[BwayDems] What My Mom Taught Me

Melissa Mark-Viverito newsfrommelissa at gmail.com
Wed May 16 15:55:12 EDT 2012

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A Happy Belated Mother's Day to all!

Those of you who know me know that I approach my position with a real commitment
to social justice and standing up for some of our city's most vulnerable residents
-- children, seniors, immigrants and working families. My mom is a huge reason for
that. She has spent much of her life as a trailblazer in Puerto Rico's feminist
movement, fighting for equal rights for women on the island. I have learned so
much from her about what it means to courageously challenge injustices and these
lessons still inform my work to this day (my dad was no shrinking violet either
and just as big an influence, but you'll learn more about that in my Father's Day
e-mail!). Both of my parents are a big part of why fighting for a more just, equal
and inclusive city is so important to me.

You may remember a couple of weeks ago that I shared with you the efforts I was
engaged in to support car wash workers in NYC. Since then, we held a hearing on
legislation I introduced that would require car washes to get a license from the
City a way of gaining greater oversight over this industry. Tomorrow, I will stand
alongside car wash workers and community leaders at a rally here in El Barrio/East
Harlem where these workers are being exploited, working 12 hour days for below minimum
wage and no overtime, and handling dangerous machinery and hazardous chemicals on
the job. The rally will take place at 6:00 p.m. outside of LMC Car Wash on E. 109th
Street and 1st Avenue.

Will you be there tomorrow? Please join us in coming out and supporting these immigrant
workers as they struggle to organize. [mailto:newsfrommelissa at gmail.com?subject=I%20will%20be%20there!&body=You%20can%20count%20on%20me%20to%20join%20you%20tomorrow%2C%20May%2017th%20at%206%3A00%20pm%2C%20for%20the%20rally%20in%20support%20of%20car%20wash%20workers%20at%20109th%20Street%20and%201st%20Avenue.]
Speaking of immigrant workers, I'm sure you've all heard about the mandated roll
out of the federal Secure Communities program here in NYC. This program will facilitate
the deportation of even more immigrant New Yorkers, regardless of whether they have
committed a crime. I have joined Speaker Christine Quinn in sending a letter to
Secretary Janet Napolitano to oppose this program's forced implementation in New
York City, and I am working with the Speaker on drafting a new local law that would
expand the protections that we've already put in place for immigrants who are accused,
but not convicted, of a crime.
And yesterday the City Council adopted a resolution that I sponsored with my colleague
Brad Lander calling upon Village Voice Media to stop accepting adult services ads
through Backpage.com. This website is a vehicle for sex trafficking where young
children and women are routinely sold by pimps in a form of modern day slavery.
In considering the resolution, the City Council heard powerful, moving testimony
from a young girl who was trafficked through Backpage. At the age of 12, she was
sometimes sent on 35 "dates" in one night. This is truly unfathomable but it is
happening every day in our city and beyond. Taking this stand against Backpage
is an important step, but we in the Council are committed to supporting the multi-pronged
efforts needed to truly put an end to trafficking of these children and women.

The struggle to support vulnerable populations in our city continues, whether it's
hardworking, immigrant families or young girls who are tragically sold in the sex
trade. I know I can count on you for your continued support in these and other
important efforts.

As a start, I hope you'll consider joining us tomorrow at 6 pm on 109th Street and
1st Avenue. Low-wage, predominately immigrant, workers do the work that keeps our
community running. We must stand up and demand that their rights are respected.
And if you can't make it, click here to sign a petition in support of the workers

Thanks to all of you who faithfully read my e-mails, especially my mom. ;-)


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Office of Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito | 105 East 116th Street | New York | NY | 10029
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