[BwayDems] Dan Cohen for State Committee

Daniel Marks Cohen newyorkcitydan at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 1 15:03:12 EDT 2010

Dear Friend:
I need your help.  As you know, I have had a keen interest in politics for over two decades.  And I have been keeping my eyes open for an opportunity to put my passion into practice in the community where my family and I have lived for all of my life.  That opportunity has arrived!  A party position, called Democratic State Committeeman in the 69th Assembly District, has opened up and I am on the ballot in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, September 14th! 
Every club, party and elected official in the district that has endorsed in this race is supporting me over my opponent, and my list of supporters includes Congressman Jerry Nadler, Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell, and City Councilwoman Gale Brewer, among many others. 
If you are a registered Democrat who lives on the Upper West Side in the 69th Assembly District – roughly from 86th Street to 125th Street, from the Hudson River to Central Park – please vote for me in the Democratic Primary election on Tuesday, September 14th.  And please tell your friends and family who live in the district as well.  (You can also go to my website: www.CohenForNewYork.org to see a map of 69th Assembly District).
I want to be State Committeeman because it is a chance to continue what I have been doing for two decades – being a political reformer – and now I hope to take my participation up to the next level through the State Committee.
What do members of the Democratic State Committee do?  They elect party officials on the state and national level, but more importantly they nominate candidates for state-wide public office.  If a candidate gets enough votes from the State Committee he or she can avoid having to collect signatures to get on the ballot through an arduous and expensive petitioning process.  Because it is a weighted vote in the Committee that is based on Democratic votes in the previous election, votes of State Committee members in high-turnout districts like the 69th AD count for twice, three times, even ten times as much as other members. 
So get involved with the campaign! Please consider a donation to my campaign – but you can do more than just write me a check (although that really helps) – my website, www.CohenForNewYork.org also has details on how you can participate in my campaign, from voter contact to building letters to street campaigning, just click on "Get Involved" and get active in my campaign for State Committee!  It is now just a two-week campaign sprint and I know that with your help I will win! 
Because this position is a bit obscure – and physically way down on the ballot – most people will overlook it, so I urge you to forward this email to anyone, to EVERYONE you know who lives on the Upper West Side to let them know I am running and to vote for me in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, September 14th!
Thank you,

- Dan.
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