeed ($http_input_vars['fid']);
    $display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu')
             . COM_showMessage ($http_input_vars['msg'])
             . listfeeds ()
             . COM_siteFooter ();

echo $display;


Index: moderation.php
RCS file: /usr/cvs/geeklog/geeklog-1.3/public_html/admin/moderation.php,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -C2 -d -r1.41 -r1.42
*** moderation.php	14 Jul 2003 10:35:09 -0000	1.41
--- moderation.php	12 Aug 2003 21:10:05 -0000	1.42
*** 548,553 ****
--- 548,559 ----
+                 COM_rdfUpToDateCheck ();    
+                 COM_olderStuff ();    
              } else if ($type == 'draft') {
                  DB_query ("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET draft_flag = 0 WHERE sid = {$mid[$i]}");
+                 COM_rdfUpToDateCheck ();    
+                 COM_olderStuff ();    
              } else {
                  // This is called in case this is a plugin. There may be some

Index: story.php
RCS file: /usr/cvs/geeklog/geeklog-1.3/public_html/admin/story.php,v
retrieving revision 1.99
retrieving revision 1.100
diff -C2 -d -r1.99 -r1.100
*** story.php	25 Jul 2003 10:08:55 -0000	1.99
--- story.php	12 Aug 2003 21:10:05 -0000	1.100
*** 910,917 ****
          DB_save($_TABLES['stories'],'sid,uid,tid,title,introtext,bodytext,hits,date,comments,related,featured,commentcode,statuscode,postmode,frontpage,draft_flag,numemails,owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon,show_topic_icon',"$sid,$uid,'$tid','$title','$introtext','$bodytext',$hits,'$date','$comments','$related',$featured,'$commentcode','$statuscode','$postmode','$frontpage',$draft_flag,$numemails,$owner_id,$group_id,$perm_owner,$perm_group,$perm_members,$perm_anon,$show_topic_icon", $return_to);
!         // If this is done as part of moderation stuff then delete the submission
          if ($type == 'submission') {
      } else {
          $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu');
--- 910,919 ----
          DB_save($_TABLES['stories'],'sid,uid,tid,title,introtext,bodytext,hits,date,comments,related,featured,commentcode,statuscode,postmode,frontpage,draft_flag,numemails,owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon,show_topic_icon',"$sid,$uid,'$tid','$title','$introtext','$bodytext',$hits,'$date','$comments','$related',$featured,'$commentcode','$statuscode','$postmode','$frontpage',$draft_flag,$numemails,$owner_id,$group_id,$perm_owner,$perm_group,$perm_members,$perm_anon,$show_topic_icon", $return_to);
!         // If this is done as part of the moderation then delete the submission
          if ($type == 'submission') {
+         COM_rdfUpToDateCheck ();
+         COM_olderStuff ();
      } else {
          $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu');
*** 962,966 ****
      // update RSS feed and Older Stories block
!     COM_exportRDF ();
      COM_olderStuff ();
--- 964,968 ----
      // update RSS feed and Older Stories block
!     COM_rdfUpToDateCheck ();
      COM_olderStuff ();

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