[BwayDems] Urgent - Calls Needed Today on Manchin/Toomey Amendment

Paula Diamond Roman valleygirl109 at rocketmail.com
Wed Apr 17 11:46:02 EDT 2013

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence


>Dear Paula ,


>There will be a vote late this afternoon -  4PM  - on amendments to the gun package being debated in the Senate.  One of the first amendments to be discussed is the Manchin/Toomey compromise amendment.  While there are some parts of this amendment that we do not like, it is an important first step toward improving the federal background check system on gun sales.  It still needs a few more votes to get by the 60 vote threshold that prevents a filibuster on this amendment.  Please help in one of three ways or all three if you have time.


>1) Call the Senators who are sitting on the fence on this vote. Ask them to vote for the Manchin/Toomey Amendment.  They are not your Senators but if the person answering the phone asks for your zip, you can say that this bill is important to everyone in the country as guns easily travel across state lines.  We do not generally ask people to call into other states but the gun lobby makes such calls all the time and are pounding these Senators with calls today.


>Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): 202-224-3324


>Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT): 202-224-2651


>Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK): 202-224-3004


>Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN): 202-224-4814


>Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND): 202-224-2043


>Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV): 202-224-6244


>Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA): 202-224-5824


>Sen. John McCain (R-AZ): 202-224-2235


>Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK): 202-224-6665


>Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR): 202-224-2353


>2) And if you have a friend or relative in one the states listed above, can you ask them to make a call.  Those calls are golden.


>3) Finally you can also make calls through a system set up by the Brady Campaign. 



>Please text MYVOICE to 877877 and

>follow the prompts to connect with your Senators. 

>Tell them you reject violence in all forms, and urge their support for expanded background checks as an important next step to make our nation safer.



>Thank you!


>Leah Barrett, Executive Director

>If you received this message from a friend, click here to sign up for New Yorkers Against Gun Violence.



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