[BwayDems] Join Ede on this new adventure

Ede Fox ede at edefox.com
Wed Dec 14 10:01:37 EST 2011

Dear Friend,

>From helping 1199SEIU healthcare workers get the contracts they deserve to hitting the doors all over New York City for progressive, community-minded candidates, I’ve never shied away from the hard work it takes to bring positive change to our City.

As a native New Yorker, I care deeply for our community.  As a committed progressive, I firmly believe that one must be the change one wants to see.

And this is why I am running for City Council.

Over the years, I’ve worked closely with the Council; first as Melissa Mark-Viverito’s Legislative Director and then as Chief of Staff for Jumaane Williams.  I’ve become an active member of our Community Board 8 in Brooklyn, serving as Chair of the Environmental/Sanitation Committee, where I’ve championed issues ranging from opposing hydrofracking in the New York City watershed to the responsible use of pesticides in public areas. 

Through these experiences, I have found that people like you believe deeply in our City and are already doing the work it takes to move us positively into the future. 

I am running to serve you and your efforts.

I am running to ensure access to affordable, quality housing.  I am running to demand responsible development that helps our small businesses and creates jobs for our families and neighbors.  I am running to protect public education and make sure each and every one of our children receive the education and opportunities they need to succeed.

But I can’t get this done alone.  I can’t do this without your input and support—without the input and support of our community.

City Council elections may not be until 2013, but the work it takes to win begins right now.  To help, you can  join me on Facebook <http://www.edefox.com/r?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D540465086&utm_campaign=introduction_em&n=1&e=336a94706fe26a8c56584797e38a20d7081c8b57&utm_source=friendsofedefox&utm_medium=email>  as we begin to grow our grassroots network and show the strength of our campaign.  You can  visit my website <http://www.edefox.com/?e=336a94706fe26a8c56584797e38a20d7081c8b57&utm_source=friendsofedefox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=introduction_em&n=2>  to learn more about our campaign, to  donate <http://www.edefox.com/donate?e=336a94706fe26a8c56584797e38a20d7081c8b57&utm_source=friendsofedefox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=introduction_em&n=3> , or to  volunteer <http://www.edefox.com/volunteer?e=336a94706fe26a8c56584797e38a20d7081c8b57&utm_source=friendsofedefox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=introduction_em&n=4>. 

So thank you for your help, and thank you for your support.  Together, we can be the change we want to see.


P.S. -  A donation of $10, $25, or $50 will go a long way to making sure you have a voice in City Hall after the next elections <http://www.edefox.com/donate?e=336a94706fe26a8c56584797e38a20d7081c8b57&utm_source=friendsofedefox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=introduction_em&n=5> . <http://www.edefox.com/donate?e=336a94706fe26a8c56584797e38a20d7081c8b57&utm_source=friendsofedefox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=introduction_em&n=6>   Your donation could be eligible for a 6 to 1 match from the New York City Campaign Finance Board, so your $50 donation could mean $350 for the campaign.  I can't do this without your support, and anything you can do to help at this early stage will go far to make sure we win in 2013.

Ede Fox - Brooklyn, NY 11238
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