curtisdems at aol.com curtisdems at aol.com
Fri Aug 25 12:03:45 EDT 2017

The summer is winding down, but the campaign is heating up. City Council Member Mark Levine is challenged in the September 12 primary by a notorious opponent. From Charlottesville to the 7th Council District, we must stand up against anti-Semitic and all other forms of hate speech--and in support of Mark's outstanding record on behalf of tenants, education, parks and the environment.

What can we do?

First, PHONE BANK. This Wednesday, August 30 is Broadway Democrats' phone bank day at the Mark Levine headquarters, 601 West 136th St., corner of Broadway. The calling will take place between  5 and 8 PM, come when you can. If you want to phone bank but can't make it that day, call Stephanie Bello, 646-893-9161, to arrange for another time.

Second, DISTRIBUTE CAMPAIGN LITERATURE IN YOUR BUILDING. This can be picked up at Levine headquarters, or call (917-757-9247) or email (Curtisdems at aol.com) Curtis Arluck to arrange for local distribution.

Third, HIT THE STREETS FOR MARK! The club will be tabling on Saturdays, Sundays and weeknights, and doing some AM subways, many times between now and September 12. And of course we'll be out all day on primary day. Let Curtis know when you're available. 

We will also be working on behalf of our two other opposed candidates, Mayor Bill De Blasio and Public Advocate Letitia James. Our other candidates, including Scott Stringer and Gale Brewer, are unopposed.

See you on the Campaign Trail!

Curtis, Paula, Pat and the Broadway Democrats

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