[BwayDems] Letter writing and phonebanking opportunities for Georgia's Run-Off Election

Broadway Democrats broadway.dems at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 19:03:57 EST 2020

[image: Screen Shot 2020-11-29 at 3.56.03 PM.png]

*Only Five Weeks until Georgia’s Run-Off Election which will determine the
direction of our Senate, Mitch McConnell & America.*

*Letter Writing to encourage voters to vote *

Do your part and help us write letters to Georgia voters to encourage them
to vote in Georgia’s special election for their two senators - a race that
will determine the direction of our country - and Mitch McConnell’s reign.

As you know, a run-off election on January 5 will decide Georgia’s two
Senate seats. Raphael Warnock, an African American pastor from Atlanta, is
up against Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrat Jon Ossoff is
challenging incumbent Sen. David Perdue.

Join us this Saturday, December 5, 2020 at noon to write VOTE FORWARD GOTV
letters to Georgia voters.

Let us know if you need letters printed and envelopes.  Or if you’d like to
print your own, go to *votefwd.org* <https://votefwd.org/>, and register
for a volunteer account using your email address, your Facebook account, or
your Google account.   When you are approved, you will receive a welcome
email from Vote Forward with the subject line: “You’re approved to send
letters on Vote Forward”, and you can get started writing letters.

Please email marybpeppito at legal-aid.org and let us know your email address
and whether you need letters, and if so, your address, phone number and
whether you have a doorman.  We’ll send you the zoom link Friday before the
letter writing party.

*Other ways to help win the Senate!*

**Phone banking:*

*1.) Reclaim Our Vote: * Every Tuesday through Dec 29 from 4:30 to 7pm we
are joining *Reclaim Our Vote* and calling voters of color outside of the
major urban areas in Georgia for the two US Senate runoff elections.  Until
the Dec 7 deadline we are calling to register voters.  After that we’ll
call to GOTV, by providing County-specific voting information.  Join us!
Winning both seats means a majority for Democrats in the US Senate.  We
provide training and support during our phonebanking sessions on
Zoom.  Sign up here:  https://bit.ly/ROVBroadwayDemsGAphonebanks

*2.) Fair Fight phone banking: *- *[Stacey Abrams’ organization]*


*3.) New Georgia Project phonebanking  [Stacey Abrams is co-founder]* -



*Reverend Raphael Warnock's campaign*


*Jon Ossoff's campaign*


*New Georgia Project [Stacey Abrams is a co-founder]*

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