[chemfp] chemfp-1.0 is out!

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Tue Sep 20 19:32:09 EDT 2011

I've spent a lot of the last few weeks working on test
cases and documentation. That's finally done!

I've put the source code up at

and the documentation is at

In part of the documentation I did a 100,000 x 100,000
similarity search against arbitrarily selected compounds
from PubChem, using the 881 bit fingerprints. That took
about 7 minutes. I'm rather pleased with that, though
I know there's a factor of 2-3 I can get from switching
to processer-specific popcount code, and another factor
of 2 if I actually do the N*(N-1)/2 algorithm.

(*sigh* Ever more work. ;) )

Let me know if you like it or if there are problems.

dalke at dalkescientific.com

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